The next New gTLD Auction Proceeds CCWG Charter Drafting Team will be held on Thursday, 12 May 2016 at 21:00 UTC for 60 minutes.
14:00 PDT, 17:00 EDT, 22:00 London, 23:00 CEST, 05:00 Singapore(Friday)
For other times:
Proposed Agenda – new gTLD Auction Proceeds Drafting Team meeting – Thursday 12 May at 21.00 UTC
- Roll Call / SOI
- Briefing note on fiduciary and legal constraint:
- Further comments / questions from DT (see latest version attached which includes comments from Jonathan and Sylvia)
- Update from Sam on which elements need to be reflected in the charter
- Update from Erika on which further constraints may exist from the perspective of the audit committee
- Finalize review of public comments and identification of which items should be considered in relation to the development of the charter
- Discuss comments from DT (if any are received)
- Erika and Russ to provide update on distillation of general principles from public comments
- Review and consideration of next steps in relation to charter section questions and example language (see latest version attached which includes comments from Alan and Sylvia)
- Helsinki meeting planning – (tentatively) Tuesday 28 June from 13.30 to 14.45 as part of the GNSO schedule
- Confirm next meeting – 26 May at 13.00 UTC
AC Chat
Joining on audio only: Russ Mundy
Notes/Action items: