Participants: Olivier Crepin-Leblond (OCL), Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO), Evan Leibovitch (EL), Carlton Samuels (CS), Tijani Ben Jemaa (TBJ)
Guests: Alan Greenberg (AG)
Apologies: None
Staff: Heidi Ullrich (HU), Seth Greene (SG)
Staff to include in the call-out for new ALAC WG members the list of current members for reference and confirmation.
Staff to update all WG Confluence pages with current and historical membership lists. - IN PROGRESS
Evan, Tijani, Carlton, and Alan to polish the wording of the ALAC’s current unionized JAS charter in order to make the work of the WG easier, given the fact that it will have two charters.
HU to arrange for addition of ALAC-GAC meeting to the Silicon Valley schedule. - IN PROGRESS
The ALAC should take steps to define “consumer.” - IN PROGRESS
Staff to ask Rosemary, Alex, and Beau what their next steps (including San Francisco) are regarding the proposed Candidate Consumer Constituency. (One option: They could be invited to discuss this during the At-Large San Francisco session on Tuesday at 10:30 am local time, which is when their session is scheduled.)
HU to contact Marika to request a one-week extension during which the ALAC could submit a comment on the GNSO Working Group Guidelines (the comment period ended 8 February 2011). - COMPLETED - AS PUBLIC COMMENT WAS ALREADY CLOSED, ALAC SENT STATEMENT DIRECTLY TO GNSO FOR CONSIDERATION AT THEIR NEXT MEETING.
OCL to identify who should write a simple draft ALAC comment on GNSO Working Group Guidelines, to be submitted in one week (by end of requested one-week extension). Olivier or staff to request that person write the draft comment. - COMPLETED
Staff to ask AG to write draft ALAC comment on Proposed Process for Recognition of New GNSO Constituencies, to be submitted by the end of the comment period on 4 March 2011. - COMPLETED
Staff to ask Edmon to write draft ALAC comment on Interim Report of the Internationalized Registration Data (IRD) Working Group. If Edmon considers himself too close to the report, Staff next to ask James to write comment. - IN PROGRESS
HU to research recently leaked US Commerce memo, partly addressing intellectual property issues, according to various blogs.