ALAC Executive Committee Teleconference
Date: Friday, 02 March 2012
Time: 14:00 - 15:30 UTC . For the time in various timezones click here
Meeting Number: AL.EXCO/CC.0312/1
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Summary Minutes: ALAC ExCom 02.03.12 Summary Minutes
Action Items: ALAC ExCom 02.03.12 Action Items
Chat: ALAC ExCom 02.03.12 Chat
Recording: English
Interpretation: No interpretation for this meeting
Transcript: ALAC ExCom 02.03.12 Transcript
Standing Agenda Items
1. Roll call and apologies – Staff (2 min)
2. Review of AIs from Executive Committee meeting of ALAC meeting of 28 February 2012 and ExCom Meeting of 14 February 2012 - Olivier (20 min)
Items for Discussion/Decision
6. Policy Advice Development Calendar -- Tijani, Olivier (20 min)
See: ICANN Public Comment page
See At-Large Policy Development Page
a. Recently approved ALAC Statements:
i. ALAC Statement on the IDN Variant Issues Project Draft Integrated Issues Report
ii. Initial Report on Universal Acceptance of IDN TLDs
iii. Framework for the FY 13 Budget - ALAC vote ends 29 February. The statement was submitted to the PC Forum.
b. Statements currently being reviewed by the ALAC
i. IDN Variant Issues Project – Proposed Project Plan for Next Steps - Deadline: 18 March 2012
ii. WHOIS Policy Review Team Draft Report - Deadline: 18 March 2012
See: At-Large Whois Policy Review Team Draft Report Workspace - At-Large comment period now open.
iii. Defensive Applications for New gTLDs - Deadline: 27 February - Alan Greenberg, ALAC Liaison to the GNSO, has informed the ExCom that he felt this was not an issue for which the ALAC needed to submit a statement.
v. .CAT WHOIS Proposed Changes - Deadline: 10 February - Carlton Samuels, Whois WG Chair and member of the ALAC Executive Committee, has stated that this issue will be covered in the ALAC statement on the Whois RT Draft Report.
c. Current open policy forums:
Does the ALAC wish to develop statements for the following Public Comments:
i. Further Bylaw Changes Following Adoption of Revised Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) Policy Development Process (PDP) - Deadline: 2 March 2012
ii. Draft Roadmap to Implement SAC 051- Deadline 18 March 2012
iii. Inter-Registrar Transfer Policy Part B Policy Development Process – Recommendation 8 Concerning Standardizing and Clarifying WHOIS Status Messages - Deadline: 25 March 2012
iv. Interim Report on Support Significantly Interested Parties fo rccTLD Delegation or Redelegation Requests - Deadline: 30 March 2012
v. Draft Advice Letter on Consumer Trust, Consumer Choice, and Competition - Deadline: 3 April 2012
4. San Jose, Costa Rica - Agenda Development (20 min) - Olivier
See: At-Large San Jose Meeting Page
a. Development and Review of At-Large meeting agendas
5. Agenda Items for ALAC Meetng of 28 February 2012 (10 min) - Olivier
a. On-line capacity building - Sala
b. At-Large/ALAC Objection Process - update and next steps (Avri)
c. ALAC Members' participation in WGs (Gisella)
6. Any other Business -- Olivier (5 min)
a. Establishing procedures for the posting of ALAC statements and letters to the Board Correspondence page