About ISOC Bangladesh Dhaka ALS
PRIMARY CONTACT: Jahangir Hossain Chair: Prof. Dr. Shabbir Ahmed Vice Chair: Jahangir Hossain (Primary Contact) (These email address are being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view them). Website: http://www.isoc.org.bd/dhaka |
The Internet Society provides the global community with leadership on issues concerning the Internet in and around public policy, education and standards and technology. With an aim to further advance the activities of Internet societies inBangladesh. Internet Society (ISOC) Dhaka Chapter has been chartered with Internet society on July 20, 2011 and certified structure for At-Large in ICANN 2014 as an At-Large Structure (ALS).
ISOC Bangladesh Dhaka chapter is a community of civil society, engineers, journalist, operator, government people and student especially who are relate to public policy, education, standards and technology inBangladesh. This community works on voluntary basis and not for profit interest. The community objective is to work together with various ranges of actors to build awareness, skill, conduct operational research ,training ,workshop and participate policy development process by Open, transparent, and collaborative processes for establish “ Internet is for everyone “ .