Wednesday, 26 November 2014 at 09:00 UTC for 1 hour.
01:00 PST, 04:00 EST, 09:00 London, 10:00 CET, Wednesday 17 :00 Beijing, Wednesday 20:00 Sydney, for other places see:
Proposed Agenda:
- Welcome and roll-call
- Actions f-2-f meeting
- Confirmation of Workplan up and until Singapore
- Substantive discussion of first set of issues identified by Study Group
Some questions to structure the discussion ( to be shared in advance of the meeting) to solicit the views of the members and start compiling a list of issues that need to be addressed
- What are implications from issues from your perspective
- The issues identified in the Study Group report focus on non-predicatable treatment of country and territory names, at least from a Internet end-user, country or territory, and requester/applicant perspective. Is this a shared concern? What is / are concerns? Do concerns vary across and are dependent on SO/AC? Which issues needs to be resolved?
5. AOB
6. Next meeting and closure
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