Sub-group Members: Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Christopher Wilkinson, David Maher, Greg Shatan, Jan Scholte, Ken Salaets, Konstantinos Komaitis, Leon Sanchez, Markus Kummer, Mathieu Weill, Par Brumark, Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Sebastien Bachollet, Seun Ojedeji
Staff: Alice Jansen, Bernie Turcotte, Berry Cobb, Brenda Brewer
**Please let Brenda know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**
- The Adobe Connect recording is available here:
- The audio recording is available here:
1. Welcome
2. Review of drafts by each lead volunteer
- Diversity
- Staff Accountability
- SO/AC Accountability
3. Comments on assessment by the group
4. Next steps
5. AOB
Documents Presented
Chat Transcript
Brenda Brewer: (10/8/2015 09:03) Welcome all to WP3 Meeting #8 on 8th October 2015 @ 14:30 UTC! Please note that chat sessions are being archived and follow the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior:
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (09:29) HELLO EVERYONE
Greg Shatan: (09:30) Hi, everybody!
Mathieu Weill: (09:30) Hello
Markus Kummer: (09:30) Hello
Alice Jansen: (09:32) Hi everyone - thanks for joining. We are trying to connect Leon to this call. Thanks for your patience.
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: (09:33) Change carrier, Leon. :)
Brenda Brewer: (09:36) Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Seun Ojedeji are on Audio only at this time
Alice Jansen: (09:39) Link to doc -
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: (09:42) yes
Alice Jansen: (09:52) Staff accountability paper -
Cheryl langdon-Orr: (09:59) finally made the AC room app work for me...It had 'conveniently' updated since my last use earlier today
Alice Jansen: (10:09) SO/AC accountability paper -
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: (10:11) The area of divergence content is confusing and conflicting.
Cheryl langdon-Orr: (10:12) good point Mathieu I agree
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: (10:13) Logically, the dissenter's comment requires enhanced accountability for all parties.
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (10:14) yes
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: (10:18) +1 Jan
Mathieu Weill: (10:18) That was a bold statement to make Jan, you are right. It's not "solved"
Mathieu Weill: (10:23) There are the options that were mentioned in the diversity paper and will be pasted here
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: (10:24) Org Review with accountability review included is a concrete option to check if "accountability to whom" is upheld while serving the function of watching the watchers. The challenges is that the org reviews occurs every 5 years only.
Mathieu Weill: (10:25) Just like ATRT Rinalia right ?
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: (10:25) Right.
Mathieu Weill: (10:29) Except for structural review, rest could be passed on to WS2
Mathieu Weill: (10:30) (and Jan's input fits well in WS1 too)
Greg Shatan: (10:30) Unintended consequences are one of the big issues about any new power....
Mathieu Weill: (10:31) Let's do a comprehensive regulatory analysis...
Mathieu Weill: (10:31) ok, kidding
Leon Sanchez: (10:31) LOL
Greg Shatan: (10:32) We should also consider whether something other than (or before) an adversarial abitration should be put in place when an SO/AC accountability issue arises. Rather than just jumping to an IRP.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (10:35) that makes sense to me Greg
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: (10:35) Agreed, Greg.
Jan Scholte: (10:36) Ditto. Good thought Greg
Bernard Turcotte Staff Support: (10:37) Bye all
Greg Shatan: (10:37) Free! I'm Free!
Markus Kummer 2: (10:37) Bye all
Greg Shatan: (10:37) Bye all!
Rinalia Abdul Rahim: (10:37) Thanks, all and Leon.
Cheryl Langdon-Orr (CLO): (10:37) thanks everyone bye for now
Jan Scholte: (10:37) bye all