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1. Berlin Text, with english corrections only: Berlin Text with English Cleanup

2. Berlin Text, with simplified structure and changes and suggestions to 30th September 2006, as tracked by C Bruch: C Bruch Text with Amendments to Sept 2007

Detail of Changes, Proposer, date of the email with the proposal, and the subject line of the email

Part A

1.1/1.2 Modifications by NAH to delete specific references to Germany as requested by R Gaetano, email of 26/09 (as well as others), subject: Bylaws – Article 1, P Vande Walle, 28/09 subject: Preamble and Article 1 (new version). Changes announced by NAH, 08/10, subject: “Comments on Bylaws”.

1.3 Change of fiscal year to calendar year per P Vande Walle, 28/09 subject: Preamble and Article 1 (new version). Changes announced by NAH, 08/10, subject: “Comments on Bylaws”.

1.6 Added for congruence with decision on the same subject of the Berlin meeting on 17/09

Part B

2.9 + 9.2.x+ Added to implement the proposal of V Bertola, 07/10, subject: “Clever ways to spend your Saturday”. Changes announce by NAH, 08/10, subject: “Sub Regional Proposal of Vittorio”.

Part C

3.1 Options proposed by P Vande Walle, 28/09, subject: “Bylaws – Article 3 (new version)”

3.3.3 Last phrase added per R Gaetano, 26/09, subject: “Bylaws – Article 3”

3.3.5 Addition from R Gaetano, 08/10, subject: “General Assembly”. Also to reflect comments by several people at Berlin meeting 17/09.

3.5 “Internet using” added to the first sentence per R Gaetano, 26/09, subject: “Bylaws – Article 3”

Part D

No changes proposed

Part E

5.1.2/3 ‘legal persons’ in 5.1.3 changed to ‘organisations’ to match 5.1.2 per email of R. Gaetano, 26/09, subject: ‘Bylaws – Article 5’

5.3 Addition of allowing the board to set the criteria for membership, subject to review of the GA, and the mechanism by which membership is approved from R Gaetano, 27/09, subject: “Bylaws – Article 11 (previous version).

7.1 moved from 8.1 for document consistency

7.2 moved from 8.2 for document consistency

7.3 moved from 8.3 for document consistency

7.4 moved from 8.4

7.5 moved from 8.5

7.6 moved from 8.6

7.6/7.7 Drafted by NAH per R Gaetano, 26/09, subject: “Bylaws – Article 8” to provide for a point of contact for each organisational member so that the notifications and communications have somewhere standard to be sent to.

Part F

8.1.x new section proposed by NAH, composed of standard provisions to outline sources of organisations funds.

8.2 moved from 7.1 of the original for document consistency.

8.3 moved from 7.2 of the original for document consistency.

8.4 moved from 7.3

8.5 moved from 7.4. Addition of allowance for the GA to also decide to waive or defer the payment of an Extraordinary Charge (addition by NAH for consistency with changes proposed to enhance the GA’s role by various others; see specifics below related to individual amendments.)

Part G

9.1 Addition of the Secretariat (by NAH to support provision of section 9.6 – see below), and of the Standing Committee of the General Assembly in Section 9.7. See R Gaetano, 08/10, subject: “General Assembly” after reply by NAH of 09/10 and telephone conversation between the two re: same. Replacement of ‘eventually’ with ‘if constituted’ in relation to the Advisory Council per R Gaetano, 27/09, subject: “Bylaws – Article 9”.

9.2.1 Drafted by NAH - number of directors modified per V Bertola, 07/10, subject: “Clever ways to spend your Saturday”, and other emails from others referencing having a larger board. Changes announced by NAH, 08/10, subject: “Comments on Bylaws”.

9.2.1 replacement of word 'expanded' with 'reviewed' as discussed at the EU ALS Meeting at the IGF, since it was said that in the course of time the General Assembly might shrink, as well as expand, the size of the Board.

9.2.2 Bracketed after comments by R Gaetano, 27/09, subject: “Bylaws – Article 10”

9.2.3 unnecessary section heading removed by NAH for document consistency. Replaced with diversity provisions, drafted by NAH but proposed in various emails, one of which is from R. Gaetano, 26/09, subject: “Bylaws – Article 10”, see also V Bertola, 07/10, subject: “Clever ways to spend your Saturday” Consensus at IGF EU ALS meeting to delete this requirement. As a consequence it is in brackets. Consensus at IGF EU ALS meeting to insert this requirement.

9.2.4 new section heading ‘powers and duties of the board’ created for all the various provisions relating to the same topic.

9.2.5 moved from Provided that the board is responsible to the GA, congruent with other proposals to enhance the GA’s role provided by various people, such as R Gaetano, 28/09, subject: “Bylaws - Article 16 (old numbering)” Moved from Modification to provide for GA calling its own meetings from R Gaetano, 08/10, subject: “General Assembly” individual parts split into individual clauses and moved from to,, Elaboration of each element with standard ‘good practice’ provisions by NAH. On see also P Vande Walle, 09/10, subject: “General Assembly” Moved from, modified per ? Moved from Moved from

9.2.6 Moved from 9.2.4

9.2.7 Moved from 9.2.5

9.2.8 Moved from; bracketed last phrase added by NAH to deal with missing provision on whether or not board members may be re-elected (added for discussion so the subject is not forgotten). See also R Gaetano, 29/09, subject: “Bylaws – Article 19 (old numbering)”

9.2.9 Moved from

9.2.10 Moved from

9.2.11 Moved from

9.2.12 Moved from 9.2.6. Drafted by NAH per P Vande Walle, 28/09, subject: “Bylaws – Article 12 (old numbering)” and R Gaetano, 29/09.

9.2.13 Created new section related to the Chair of the Board to hold the provisions related to this officer Options provided per reply by NAH, 09/10, subject: “General Assembly”, drafting to take into account R Gaetano, 08/10, subject: “General Assembly” Drafted by NAH embodying standard clause for this type of officer. Added for discussion by participants of external relations and who speaks externally for the RALO when required. Drafted by NAH, but derived from implied chair’s role in previous text in (9.2.16 in present text).

9.2.14 Moved from 9.2.7

9.2.15 Moved from

9.2.16 Moved from

9.2.17 Moved from

9.2.18 Moved from

9.2.19 Drafted by NAH to provide additional option per R Gaetano, 27/09, subject: Bylaws – Article 13 (old numbering)

9.2.20 Moved from Option in brackets drafted by NAH per R Gaetano, 27/09, subject: “Bylaws – Article 13 (old numbering)”

9.2.21 Moved from

9.3.3 Moved from

9.3.4 Moved from 9.3.7

9.3.5 Moved from 9.3.3

9.3.6 Moved from 9.3.5, first sentence only. Original text 9.3.6 was an extraneous section heading which was therefore deleted. 9.3.7 Second sentence of 9.3.5 created as a separate clause here.

9.4.1 Explicit statement as to the purpose of the GA as reflective of various comments from ALSes. Moved from 9.4.1. Options for voting proposed by ICANN/D Michel, drafted by NAH, with some amendments by NAH of D Michel proposal, announced 26/09 and 08/10. Consensus at EU ALS Meeting at the IGF for the options other than option 1 to be deleted. Moved from 9.4.2 Moved from 9.4.3

9.4.3 Drafted by NAH for discussion; provision for determining the point in time at which an individual member shall be invited to participate in the GA.

9.4.4 Same as immediately above, for ALS members.

9.4.5 Drafted by NAH, gives effect to D Michel/N AH/ICANN proposal related to announced 26/09 and 08/10, subject: “Comments on Bylaws”

9.4.5 Since the options from to which this clause relate have been deleted, this clause is also deleted here (italicised and in brackets)

9.4.6 Moved from 9.4.4 Moved from See also P Vande Walle, 09/10, subject: “General Assembly” Moved from Moved from Moved from Addition of provision related to Extraordinary charge which was missing in the original text though clearly intended to be included. Moved from Moved from Moved from Moved from Moved from Drafted by NAH to give effect to comments of several people about the need for gender/regional/national balance. ICANN also requires that, of the 2 ALAC representatives elected by each region, that both may not come from/reside in the same country. Added to implement the proposal of V Bertola, 07/10, subject: “Clever ways to spend your Saturday”. Changes announce by NAH, 08/10, subject: “Sub Regional Proposal of Vittorio”. Clause added to make clear that General Assembly votes shall allow for electronic voting by the whole membership as agreed at the EU ALS Meeting at the IGF. Clause added to explicitly require voting via electronic means, per the discussion at the EU ALS Meeting at the IGF. Clause added per the discussion at the EU ALS Meeting at the IGF, to prevent a large number of individual members from carrying measures over the clear objection of ALS members.

9.4.18 Drafted by NAH to give effect to, inter alia, R Gaetano, 08/10, subject: “General Assembly” Moved from /9.4.13 Drafted by NAH to give effect to R Gaetano, 05/10, subject: “Further Work on Bylaws”. Announced by NAH, 05/10, subject: “Further Work on Bylaws”. See also R Gaetano, 29/09, subject: “Bylaws – Article 19 (old numbering)” Originally part of Broken out for clarity by NAH. Drafted by NAH to provide that the summary of the work of the organisation produced by the board in (originally should get sent to the GA (implied but not explicitly stated in the original text). Drafted by NAH to provide that the accounts produced by the board in (originally should get sent to the GA (implied but not explicitly stated in the original text). Drafted by NAH to provide that the budget prepared by the board for submission to the GA ( actually gets sent to the GA for consideration. Moved from 9.4.6. Additional provision related to timing drafted by NAH for completeness.

9.4.8 Moved from 9.4.7.

9.4.9 Moved from 9.4.8

9.4.10 Drafted by NAH to give effect to R Gaetano, 29/09, subject: “Bylaws – Article 17 (old numbering)”

9.4.11 Moved from 9.4.9. Optional added clause at the end relates to modification to 9.4.10 immediately above.

9.4.12 Moved from 9.4.10.

9.4.13 Relevant section moved from 9.6.1. See also R Gaetano, 29/09, subject: “Bylaws – Article 19 (old numbering)” and R Gaetano, 05/10, subject: “Further Work on Bylaws”.

9.4.14 Moved from 9.6.2 and addition of consensus requirement by NAH to be consistent with other bodies of the association also operating by consensus (see 9.2.21, 9.3.6)

9.4.15 Moved from 9.6.3

9.4.16 Moved from 9.6.4

9.4.17 Moved from 9.6.5

9.4.18 Drafted by NAH to give effect to R Gaetano, 08/10, subject: “General Assembly” after reply by NAH of 09/10 and telephone conversation between the two re: same. See also R Gatetano, 28/09, subject: Bylaws – Article 16 (old numbering)” and V Bertola, 29/09, subject: “Bylaws – Article 16 (old numbering)”

9.4.19 Moved from 9.6.6. Cleaned up by NAH to reflect less opaque English construction of the idea.

9.4.20 Moved from 9.6.7. Revised by NAH to provide for signature by the Chair of the GA as well as the Secretary of the Board, congruent with upgrades to the position of the Chair.

9.6 Section proposed by NAH to provide standard clauses for a Secretariat, since the phrase is used other places in the text and not defined, also to act as discussion points per R Gaetano, 26/09, subject: “Bylaws - Article 3”

9.7 Drafted by NAH to give effect to R Gaetano, 08/10, subject: “General Assembly” after reply by NAH of 09/10 and telephone conversation between the two re: same. See also R Gatetano, 28/09, subject: Bylaws – Article 16 (old numbering)” and V Bertola, 29/09, subject: “Bylaws – Article 16 (old numbering)” 10 section moved from 9.7 and to newly-created Part H for structure and congruence of the text (change by NAH).

10.1 Addition of language to prevent individual members from dissolving the organisation against the wishes of the ALS members, per the EU ALS Meeting at the IGF.

Part H

10.1 Moved from 9.7.1

10.2 Moved from 9.7.2

10.3 Moved from 9.7.3

10.4 Moved from 9.7.4

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