EURALO December 2011 Teleconference
Date: Tuesday 20 December 2011
Time: 17:00 - 18:00 UTC For the time in various timezones click here
Meeting Number: AL.EU/CC.1211/1
How can I participate in this meeting?
Who is on the dial out list for this meeting?
Action Items: Action Items 20 December 2011
Recording: English
Transcript: EURALO 20 December Transcript
Adobe Connect Chat: EURALO 20.12.11 AC Chat
Interpretation: none
Adobe Connect Chatroom:
A G E N D A - proposed
Standing Issues:
1. Roll Call and apologies
2. Review of the Action Items from the 15 November 2011 call (2 mins)
* How to assure a current warranty of meeting minutes and Action items (Staff)
3. Briefing on current ALAC consultations and initiatives / Materials for public comments (to be accomplished) (OCL 10 min.)
- Draft letter to House Energy & Commerce Committee
- Preliminary Issue Report on the RAA Amendments
- At-Large Preliminary Issue Report on ‘Thick’ Whois Workspace
- At-Large Geographic Regions Review Workspace
- At-Large .ASIA One and Two Character Allocation Proposal Workspace
4. Briefing on ICANN Academy proposal, WG and process (Sandra 5 min.)
5. Briefing on the recent Swiss New gTLD Info day, Bern (Wolf 3 min.)
6. Briefing on the call for topics for the EuroDIG agenda 2012 in Stockholm (Sandra 3 min.)
7. Wrap-up EURALO activities 2011 -- highlights/achievements and shortcomings (Wolf and all) (10 min.)
8. EURALO planning 2012 -- first ideas and proposals (Wolf and all) (15 min.)
- next EURALO GA, June in Prague inline with the ICANN meeting 44
- EURALO Showcase?
- EuroDIG 2012
- other upcoming events and outreach opportunities.