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Participants: Christopher Wilkinson, Olivier Crépin-LeBlond, Sébastien Bachollet, Lutz Donnerhacke, Yrjö Länsipuro, Wolf Ludwig, Annette Mühlberg
Apologies: Adam Peake
Staff: Matthias Langenegger

Review of the action items from the previous meeting

Sebastien: Patrick noted that he is contemplating stepping down from his position in the ALAC

Wolf: Patrick stated that he is overloaded with work at the moment and is not in a position to commit fully to the ALAC. We therefore have two open ALAC positions. Also, Adam's ALAC position selected by NomCom will also expire at the end of the AGM in December. Lutz has submitted an application.

Olivier: at the moment, I am unable to provide any news regarding the NomCom selections

Sebastien: Hopefully we will have this information before we hold the elections. In some years we did not get the NomCom selectee before the end of September.

Lutz: I do not know about the time commitment for this position. I have time available at the moment but this might be subject to change in the coming years

Olivier: Depending on how quickly due diligence is done, we might be able to publish the names by the end of August

AI: Olivier will keep Wolf informed about the NomCom selection process

Open Public Consultations:

Sebastien: There are many consultations on the relationship between registrars and registries. Another important issue is the bylaw modifications to add an At-Large Voting member to the ICANN Board. We are also awaiting the New gTLD WG report which should be up shortly.

Olivier: Who received the request to participate in the online survey on ICANN meetings for the next decade?

Wolf, Christopher and Sebastien did. Annette did not.

AI: Matthias will get in contact with the Staff person responsible for the online survey on ICANN meetings for the next decade to find out whether it is possible for several members to participate to the survey with the same URL

Summary of Brussels Meeting Activities

Christopher: There was good participation at the showcase event and we had high-level speakers. Overall, the question to what extent EURALO actually has an influence on the discussion taken at the Board level remains open in my POV.

Yrjo: The EU Showcase was a bit long and people started to wander off. I am not sure whether we were able to attract new members but I hope we did.

Annette: I wanted to come but there was no travel support. Did you mention that, Wolf?

Wolf: Yes we mentioned that in several occasions, eg. the full-day session on Sunday and during the EURALO meeting

Annette: I wonder who all these ALS reps where that gave presentations given that there were no members funded

Wolf: That was indeed a problem. However, there were several EURALO ALS members present in Brussels

Christopher: I suggest that we ask the ALAC for an inquiry on how funding to attend ICANN meeting is allocated.

Sebastien: to cut a long story short, following the summit the Board thought At-Large was self-sufficient. The choice was between funding the ALAC and the regional Officers to attend all three yearly meeting or have one regional GA. In the budget for this year, it says that every region will have one GA in the coming three years. I believe we need to stress again to ICANN that we need more regional meetings.

Lutz: ICANN has a business-like attitude to the way they handle communities. Communities seems to be seen as commercial interest groups.

Wolf: Evan has pointed out that he could find cheaper flight tickets

Sebastien: Kevin has noted that this will soon be possible under the new travel guidelines

Olivier: keep on nagging the Board for more money!

Wolf: I was surprised that the EURALO Showcase was not mentioned on the Chair's report

Update on the At-Large Board Director Process

Christopher: The final SOI and call for nominations is now ready to be sent out. There is some discussion on the list whether applications can be submitted in languages other than English

Matthias: During the last call of the BCEC it was decided that the SOI will be available in French and Spanish but participants are required to respond in English. The SOI will be sent out today or tomorrow.

Wolf: I suggest that we support the AFRALO Statement on the Bylaw Amendments

Christopher: I don't think that anybody is opposed to the AFRALO suggestion, I think this is a fait accompli. But please make your opinions heard.

Wolf: do you all agree that we support the AFRALO Statement on the Bylaw modifications?

Everybody seems to support this.

EURALO officially endorses the AFRALO Statement on the suggested Bylaw modifications to add an At-Large Board Director.

EURALO In-reach - Continue discussion from previous meeting on in-reach activities resulting from the ALS Survey

Wolf: the response to the survey was good with over 50%. However, some of the usual suspects did not participate. We have an issue with non-participating ALSes. The goal is still to have one ALS per country but there is no sense in adding more and more non-participant ALSes. This is why we should discuss the possibility to have a decertification process.

AI: The discussion of ALS decertification process will be carried over to the next monthly call

Annette: I think the real issue is the quality of the ALS survey. It was far longer than expected and I never quite understood what this was about.

AI: Wolf will send Anette the presentation of the Survey results

IGF in Vilnius

Wolf: who is going?

Yrjo, Annette, Wolfgang, Wolf, Sandra, Sebastien, Olivier, Heike (unsure), Adam.

Wolf: Does anybody disagree that we hold the next GA at the IGF in Vilnius?

Nobody disagreed.

Wolf: Suggested issues for the next meetings: Results of ALS Survey, In-reach and outrach and EURALO Bylaw changes

Olivier: I suggest that we send out an email to the list asap to find out what ALSes are attending the IGF in Vilnius

AI: Olivier will send out an email to the list asap to find out what ALSes are attending the IGF in Vilnius

AI: Olivier, Wolf and Staff will start working on the GA Agenda at the beginning of August

The meeting was then adjourned.

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