- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to collaborate with John on Social Tweets on ATRT3 Survey
- fatimata.syelsylla , ali.almeshal , matthias.hudobnik , humberto.carrasco , Eduardo DIaz: In reference to the Co-chairs, O&E co-chairs to come up with timelines for new leadership .
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to set up a wiki page as a child page of the SC on O/E workspace. Page to include: Members, draft timeline; initial draft of the comms plan.
- Comms Sub-Team Volunteers: Filina Natalia , Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Cheryl Langdon-Orr Chair: John Laprise.
- John Laprise and Filina Natalia to note: Reports and the reports wiki should be included into the Comms strategy as well.. because that is the point of the reports - to inform our community about what is important to other communities wth regards to common issues
- Filina Natalia : Members who had expressed interest in drafting of the Comms Strategy should be contacted and be sent document invites to the strategy document
- Heidi Ullrich / Maureen to set up a Wiki page on the progress on the joint GAC/ALAC statements on Simple Language.
- Sarah K / Gisella Gruber to work with Siranush on Newcomers Day activities on Sunday at Montreal. (9 selected Civil Society/9 selected Academia)
- Heidi Ullrich to communicate with Tanzanica/Siranush re ICANN engagement booth schedule.
- Heidi Ullrich At-Large Team at IGF to organize daily At-Large events at the booth (Flash talks, Get to know At-Large, etc)
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