JJS:Hello Gisella, Heidi, Matt, Adigo...
Matt Ashtiani:Hello Jean-Jacques
Cintra Sooknanan:Hello
JJS:Hi Cintre
Cintra Sooknanan:Bonjour Jean Jacques
Cintra Sooknanan:seems as if everyone is at/following IGF
JJS:Gisella, someone's trying to call my mobile 'phone. If it's the operator for the ALAC conference, could you ask that they call instead +862167750658 as requested? thanks.
JJS:Cintra, IGF: yes, except those who did not manage to have their flight and accommodation taken care of by ICANN...
JJS:Gisella, operator just called proper number, but no one spoke...
CLO:Hi JJS Hi Cintra
JJS:Hello Cheryl
JJS:ah, am being connected
Cintra Sooknanan:Good evening Cheryl
Cintra Sooknanan:it's like taking work home, Olivier
Cintra Sooknanan:lol
Titi:Hello all
CLO:Hi Titi
Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome Titi
Titi:Jojing you all fromt he IGF Opening Session
Gisella Gruber-White:will you be joining the aduio bridge and/or would you like a dial-out?
Cintra Sooknanan:Hi Titi, do we know eachother from Next Gen?
Titi:Cintra highly probable if not Next Gen somewhere in the wider Info. Society/Internet ecosystem
Titi:if ic an get the audio bridge would be good
Titi:dial out not feasible
Evan Leibovitch:on the call.
Cintra Sooknanan:Hi Evan
JJS:Hi Evan
Evan Leibovitch:hi all
Heidi Ullrich 2:Hi everyone!
Gisella Gruber-White:Reminder: *6 to mute and *7 to unmute
Gisella Gruber-White:Please state your names when speaking
Gisella Gruber-White:Please speak slowly and clearly for the interpreters
Alan Greenberg:Sorry for being late. Dialing in now.
Heidi Ullrich 2:I'm here, Gisella!
CLO:are our ACZ rooms for this meeting set uo for audio Out? so Titi can listne oin broadcast?
CLO:ergh sorry about my typos
Titi:I don't think it is
Gisella Gruber-White:Dave Kissoondoyal sends his apology
CLO:is this just an issue for this call today during IGF Titi or a more general issue as we will have to fix
Gisella Gruber-White:No audio for this AC Room
Titi:just for IGF though I think good idea to include audio out fr future meetings will help increase participation somewhat - even if no opportunity to speak
Titi:Ok Gisella. Thanks
CLO:we are just going through the action items froma last meeting atm Titi
Alan Greenberg:Could we please add to Other Business the Joint WG - Consumer Choice, Competition and Innovation.
CLO:Noted Alan shall do...
CLO:both OCL & I are IN the GNSO WG (well to be confirmed WG
CLO:JJS is asking for an update on gLobal Partnerships and Heidi will ask Mandy Carver to send an update to our announce list
Alan Greenberg:Understood, but the GNSO has now formally chartered the group and ALAC needs to decide it they will jointly charter it or not (since Board request was to GNSO, ccNSO, GAC and ALAC)
CLO:So Alan did it go through as a joint or Cross Community WG or just an 'open' GNSO one :?
CLO: resolutioj was written either way IMO
Heidi Ullrich 2:Link to Global Partnership page that shows recent and upcoming meetings where Global Partnership Regional Liaisons will/have been:http://www.icann.org/en/global-partnerships/
JJS:what's an Australian "bawk" ?
Alan Greenberg:I missed a small part of that discussion but beleive that it did pass (minutes not yet posted). But resolution was to invite other SO/AC to sign on to same charter, and if none did so, it would be a GNSO olny WG (of course all WG are open to other participation).
CLO:Ahh good 'cause the Charter IS built to be A OK for a joint WG style :-)
Heidi Ullrich 2:Olivier, would you like the Chair of the Public Participation committee to speak to At-Large during the discussion on the 2012-2015 Strategic Plan in Dakar?
CLO:But ALAN this is ICANN's strat plan we have our that must interact and fit but these METRICS ares for thr ICANN strat plan
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:this could be a good option
CLO:Excellent to have JJS in this YES YES YES
Heidi Ullrich 2:That meeting will be on Tuesday in Dakar.
CLO:and for the DAKAR meeting AGENDA YES
Evan Leibovitch:@Alan: our running after metrics laid by other constituencies simply leads to having our agenda set by others.. Ie, we are led to produce advice based not on gravitas or importance but rather on volume.
Heidi Ullrich 2:Will do, Olivier.
Alan Greenberg:my understanding of what they were asking for was metrics to demonstrats how alac is reinforcing plan... And yes to JJS, we no longer need to justify our existance, but the occasional demonstration of our worth is good.
JJS:CLO, did you mean "hear, hear" ? In which case, I'm flattered. If you meant "here, here", I'm worried that maybe you were suggesting I'm completely off the mark :-)
Evan Leibovitch:The metric that counts is the extent to which we are serving OUR community, not others'
Gareth Shearman:Good comment, Evan
Gisella Gruber-White:sorry my phone mute not working
CLO:JJS you should be flattered it was a voteo of support
CLO:vote NOT Votoe
Evan Leibovitch:or veto :-)
Sebastien:I am not on the phone. Sorry to be late also. Just here if you need my inputs. From IGF.
JJS:Thanks Cheryl :-)
CLO:Noted Seb many of us either have the IGF transcript running or are listening with one ear ;-)
Heidi Ullrich 2:welcome, Ganesh!
Gisella Gruber-White:Ganesh Kumar has joined the call
Ganesh Kumar:Thank you, Sorry I was late.
CLO:Hi Ganesh
Evan Leibovitch:Silly question: is ANYONE on either of the interpretation channels?
Gisella Gruber-White:@ Evan - no participants on ES or FR channels
CLO:Titi another new NomCom Appointment is also on the AC room but not on telephone brdge mas she is in IGF Meeting in Kenya at
CLO:the moment
CLO:so do try and type here as well so shr can keep up ;-)
Titi:Thanks Cher ;-)
CLO:We also have isues getting our calls cionnected to our Pakistan and parts of India in APRALO as well
Alan Greenberg:These rpoblems, I am afraid, are cyclical.
Cintra Sooknanan:Parts of India for sure.. I can attest to that
Evan Leibovitch:yup isn't just australian
Heidi Ullrich 2:There will likely be video streaming of our meetings in Dakar and future public meetings.
CLO:I agree with the options for technologies I've been attending some regular webcasts here with other options we can look at this in Dakar
CLO:RALO and ALAC Liaison Reports ( and WG's beinm...g discussed at
CLO:Alan is highlighting the recent GNSO meeting so we can exoect 3-4 (or so ) new work groups being called for soon and we zNe them EED to Populat
Heidi Ullrich 2:With pleasure on the AI re reminding RALOs of montly reports ;)
Alan Greenberg:4 that I can recall. Perhaps one more as well.
Heidi Ullrich 2:The general PC page is on the agenda and at:http://www.icann.org/en/public-comment/
Heidi Ullrich 2:Carlton's statement:https://community.icann.org/display/alacpolicydev/Phase+II+of+Public+Comments+Process+Enhancements
Heidi Ullrich 2:Cheryl's statement:https://community.icann.org/display/alacpolicydev/Revisions+to+Conflicts+of+Interest+Policy+and+Bylaws+to+Allow+Board+to+Consider+Compensation+for+Director+Services
JJS:(Staff, in today's ALAC minutes (on this Adobe page, right column), could you please correct my first name to read Jean-Jacques? Thanks.)
JJS:clap, clap
JJS:(thank you Staff for the correction)
CLO:Looking at the JAS Agenda item niw as we are not quorate we will have to take the ratification online...
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:yes
CLO:OCL I'm typing here mainky to keep titi 'in the loop'
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:ok. Oh I wasn't aware that she was not on audio
Titi:Have to head out in a couple fo minutes though - end of sessions here building shut down a few minutes after that
CLO:Alan is noting that the AS report does set up for some future work INCLUDING work with GAC re some aspects of terminology etc., and Government
CLO:involvement in possoboe applications
Titi:Thanks again for keeping me in the loop Cheryl
CLO:Alan is reporting on GNSO resolvong to send report to the Board and to add more comments ( perhaps) later on the Report...
Alan Greenberg:Titi, as you will learn, Cheryl is one of te few among us who can simultaneously carry on several conversations and activities in parallel.
CLO:We are discussing putting a motion for endorsement and ratififaction of the JAS report and then taking the vote online ASAP
Evan Leibovitch:given the current political tension between ICANN and governments, the GAC support (and explicit advocacy ) of the core points of the JAS group is significant. ICANN rejects this advocacy at significant risk.
JJS:interesting remark, Evan.
Evan Leibovitch:Make it strong (as cheryl says). We have neither the time nor (from what I can tell) the inclination to add comments post-approval.
CLO:Titi were still discussing JAS final report Motion will be oiut in next 24 hrs
Heidi Ullrich 2:Link to Workspace on the At-Large Improvements Final Report:https://community.icann.org/display/Improve/At-Large+workspace+on+the+ALAC-At-Large+Improvements+Project+Final+Report
CLO: Now moving to item 8 on Agenda the FINAL report from ALAC Improvements Final Report :-)
CLO: Sorry my typing had a break while I'm chairing...
Evan Leibovitch:suggested text for the resolution on JAS:
Evan Leibovitch:WHEREAS the ALAC has long supported the requirement of reducing barriers to TLD creation in developing economiesandWHEREAS the ALAC has welcomed the chartering of the Joint Applicant Support Working Group (JAS-WG) and the participation of many At-Large members in its activities;and WHEREAS the ALAC has reviewed and endorsed earlier milestone reports of this Working Group;andWHEREAS the JAS-WG has produced a Final Report for consideration by the ICANN community which has been reviewed by At-Large;RESOLVED THAT the ALAC endorse the Final Report of the JAS Working Group and urge the ICANN Board to implement its recommendations;andRSEOLVED THAT the ALAC thanks the community volunteers and ICANN staff whose work contributed -- and continues to contribute -- to the advancement of the JAS WG objectives
Evan Leibovitch:sorry, don;t know how to format for AC
Evan Leibovitch:Let me unwrap it.
JJS:I support Evan's draft.
Evan Leibovitch:WHEREAS the ALAC has long supported the requirement of reducing barriers to TLD creation in developing economies
Evan Leibovitch:and
Evan Leibovitch:WHEREAS the ALAC has welcomed the chartering of the Joint Applicant Support Working Group (JAS-WG) and the participation of many At-Large members in its activities;
Evan Leibovitch:and
Heidi Ullrich 2:Noted
Heidi Ullrich 2:for Excom meeting in Dakar to discuss next steps on At-Large Improvements
Heidi Ullrich 2:Are 20 min enough?
CLO:yes shiould be need to transition to actual IMPLEMETATIOJ niot just planning it ;-)
Heidi Ullrich 2:exactly. 20 min have been allocated in the ExCom meeting on Friday in Dakar.
CLO:Thanks for your indulgernce on shifting thr Agenda around OCL
CLO:Yes #9
Alan Greenberg:See motion 7 ofhttps://community.icann.org/display/gnsocouncilmeetings/Motions+22+September+2011for the motion on CONSUMER CHOICE, COMPETITION, AND INNOVATION (CCI).
Heidi Ullrich 2:The GNSO passed the Consumer Metrics Charter
Ganesh Kumar 2:Yes, to establishing to metrics.
Alan Greenberg:Back...
Heidi Ullrich 2:ALAC internal Rules of Procedures:https://community.icann.org/download/attachments/27854147/AL-2007-1-1-Rev11+ALAC+Internal+Rules+of+Procedure+-EN.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1316562204000
Evan Leibovitch:@ Cheryl -- those metrics can also be used to determine the performance of the Nominating Committee. Maybe its candidates can't be recalled but the NomCom itself should be held accountable to the community.
CLO:yes indeed Evan
CLO:ALAN APRALO does a 360 F2F of its RALO Reps to ALAC
JJS:Staff, my call has been interrupted. Could you please have the operator call me back, same number?
CLO:ohh no :-(
Heidi Ullrich 2:Link to Dakar Meeting page for At-Large:https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+Dakar+-+Meetings+Schedule+23-28+October+2011
JJS:Staff, operator has still not called +862167750658...
CLO:JJS were wrapping uo now any way
CLO:heidi is just doing a final Reviewo of the AfRALO Regional program actovoties for DAKAR
JJS:well, in that case my apologies, and have a nice day/evening/night
CLO:Thanks we have a linked page to a wuki with all of our travel arrangements for those f will make sure you have ( as you asked earlier who is going)
CLO:most of ALAC old and new will be there
Gisella Gruber-White:Jean Jacques is no longer online
JJS:Olivier, I just wanted, as a matter of courtesy to colleagues on the ALAC, mention that a group of 10 friends of ICANN, from various parts of the world, sent a letter on 18 September to the Chair of the Board, about the selection of the next CEO. This can be viewed on www.circleid.com/ and scroll down the blogs until you see the item...
CLO:Heidi is introducing Natalie to us who will be a 0.5 FTE for us (shared wioth GNSO) for Meetings co-ordination
Heidi Ullrich 2:Correction: Nathalie is a temp not an FTE
Evan Leibovitch:http://www.circleid.com/posts/selecting_icanns_next_ceo_a_letter_to_the_chair_of_the_board/
JJS:thanks Evan for the full link, I was struggling to get it copied and pasted, but you were faster
Heidi Ullrich 2:Jean-Jacques, Matt has sent you the link of those traveling to Dakar.
JJS:thanks Heidi and Matt
JJS:Olivier, I had intended to mention the letter under AOB, but now it's too late as the operator has not called back
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:we are currently discussing it
JJS:pity can't hear, nor answer questions
Alan Greenberg:Strong support from CLO. I agreed.
Gisella Gruber-White:Jean-Jacques - we are dialling out to you again
JJS:thanks Alan
CLO:JJS I read what you wrote to the recoird and also reminded the new ALAC about the metter of cincern I wrote (in a oeronap capacity) last time the CEO hunt was done...
JJS:thanks Cheryl
CLO:and Endorsed For The Record your afformentioned letter
JJS:correction: it's not "mine" but a letter from 10 friends of ICANN...
CLO:Yes that was a point made ccorrectly in the transcript record...
CLO:Bye Thanks all
JJS:Given your favourable comments, would ALAC envisage sending a line to the Board saying just that?
Alan Greenberg:Excom on now?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:yes
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:5 minutes?
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:we all need to close the call & call again
JJS:operator just called, but meeting ended, so see you all soon. Thanks.
Olivier Crepin-Leblond:thanks JJS it was a matter of seconds
JJS:signing off.
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