Members: Nigel Roberts, Alejandra Reynoso, Becky Burr, Peter Vergote, Byron Holland, Katrina Sataki, Demi Getschko, Stephen Deerhake, Hiro Hotta, Margarita Valdez, Abibu Ntahigiye, Souleymane Oumtanga (12)
NomCom/Observers/Liasons/Regional Organizations: Maureen Hilyard, Peter Van Roste
Staff: Bart Boswinkel, Kim Carlson, joke Braken
Apologies: Debbie Monahan, Christelle Vaval
Did not attend - no apology sent:
Recording: Mp3
- Draft Agenda ccNSO Council Meeting 1 September 2016 v1.docx
- Draft Agenda ccNSO Council Meeting 1 September 2016 v1.pdf
Chat Transcript:
Kimberly Carlson:Hi Nigel, we're still a few minutes from start but you're welome to hang out with us
NIgel:I'm on the Autobahn
NIgel:just stopped at a bakers'
Kimberly Carlson:glad you slowed down enough to join us today ;)
NIgel: FYI I will probabl eave after Item 4
Kimberly Carlson:ok thanks for the heads up
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Good morning :)
Joke Braeken:Hello everyone.
Peter Vergote:Hi everyone
Maureen Hilyard:Hi Everyone
demi getschko:Hi all!
Stephen Deerhake:Good morning!
Kimberly Carlson:agenda is scrollable
Kimberly Carlson:@Abibu, your phone line has been muted
Byron Holland:I concur with Stephen's comments
Bart Boswinkel:Councilors also receive the call notes
Katrina Sataki:that's right, thanks Bart!
Bart Boswinkel:ISTC includees particpants, members on CWG and COuncilors and other inersted persons
abibu (.tz):@Kim, Ok.
NIgel:I have lost audio
Becky Burr:did you have a question on the ccwg report?
NIgel:I have some concerns about the pace of WS2, but I can email the list.
NIgel:I will probably leave at this time.
NIgel:It looks like I need to give up on the connection at this point.
NIgel:I spoke with Stephen yesteday about the NAmes contract
NIgel:and I concur with his view entirely.
Peter Van Roste (CENTR):Bart, that version you sent today seems to suggest the references to the GAC principles are accepted?
NIgel:If the GAC have resiled from 1.3 this is a MAJOR issue.
Peter Van Roste (CENTR):or now... :)
Peter Van Roste (CENTR):*for
Stephen Deerhake:Katrina, I'm in.
Becky Burr:sure
Becky Burr:Peter - I am sure that there will be push back from GAC
NIgel:The GAC are trying to give Sr. Cruz more ammunition? This surprised me.
Peter Van Roste (CENTR):I still don't understand why the specific reference is so important. When refering to a contract - and the contract states it is not applicable - than that reference is simply irrelevant. So why doesn't the same principle applies here? Can anyone explain?
Stephen Deerhake:Peter, I have an email about to go off to you on this topic...
Becky Burr:what contract states that it is not applicable Peter? I think the GAC actually objects to the "as applicable" language
Becky Burr:in addition to the reference to 1.3
souleymane:hello all
Stephen Deerhake:If GAC is reputiating Section 1.3 (which they implicitedly are by objecting to any reference to it in the Names agreement), then that's a major change to the GAC Principles.
Stephen Deerhake:+1 @Becky.
Byron Holland:I see Peter's point from a literal interpretation, however I think a strong note on our part would be helpful and worthwhile
Byron Holland:Thx Becky, that was helpful
Becky Burr:that would be very helpful Peter
abibu (.tz):+1@Peter.
Becky Burr:i will ask registry and registrar reps to support the ccTLD reps on the call tonight
Stephen Deerhake:Thank you Becky.
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):move
Stephen Deerhake:Thanks Joke.
Joke Braeken:thank you ;-)
Becky Burr:no good deed goes unpunished Joke
abibu (.tz):congrats to Joke.
Becky Burr:yes
Stephen Deerhake:Can the chart be made bigger?
Stephen Deerhake:Thank you.
abibu (.tz):Better in January after regular council meeting.
Stephen Deerhake:Sooner is better.
abibu (.tz):work load to secretariat?!
Bart Boswinkel:No Issue
Peter Vergote:Don't know. Find it a bit strange to have elections now while Chris' mandate only end within more than one year from now
Bart Boswinkel:@ Peter that has been practice
Margarita Valdes:+1
Bart Boswinkel:until now
Margarita Valdes:ok
Stephen Deerhake:Peter, the schedule is set up with the idea that if a new person is elected, they get 6 months or so to get up to speed on board activities. Redundant with Chris of course. Useful for a new board member.
demi getschko:second
Peter Vergote:I see. Seems fair. Thanks for update, Stephen
abibu (.tz):agree. No issues.
Peter Van Roste (CENTR):I need to go into another meeting. Thanks Katrina. Bye everyone!
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):second
Peter Vergote:I'll second
Maureen Hilyard:Sorry my audio isn't working well. If you could pass on my brief report
Peter Vergote:Agree! Good call, Stephen.
Maureen Hilyard:Thank you for that headsup for the ALAC Alejandra
Kimberly Carlson:doc can be scrolled
Kimberly Carlson:WE do need more sponsors - please let me know if you can help
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Any comments or suggestions can be sent by email to the WG ;)
Stephen Deerhake:Thank you Alejandra.
Peter Vergote:Nice to see that ccNSO activity was concentrated over 4 days and not 5 or 6. Thanks for that!
abibu (.tz):Abibu - Attending the AfPIF 2016 Forum in Dar. Organized by ISOC.
demi getschko:Thank you and see you on the net!
souleymane:thanks all
souleymane:good meeting
Alejandra Reynoso (.gt):Have a great day! :)
Hiro Hotta:thank you, bye
Kimberly Carlson:Thank you, bye
abibu (.tz):Thank chait and all.
Peter Vergote:Thank you all and bye
abibu (.tz):chair.
Katrina Sataki:thank you! bye!