To add your questions, thoughts and comments on ICANN Strategic Planning Development, please login and add them directly to the box provided for your region. To do so, click on "edit" first, then put in your comments and click on "save". Alternatively, you can click on the "add comment" button at the bottom of the page.
Click here: Draft ALAC Statement on the Draft 2011-2014 Strategic Plan
IMPORTANT: Regional leaders, please add your comments directly to the ALAC draft statement, use the comments function, or send an e-mail to staff at staff [at] by Sunday, 9 May at 23:59 UTC.
ICANN Draft 2011-2014 Strategic Plan:
ICANN Draft 2011-2014 Strategic Plan (PDF)
This document is based on comments and feedback from ICANN's previous consultations with its stakeholder communities. The public consultation opened on 27 November 2010 and will remain open until 10 January 2011. (see Announcement of Public Consultation on 2011-2014 Strategic Plan )
Related background material
Presentation on ICANN Strategic Planning Development on 5 December 2010 (by Kurt Pritz, Senior Vice President Stakeholder Relations, ICANN) :
Slideshow: PDF, PPT, Wiki Version
Revised Slides: PDF, PPT (shown at At-Large & Regional Leadership meeting on 5 December 2010)
Audio files:
English - Presentation during EURALO call 16 November 2010
English - Presentation during LACRALO call 18 November 2010 ( starts at 26 minutes into the recording)
English - Presentation during ALAC and Regional Leadership Working Session 1 on 5 December (starts at 8 minutes into the recording)
English, Español - Presentation during ALAC and Regional Leadership Working Session 1 on 5 December
Presentation and Discussion on ICANN Strategic Planning during 18 November 2010 LACRALO Monthly Meeting (with Kurt Pritz)
A briefing on the development of ICANN's Draft Strategic Plan for 2011 to 2014 was held during the LACRALO conference call on November 18, 2010 (see: Recordings available in EN and. Relevant discussion is roughly 26 minutes into the LACRALO conference call.
Presentation and Discussion on ICANN Strategic Planning during 16 November 2010 EURALO Monthly Meeting (with Kurt Pritz)
A briefing on the development of ICANN's Draft Strategic Plan for 2011 to 2014 was held during the EURALO conference call on November 16, 2010 (see: A recording of an excerpt of Kurt Pritz's discussion is available.
ICANN Strategic Planning Call with ALAC held on 9 November 2010 (with Kurt Pritz)
An introduction to the development of ICANN's Draft Strategic Plan for 2011 to 2014 was held with the ALAC on 9 November 2010. Although no transcript exists for this call, comprehensive notes of the discussion are available at:
Previous ALAC Statements on the Strategic Plan and Operating Plan and Budget Frameworks
For your information, previous year submissions of ALAC in the consultation can be found in the following locations:
17 Jan 2010: ALAC Statement on the ICANN Draft Strategic Plan 2010 – 2013
15 May 2009: ALAC Statement on FY 10 Operating Plan and Budget Framework
5 May 2008: ALAC Statement on the Draft Operating Plan for FY 2008-2009
IMPORTANT NOTE: Regardless of information given on various presentations and meetings, all RALO's and ALSes are reminded that their comments are requested either directly to the Call for Public Comments ending on January 10th and/or are to be included in the ALAC Statement. Their points should be directed to the specific matters raised in and comments ON the following document text:
ICANN 2011-2014 Strategic Plan
AFRALO comments regarding the draft Strategic Plan 2011-2014
Comment submitted by Hong Xue: |
Comment submitted by Wolf Ludwig: |