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ccNSO Council Meeting Agenda Dakar  26 October 2011


DRAFT Minutes of the ccNSO Council Meeting in Dakar

Victor Abboud, .ec
Becky Burr, NomCom
Lesley Cowley, uk
Fernando Espana, .us
Byron Holland, .ca
Hiro Hotta, .jp
Juhani Juselius, .fi
Young-Eum Lee, .kr
Roelof Meijer, .nl
Vika Mpisane, .za
Paulos Nyirenda, .mw
Souleymane Oumtanaga, .ci
Dotty Sparks de Blanc, .vi
Peter Van Roste, CENTR
Cheryl Langdon Orr, ALAC
ICANN Staff:

Bart Boswinkel
Kristina Nordström
Gabriella Schittek
Via telephone bridge: Patricip Poblete, .cl


Keith Davidson, .nz
Han Chuan Lee, ccNSO liaison to the GNSO
Sokol Haxhiu, NomCom
Ron Sherwood, ccNSO liaison to the ALAC

1. Minutes and Action Points ccNSO Council Conference Call 4 October 2011

The Chair asked the Councillors for comments to the minutes from the Council meeting on 4 October 2011. No comments were noted and the Minutes were approved.

The Chair asked Gabriella to run through the action items from the previous meeting.

Action 67-01:
Peter Van Roste to find out when the IANA contract expires and share the information on the Council email list.
This action was completed.

Action 67-02:
Gabriella Schittek to contact Sokol Haxhiu for the latest update of the activities of the PPC Focus Group.
This action was completed.

Action 67-03:
Bart Boswinkel to summarise the discussion on post Board membership in a document and distribute it on the Council email list in order for the Council to decide whether or not it should be publically shared.
This action is still in progress.

Action 67-04:
The Chair to send a list of suggested topics for the ccNSO-ICANN Board meeting to the email list.
This action was completed.

Action 67-05:
Han Chuan Lee to distribute the Charter of the GNSO Consumer Trust Working Group on the Council email list.
This action was completed.

2. Updates from Chair, Vice-Chair and Councillors

The Chair reported on her recent ccNSO related activities:

- Participating in the IGF meeting in Nairobi.
- Giving a ccNSO update at the CENTR meeting.
- Having a face-to-face meeting with Bart Boswinkel.
- Sending two letters to ICANN Chair Steve Crocker:
1. A request for an ICANN Board liaison to the FoI Working Group.
2. A request for the Board to reconsider the resolution on sponsorship agreement.
- Meeting with new ICANN CFO together with the Chairs of the SOP and Finance Working Groups.
- Participating in SO/AC meeting with Rod Beckstrom.
- Having a preparatory Council meeting in Dakar.

The Chair noted two suggestions as an outcome of conversations with ccTLD managers at the Dakar meeting:
-  To collate and present summary information on ccTLD work on security and stability and internet governance. She noted that this topic would be on the Council agenda for the next call.
- To, as a topic for the next panel discussion in Costa Rica, discuss the changing landscape of internet governance.

She welcomed any further topic suggestions for upcoming panel discussions.

Hiro Hotta reported on his activity as Chair for the IDN PDP Working Group 2, and his presentation on the ccNSO to the APRALO at the Dakar meeting.

Byron Holland reported on his activity in the IGF meeting in Nairobi, as well as his activities as Chair of the Finance Working Group and meetings with the new ICANN CFO.

Various Councillors reported on their recent ccNSO related activities.

3. Selection of ICANN Board Member Seat nr 12

The Chair explained that Michael Silber was nominated and seconded as a candidate to serve on the ICANN Board of Directors for a term for 3 years, starting at the end of the ICANN meeting in June 2012, and that Mike had accepted his nominations. No other candidates were nominated.

She further noted that a Questions and Answers session was held with Mike at the ccNSO Members Meeting and asked the Councillors for further questions or comments.

Roelof Meijer noted that it would be preferable to have two candidates in the future but noted that he supports the resolution.

Young-Eum Lee highlighted the fact that a Board members is not chosen to represent the interests of the specific group by which he was selected, but rather to honour the responsibilities of the Board in general, and noted that this could be a topic for discussion in the future.

Becky Burr expressed her appreciation over Mike’s dedication to follow the work on the ccTLD arena.

Resolution 68-01:
THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to select Michael Silber as the ccNSO appointed Board member for seat nr 12, in accordance with the ccNSO guidelines for the selection of ccNSO selected Board members and Article IX of the ICANN Bylaws.

The ccNSO Council requested its Chair to inform the secretary of the Board accordingly.

The resolution was passed unanimously.

Action 68-01:
The Chair to inform the secretary of the ICANN Board that Mike Silber was elected as the ccNSO appointed Board member for Seat nr 12.

4. Council Elections

Gabriella Schittek reported that the election in the African region had ended and that Vika Mpisane was re-elected for another 3-year period on the ccNSO Council. With this outcome the end results of the Council election period is following:

African Region: Vika Mpisane, .za
Asia-pacific Region: Young-Eum Lee, .kr
European Region: Juhani Juselius, .fi
Latin American Region: Margarita Valdes, .cl
North American Region: Byron Holland, .ca

Gabriella further noted that a nomination/election report would be published shortly.

The Chair thanked Gabriella for running the election process and the elected Councillor were congratulated by acclamation.

5. ccNSO Membership

5.1 .bf Membership

Roelof Meijer explained that the ccNSO received a membership application from .bf, Burkina Faso and that no objections to the membership were received on the Council email list.

The Chair welcomed .bf as a new member of the ccNSO.

5.2 Outreach Letter

The Chair explained that according to ccNSO improvement recommendations the ccNSO should reach out through the GAC to government related ccTLD for inclusion in activities of the ccNSO. She noted that a draft invitation letter was sent to the Council email list and asked for comments.

No comments were noted and the letter was adopted.

6. Resolutions on Confusingly Similarity

Bart Boswinkel read the explanatory background to the proposed resolution on Confusingly Similarity:

At its meeting in San Francisco the ccNSO Council adopted a resolution to request a

sub-group of IDN ccPDP WG1 to develop, as soon as possible, guidelines (within the

framework of the existing rules for the Fast Track) to improve the predictability of

the evaluation process relating to string confusion as defined in the IDNC WG Final

Report and the Final Implementation Plan as adopted by the ICANN Board in

November 2009.
The sub-working group focused on various issues, and has not yet concluded its

work, in particularly on improving the predictability of the overall string evaluation

Taking into account the experimental nature of the IDN ccTLD Fast Track process

and the overarching requirement to preserve the security and stability of the DNS,

the risk of string confusion with any of two letter [a-z] codes (for existing and future

ccTLD’s) is reduced as much as possible. Therefore an IDN ccTLD string that either

does not meet the technical criteria as listed in the Implementation Plan or is

confusingly similar with any combination of two letter [a-z] is not valid under the

IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process.
However, in some cases, the requested IDN ccTLD string is a meaningful

representation of the name of the territory and is only confusingly similar with the

two-letter [a-z] country code that is associated with the same territory.
And, if the proposed IDN ccTLD manager is and remains the manager of both the

IDN ccTLD and the two-letter country code TLD, additional measures can mitigate

the risk of user confusion.

Resolution 68-02:
THE COUNCIL RESOLVED to adopt following proposals:

Taking into account the experimental nature of the IDN ccTLD Fast Track process, in particular the experiences gained with the confusingly similarity evaluation as foreseen in the Implementation Plan, the ccNSO Council requests the ICANN Board of Directors to instruct staff to amend the relevant sections of IDN ccTLD Implementation Plan so that:# Where the DNS Stability Panel finds that a requested IDN ccTLD string is ONLY confusingly similar with the two --letter ASCII ccTLD that refers to the same territory this should be noted in its findings and reported.

  1. If it is documented that:
  2. The intended manager for the requested IDN ccTLD and the manager for the two-letter ASCII ccTLD are one and the same entity; and
  3. The applicant shall in future request the delegation for the IDN ccTLD string; and
  4. The applicant, and if necessary the relevant public authority, accept and document that the IDN ccTLD and ccTLD are and remain to be operated by one and the same manager, and specific and pre-arranged other conditions with the goal to mitigate the risk of user confusion as of the moment the IDN ccTLD becomes operational;

Then the requested IDN ccTLD string is deemed to be valid under the IDN  ccTLD Fast Track Process.
If either the requester, intended manager or the relevant public authority do not accept the pre-arranged conditions or at a later stage in the Fast Track process refutes the acceptance, the IDN ccTLD is deemed to be invalidated and subsequently the Termination Process according to IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process will be initiated.
Young-Eum Lee commended the Working Group for reaching a sensible solution to this

complex issue.
Patricio Poblete asked for a clarification to the wording “later in the Fast Track process”.

Bart replied that this is referring to the string-request stage as well as the delegation


The resolution was passed unanimously, however Patricio Poblete who participated in the meeting via telephone was temporarily disconnected from the call at the point of the vote.

7. ccNSO Statement on Geographic Regions Draft Report

The Chair reminded the Councillors about the presentation on the Geographic Regions Working group Final Report given to the Council by David Archbold, and noted that the draft recommendations would impact the ccNSO.

Resolution 68-03:
THE COUNCIL RESOLVED adopt following proposals:

    1. To launch the ccNSO process to develop and submit a ccNSO statement on the draft proposal of the Geographic Regions Working Group.
    1. To appoint Becky Burr, ccNSO Councillor appointed Councillor, as chair and as its members:##* Kathryn Reynolds, .ca
      • Stephan Deerhake, .as
      • Mathieu Weill, .fr
      • Demi Getsko , .br and
      • Paulos Nyirenda . mwTHE COUNCIL RESOLVED to request its Secretariat to circulate the formal
        invitation for input from the Nominating Committee as soon as it is received. Based on
        the invitation the Council and ccTLD community members will provide input,
        collate this input and after adoption by the Council distribute it to the Nominating

The Secretariat to circulate the formal invitation for input from the Nominating Committee
on NomCom appointed ICANN Board Director to the Council email list as soon as it is
received, and ask the Councillors for input.
The Chair further noted that the Council will also be requested to provide input to the
required skill set and other requirements for the NomCom appointee to the ccNSO

on the skill set for the NomCom appointee to the ccNSO Council to the Council email list
as soon as it is received, ask the Councillors for input and collate the information.

10.1 Finance Working Group
Byron Holland noted that an update of the work of this group was presented the day
before at the ccNSO Members Meeting. He added that the group would wait for
the previously requested information from the new ICANN CFO before taking any major
new steps.
10.2  SOP Working Group
Roelof Meijer noted that the SOP and Finance Working Group Working Groups had a
session on Sunday with the with Kurt Pritz and Carol Cornell as guests presenting the
Draft Strategic Plan 2012-2015. He further noted that the Draft Strategic Plan is currently
open for comments and that the SOP Working Group would submit its comments before
the 11th of November.
10.3 Framework of Interpretation Working Group
Becky Burr reported that the Framework of Interpretation Working Group had a meeting
on Sunday and gave an update at the ccNSO Members Meeting. She reminded the
Council that the Interim Report on Consent is published and open for comments.
10.4 IDN PDP Working Group 1
Bart Boswinkel noted that the IDN PDP Working Group 1 had lately been focused mainly
on the Confusingly Similarity issue which resulted in the resolution under agenda item 6.
10.5 IDN PDP Working Group 2
Hiro Hotta reported that the IDN PDP Working Group 2 had been working on inclusion of
IDN ccTLDs and that a report for public comments were posted shortly before Dakar and
will remain open until mid December. He further noted that the Working Group would
meet face-to-face the following day.
10.6 Incident Repository Implementation Working Group
Bart Boswinkel noted that the group would meet face-to-face the following day.
10.7 Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group (JIG)
Jian Zhang reported that the Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group is hoping to, after
adoption by both Councils, submit its response to the ICANN Board on its resolution
on Single Character IDNs.
She further noted that the group would shortly publish a first draft report on universal
acceptance of IDN TLDs and that the group continues to investigate the issue of
10.8 Joint Security & Stability Working Group (DSSA)
Bart Boswinkel noted that the Joint Security & Stability Working Group would meet face
to-face the following day.
10.9 Study Group on Use of Names for Countries and Territories
Becky Burr reported that the Study Group developed a draft typology that was presented
to UNESCO and that the group would meet the following day to discuss this topic
10.10 GAC-ccNSO Liaison
The Chair noted that until the GAC-ccNSO Liaison Working Group can resume its
activity she would take on the role to liaise with the GAC Chair regarding any relevant
10.11 PPC Focus Group update
The Chair noted that Sokol Haxhiu was a member of the Focus Group but that the group
has concluded its work.

Kristina Nordström forwarded a message from Ron Sherwood saying that a written
report would be distributed on the email list shortly.
The Chair noted that Ron had not been well and that the Council wishes him a
speedy recovery.

Minutes of the Council Telephone Conference   for 4th October 2011 at 1200 UTC via teleconference.

Victor Abboud, .ec
Lesley Cowley, uk
Fernando Espana, .us
Byron Holland, .ca
Hiro Hotta, .jp
Juhani Juselius, .fi
Young-Eum Lee, .kr
Roelof Meijer, .nl
Paulos Nyirenda, .mw
Souleymane Oumtanaga, .ci
Patricio Poblete, .cl
Dotty Sparks de Blanc, .vi

Cheryl Langdon-Orr, ALAC
Han Chuan Lee, ccNSO liaison to the GNSO
Peter Van Roste, CENTR
Guests (for agenda tem 2 only):

1. Confirmation of Approval of Minutes and Actions Council Meeting 23 August 2011

The Chair asked the Council for comments to the minutes from the Council meeting on 23
August in Singapore. No comments were noted and the Minutes were approved.

The Chair asked Gabriella to run through the outstanding action items from previous Council

Action 63-04:
Bart Boswinkel to elaborate Option B in the paper on a closed section on the ccNSO
website, including preparation for a Confluence training session.

This action was completed and included as an agenda item for this meeting.

Gabriella Schittek to amend the timeline for the ccNSO Board election process so that it incorporates a Q
& A session at the ccNSO meeting in Dakar, and to send it to the Council email list for approval.

This action was completed.

Action 66-02:
The Chair to contact GAC Chair Heather Dryden regarding the way forward for the ccNSO-GAC liaison
Working Group.

This action was completed and an update provided under agenda item 3.

Action 66-03:
Bart Boswinkel to confer with Chris Disspain and Mike Silber to get their views on regular pre-ICANN
meeting briefing calls.

This action was discarded.

Action 66-04:
The Chair to liaise with ICANN Board Chair Steve Crocker regarding the interaction between Board
members and the ccNSO at ICANN meetings.

This action was completed and an update provided under agenda item 8.

The Chair welcomed David Archbold and Rob Hoggarth to the call as representatives of the
community-wide Working Group on Geographic Regions and noted that the draft Final Report
had been shared on the ICANN email list.

David explained that the group had looked for a more broadly applicable definition of the
geographical regions but had found that one did not exist. Hence, the group had focused on
solutions within ICANN and consider that the adoption of the Regional Internet Registries (RIR)
areas could solve a number of the current issues. The group has now published a draft Final
Report suggesting a transfer to the RIR areas and is seeking input from the ccTLD community.

Rob noted that the public comment period would lead up to mid December and that a workshop
would be held in Dakar as an opportunity for people to learn more about the topic.

Bart Boswinkel noted that this topic will be included as an agenda point at the Council meeting in
Dakar in order to discuss a possible formal comment from ccNSO.

3. High-level de-Briefing on ccNSO Related Activities

The Chair briefed the Council on her recent ccNSO related activities:

Meeting with the SO/AC leaders to prepare a round table discussion with the ICANN
Meeting with GAC Chair to prepare the ccNSO/GAC session in Dakar and discuss a re-
launch of the ccNSO/GAC liaison Working Group. The Chair noted that she is waiting for
input from the GAC Chair.
Discussion regarding the IDN confusing similarity issue.
Meeting with ICANN Chair regarding ccNSO-ICANN Board session.
Participation in the IGF meeting.
Meeting with the NTIA regarding the IANA Further Notice of Inquiry. She noted that a

competitive process for the IANA function would be announced in mid October.

Peter Van Roste noted some confusion to when the IANA contract expires and offered to
seek clarity on this and share the information on the email list.

Peter Van Roste to find out when the IANA contract expires and share the information on the
Council email list.

Byron Holland and Hiro Hotta reported on their participation in the IGF meeting and
noted that the Finance Working Group and IDN PDP Working Group 2 activities would be
addressed in agenda point 5.

Paulos Nyirenda reported that the countries in the African Region had a workshop at the IGF
meeting, and that they also met with the other Regional Organisations to discuss areas of

Roelof Meijer reported that the ccNSO has received several membership applications and
that the application from .ir is still open for objection until the end of the week.

Juhani Juselius reported on his visit to the Estonian registry, which runs .ee. He noted
that .ee has applied for re-delegation with the IANA and is planning to apply for ccNSO
membership as soon as that is approved.

4. Nominations/Elections Update

4.1 Council Nominations/Elections

Gabriella Schittek noted that the nomination period for the Council elections ended on 16
September and presented the nominees:

African Region: Vika Mpisane, .za and Mohamed Ibrahim, .so
Asia-Pacific Region: Young-Eum Lee, .kr
European Region: Juhani Juselius, .fi
Latin-American & Caribbean Region: Margarita Valdes, .cl
North American Region: Byron Holland, .ca

Gabriella noted that there would be an election for the African region, starting 7 October and
ending 21 October.

Gabriella Schittek reported that the nomination period for the Board elections closes on 6
October and that Mike Silber is the only nominee so far. She further noted that a Q and A
session would be held in Dakar irrespective of the number of candidates.

5. Working Group and Other Group Updates

5.1 Finance Working Group

The Chair thanked Byron Holland for the written update on the Finance Working Group activities
on the list and asked the Councillors for any questions. No questions were received.

Byron added that ICANN had provided a first draft overview of the ccNSO related support
costs and that the group is waiting for further information. He also noted that a survey would be
conducted to seek community input before Dakar.

Roelof Meijer reported that ICANN has published a first draft of the 2012-2015 Strategic Plan
with a comment period until 17 November, followed by an updated version and a Board review of
the document. He further noted that the SOP Working Group would go through the document in
details and discuss it at its session in Dakar.

5.3 Framework of Interpretation Working Group

Bart Boswinkel reported that the Working Group is preparing to publish its first document about
consent for delegations and re-delegations, and that a progress report would be adopted and
announced in time for Dakar.

5.4 IDN PDP Working Group 1

The Chair thanked Bart Boswinkel for the written update that was distributed to the email list and
asked the Councillors for comments or questions. No questions were received.

5.5 IDN PDP Working Group 2

The Chair thanked Hiro Hotta for the written update that was distributed to the email list and
asked the Councillors for comments or questions. No questions were received.

5.6 Incident Repository Implementation Working Group

Bart Boswinkel reported that the Working Group is currently establishing a work plan and will
give and update of the work so far in Dakar.

5.7 Joint ccNSO/GNSO IDN Working Group (JIG)

Bart Boswinkel reported that the JIG Working Group is currently focusing on the use of IDNs as
well as following up with ICANN staff on the implementation on single character IDNs.

5.8 Joint Security & Stability Working Group (DSSA)

The Chair thanked Bart Boswinkel for the written update that was distributed to the email list and
asked the Councillors for comments or questions. No questions were received.

5.9 Study Group on Use of Names for Countries and Territories

The Chair thanked Bart Boswinkel for the written update that was distributed to the email list
and asked about the timeline for the Study Group. Bart replied that the Study Group is currently
focusing on the discussion with UNESCO regarding the typology and plans to provide its

recommendations by the Prague meeting next year.

5.10 GAC-ccNSO Liaison

The Chair reported that she is having a dialogue with the GAC Chair regarding the re-launch of
the GAC-ccNSO Liaison Working Group, but in the meantime this would be on a Chair to Chair

5.11 PPC Focus Group update

Since Sokol Haxhiu was not present on the call, Gabriella Schittek offered to contact him for the
latest update on the work of the Focus Group to the Council email list.

Gabriella Schittek to contact Sokol Haxhiu for the latest update of the activities of the PPC Focus
Group and to provide this to the Council email list.

6. Post Board Membership Conflict of Interest Discussion

The Chair reported that since the last discussion on the post Board membership, several
Councillors had shared their comments on the email list. She noted that the ccNSO needs to
make a decision on further action, based on the options outlined in the agenda, which were:

No action;
Request further clarification from the ICANN Board and/or ICANN legal staff;
Item for the Board – ccTLD community discussion
Item for further discussion with ccNSO membership at the ccNSO meeting in Dakar
Item for discussion with other SO and ACs
Council and or ccNSO statement and letter to the Board, expressing concern.

After discussion, it was agreed to combine actions 3 and 4 and, depending on the outcome of
those discussions, possibly move on to action 6.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr reported that the ALAC have also looked at this issue and are preparing a
statement with suggested changes to the current rules. She further welcomed alternative 5, a
discussion between the ACs and SOs, in order to find a joint approach.

Young-Eum Lee asked whether or not the views of the ccNSO Council on this topic should be

Bart offered to summarise the comments in a document and distribute it on the email list in order
for the Councillors to decide whether or not it should be published.

Bart Boswinkel to summarise the discussion on post Board membership in a document and
distribute it on the Council email list in order for the Council to decide whether or not it should be

7. Closed Wiki Section ccTLD community

The Chair noted that Gabriella Schittek had provided an explanatory paper on the ccTLD
community wiki space, including a suggestion to move forward with the closed space and asked
the Councillors for questions or comments.

Roelof Meijer asked whether the users of the wiki space would be instructed to keep the content
of the space confidential. Gabriella replied that a disclaimer could be included in the space to
ensure confidentiality.

Gabriella Schittek also noted that Kristina Nordström would hold a workshop in Dakar in order for
the ccTLD community to learn more about the wiki space, as well as the Adobe Connect meeting

The Chair reminded the Council that the wiki space would undergo a 6 months trial period and
Bart Boswinkel confirmed that the system would be evaluated at the Prague meeting.

It was agreed to proceed on this basis.

8.1 ccNSO- ICANN Board Meeting

The Chair reported that the participants in the ccNSO Members Meeting would meet with the
ICANN Board on Tuesday in Dakar to address various ccNSO related topics. She noted that
she would send a list of suggested topics for discussion to the email list and encouraged the
Councillors to add any further suggestions to this list.

The Chair further noted that she had also requested topics from the Board.

The Chair to send a list of suggested topics for the ccNSO-ICANN Board meeting to the email

8.2 Follow-up from EAG discussion Singapore with ICANN Board.

Byron Holland reported that the dialogue is moving forward and that the intention is to keep the
visibility of the conversation. He noted that there had been some positive feedback from Board
members on the ccNSO approach.

8.3 Topics for Public Forum

Bart Boswinkel explained that the ICANN Chair would like to cluster the public forum topics in a
more organised way and therefore would be grateful for any topics suggested in advanced.

Following topics were identified:

  • Expense Area Group – financial issues
  • ICANN 2012-2015 Strategic Plan
  • Board ethics/revolving dor policies
  • Process of recruitment of CEO

Han Chuan Lee reported that the GNSO Council is moving ahead with the Consumer Trust
Working Group that other SOs will be welcomed to join the group if they wish.

The Chair asked Han Chuan to share the Working Group Charter on the Council email list and
suggested that this could be a topic for the Joint ccNSO/GNSO Council meeting in Dakar.

Han Chuan Lee to distribute the Charter of the GNSO Consumer Trust Working Group on the
Council email list.

Cheryl Langdon-Orr reported that the At-Large recently endorsed the Joint Applicant Support
Working Grouo Final Report and that input from the ccNSO would much welcomed.

Cheryl also offered to share with the Council a link to the liaison reports on ccNSO activities
back to the At-Large through the Counfluence wiki space. The Chair welcomed this.

The Chair reported that the ccNSO had been asked to select a volunteer who would take part in
future ICANN meeting planning. She noted that she would send an email to the list with further

The meeting then closed.

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