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ALAC Monthly Teleconference

Meeting Number: AL.ALAC/CC.1109/1

Date: Tuesday 24 November 2009

Time: 1500 - 1630 UTC

(For the time in various timezones click here)

Adobe Connect Meeting Room:

Interpretation Available: Yes (EN, FR, ES - Simultaneous)

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Who is on the dial-out list for this call?

List of attendees 24 November 2009

Apologies: S. Herlein Leite, B. Brendler, A.Peake, W. Ludwig

Action Items: EN, FR, ES

Adopted Motions: EN, FR, ES

Transcription: EN, FR, ES

Recording: EN, FR, ES

Documents (EN):


I. Standing Agenda Items (20 - 25 min)

1. Adoption of the Agenda – Call for Any Other Business or Other amendments (2 min)

2. Roll Call Apologies from Members, if any (1 min)

3. Review of the Action Items and Transcripts from the Seoul Meeting (7 min)

4. Review of Recently Approved and Outstanding ALS Applications (3 mins)

a. Recently Approvedi. Organizcao das Executivas de Tecnologia da Informacao e Comumicacao (NEXTI) (LACRALO)
b. Outstandingi. ISOC Pakistan (APRALO)
ii. Pakistan ICT Policy Monitor (APRALO)

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5. Reports (5-10 minutes)

a. Liaison Reports
Note: There will be no discussion of liaison reports during the meeting; these links are by way of information only. Any Liaison who wishes a discussion to take place on an item related to their brief, or has an item for which a decision is required, is to use this wiki to edit the sections under Items for Decision, or Items for Discussion, as relevant, in advance of the meeting,or raise an item for Any Other Business at the START of the meeting, BEFORE adoption of the agenda.

Board Liaison Report: Board Liaison Report
GNSO Liaison Report
ccNSO Liaison Report
SSAC Liaison Report
IDN Liaison Report
dotMOBI Liaison Report

c. Working Group Reports

Note: The Chair formalized her request during the 22 October 2009 meeting for the Officers of the At-Large Working Groups to submit monthly reports.There will be no discussion of Working Group reports during the meeting; these links are by way of information only. Any At-Large Working Group Officer who wishes a discussion to take place on an item related to their brief, or has an item for which a decision is required, is to use this wiki to edit the sections under Items for Decision, or Items for Discussion, as relevant, in advance of the meeting,or raise an item for Any Other Business at the START of the meeting, BEFORE adoption of the agenda.

Standing Working Groups

At-Large Engagement in ICANN: ( Main Wiki Page )
Future Structure, Accountability and Transparency of ICANN: ( Main Wiki Page )
New gTLDs: (Main Wiki Page)
Technical Issues: ( Main Wiki Page )
IDN Policy: ( List of IDN Liaison reports )
At-Large Registrants Rights and Responsibilities: ( Main Wiki Page )

The discussion of an Aspirational Registrant Rights Charter was discussed during the 37th ICANN Meeting.
Whois Policy: ( Main Wiki Page )
Joint GNSO-ALAC Working GroupsJoint GNSO-ALAC RAA Related WG activities - click here for joint GNSO-ALAC RAA-related workspace. Update on Working Group A (Registrant Rights Charter)
ii. Update on Working Group B (Additional Amendments to the RAA)
Ad-Hoc Working Groups
At-Large Name Issues Taskforce: ( Main Wiki Page )

c. RALO Reports:Note: The Chair formalized her request during the 22 October 2009 meeting for the Secretariats of the RALOs to submit monthly reports.
There will be no discussion of RALO reports during the meeting; these links are by way of information only.
AFRALO (AFRALO workspace)
APRALO (APRALO workspace)
EURALO (EURALO workspace)
NARALO: (NARALO Workspace)

II. New Business

For Decision

1. Review of At-Large Policy Advice Development Schedule for Deadlines

a. The following open consultations are not presently scheduled for an At-Large response, would the ALAC like any of these to be added to the Policy Advice Development Calendar?Expressions of Interest in New TLDs (11 Dec)
CAC Proposed Amendments to the UDRP Supplemental Rules of the Czech Arbitration Court
Draft Topic Paper for Policy on Introduction of Internationalised ccTLDs
b. Current PAD Items Not on Target* TNO Report Describing Root Scaling Model and Root Scaling Study Team Report (Public Comment Deadline: 29 November 2009)
* Proposed Rights Protection Mechanisms in New gTLDs (Public Comment Deadline: 22 November 2009)
* Board Review – Draft Final Working Group Report (see: Draft Statement of the At-Large Working Group on the Future Structure of ICANN)(Public Comment Deadline: 22 November 2009)
* Domain Names Registered Using a Privacy or Proxy Service (Public Comment Deadline: 20 November 2009)
* NomCom Review (see [NARALO Statement on the NomCom Review| Comment Deadline: 22 November 2009)
c. Draft GNSO Business Constutuency Statement on new gTLD DAG v3The GNSO Business Constituency is asking the ALAC to join it in a Statement on the new gTLD Draft Applicant Guidebook. Do Members favour this initiative? ALAC Members are reminded that they may record their views via the comment button on the page linked to this item
Proposal of the Chair: Staff to arrange a teleconference between interested members of At-Large and the Business Constituency to discuss those areas where views converge with respect to this issue.
2. Remaining Open Liaison Positions

a. AFRALO ExCom Representative - Dave Kissoondoyal is the sole remaining nominee of AFRALO, as Hawa Diakite has withdrawn her name due to time constraints related to her upcoming appointment by the State of Mali as their GAC Representative.
b. dotMOBI Liaison - appointment of a liaison for 2010. Deadline for Decision: Monday, 30 November 2009. Incumbent: Andres Piazza. Liaison Term of Office: Calendar year 2010. Andres has confirmed his willingness to serve another term, and dotMOBI have confirmed there is no impediment to his reappointment.Proposal of the Chair: That ALAC endorse the selection of Dave Kissoondoyal to the ALAC Executive Committee, and Andres Piazza as the Liaison to dotMOBI for 2010 by acclamation.
3. Working Groups and Committees

a. Current At-Working Groups and their OfficersThe ALAC Executive Committee discussed the various At-Large working groups at its meeting of 30th October. The ALAC is invited to take note of the list of working groups at including the officers of those groups.
Further, at the same meeting, it was noted that the ALAC should decide whether or not the WHOIS Policy working group should remain active. Does the ALAC wish this working group to be deactivated?
Proposal of the Chair: The WHOIS Working Group should be retained as an active working group, and a Chair appointed forthwith.
b. Current Cross-Community Working Groups and ALAC representatives:The ALAC Executive Committee invites the ALAC to endorse the current list of cross-community working groups and At-Large representatives to the same at
The following leadership positions remain unfilled:
(List TBC)
c. Agree the members of ALAC Finance and Budget Commitee for 2010 - click here for Finance and Budget Committee homepage.Incumbent Members from 2009: C Langdon-Orr, S Herlein-Leite, A Peake, A Greenberg. Currently an AFRALO representative is needed for the fifth member.
4. Development of Process for the At-Large community to select a voting Board Member click here for At-Large Director selection workspaceProposal of the Chair for Next Steps: Staff to circulate a Doodle to the community to organise a 60-minute teleconference between 7-14 December. The objectives of that teleconference are:
a) to confirm the preferred option from previous discussions, and;
b) to identify remaining tasks required to complete a final draft for submission to the Board's Structural Improvements Committee, and;
c) decide how to complete those outstanding tasks not later than 15th January 2009, and;
d) to review options for the voting methodology to be used and resolve upon a preferred option.After the above call, the results will be drafted into a text upon which the At-Large community can comment for a period of two weeks. At the same time, the draft will be transmitted to the SIC for their review, with notice provided that the community is reviewing the text.
5. Access to the ExCom listCurrently the Excom list is publicly accessible, with open archives and published on
Does the ALAC wish to allow the list to be subscribed to on a read-only basis by anyone, or shall it be retained as a limited-subscription list with open archives and public posting?
6. Proposed List of At-Large Travellers to Nairobi Meeting to Receive Travel Support At-Large Travel Support List for Nairobi Meeting

Note from the Staff: Does the ALAC propose any changes to the list? If so, those need to be decided upon at this meeting, as the Nairobi meeting has challenges for visas and travel which require booking to start considerably earlier than is usually the case.

Items For Discussion

1. At-Large Review Implementation Plan Outline: Next steps - see At-Large Review Implementation Outline v2.1EN.xls to review the text

2. Feedback from the IGF

3. Brief report of GNSO STI-RT and next steps

IV. Any Other Business

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