Tijana BEN JEMAA Proposal
Definition of the criteria of involvement and participation:
- Meeting: attend RALO conference calls and any other virtual or face to face meeting
- Contribution: Contribute to the RALO discussions and/or to the ICANN policy development through mailing lists or wiki pages, as well as participation in the Working Groups
- Vote: Vote in the
- elections of RALO officers and representatives within and on various ICANN constituencies
- any other kind of vote (ratification of statement, survey, etc.)
- Local Activity: Have a real presence on the ground (Local Activity, communicate with the individual end-users of the country and the region, etc.).
Definition of the ALS status:
- Active
- Less active
- Standby
Definition of the threshold Parameters:
- Active:
- Participation in “aa” meeting or more each “b” months
- “ca” Contribution or more each “d” months
- “ea” Vote in the last “f” consecutive elections
- Less active:
- Participation in “ab” meeting or more each “b” months
- “cb” Contribution or more each “d” months
- “eb” Vote in the last “f” consecutive elections
- Participation in “ab” meeting or more each “b” months
- Standby:
- Participation in less than “ac” meeting each “b” months
- Less than “cc” Contribution each “d” months
- Less than “ec” Vote in the last “f” consecutive elections