17 September 2022 RSSAC Sessions at ICANN75

17 September 2022 RSSAC Sessions at ICANN75

RSSAC Work Session

This is a work session of the Root Server System Advisory Committee (RSSAC) focused on Cyber Incident Disclosure and RSSAC000v7. The work session is open to observers.


  1. Cyber Incident Disclosure
    1. Explore the perspectives of internet users, regulatory bodies, or governments
    2. What information about the security of the RSS would be useful for these groups?
    3. What roles could the RSS GS take on?
  2. RSSAC000v6 Update (RSSAC000v7)

Audio Recording and Transcript: https://75.schedule.icann.org/meetings/RqyJ9AKgWa2AHHKmR