29 November 2016 Privacy and Proxy Services Accreditation Implementation
Dear Colleagues,
Please find below the remote participation details for the Privacy and Proxy Services Accreditation Program IRT Meetings which will be held biweekly on Tuesdays, starting on 29 November 2016 at 14:00 UTC for 1 hour 30 minutes.
Call Details
29 November 2016, 1400-1530 UTC
Apologies : Seth Reiss, Darcy Southwell, Lindsay Hamilton-Reid, Vlad Dinculescu, Lisa Kelly, Leana Vitruk, Roger Carney, Phil Corwin, Steve Metalitz
>Confirming regular call schedule
>Call for additional expertise (we need additional IRT volunteers with experience working with a privacy/proxy service provider that is not affiliated with an ICANN-accredited registrar)
>Discussion topic 1: Draft Privacy and Proxy Service Provider Accreditation Policy Outline v.1
>Discussion topic 2: Planning for IRT subgroups
>Discussion topic 3: (tentative) ICANN operational planning (this might be pushed to the next meeting)
>Next steps
- Meeting Materials
- Draft v1 Accreditation Policy Outline
- Meeting slide deck
- Meeting Adobe Connect Chat Transcript
- Meeting Recording
https://participate.icann.org/p67o5hqw02q/ - Meeting Transcript
- Draft v1 Accreditation Policy Outline