2010.10.26 Action Items

2010.10.26 Action Items

Alan to send an e-mail to ExCom list containing suggested wording, to be part of Board resolution, that states the Board is aware that the selection process for the At-Large-selected Director has been ongoing prior to the needed ICANN bylaws being in place and that the Board is fine with that.

Heidi to request ICANN Legal look at the requirements for incoming Board members.

Heidi to inform Adam of proposed time of 12:00 to 12:30 pm (local time) for Cartagena meeting.

Heidi to check if ATRT report session in Cartagena going to require remote input.

Heidi to ask Mason Cole from Registrars for input into the topics to be discussed at the Cartagena meeting with Registrars.

Heidi to send note to Cheryl, Rosemary, etc. re the Consumer meeting in Cartagena.

Heidi to follow up with IT regarding previously reported problems with ALAC ExCom AC Room.