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Below, you will find each of the recommendations from the Final Report of the ALAC Review WG on ALAC Improvements that has been assigned to WT A.  These are Recs. 1, 10, and 11.  And after each recommendation is a table listing the related tasks from the WT A At-Large Simplified Improvements Outline.

Please complete the tables (by first clicking "Edit" above).  For each task, you must list either:

  • One or more recommendations that WT A would like to propose to the ALAC in order to implement the task; or
  • An explanation of why the task no longer requires WT A to make an implementation recommendation to the ALAC.

About your implementation recommendations:

  • Include enough relevant information (details, links, etc.) in your recommendations to make them clear to the ALAC.
  • For any task, you may enter one or more implementation recommendations (most tasks will likely get one recommendation).
  • You may enter the same recommendation under more than one task (enter the recommendation or recommendations that most directly apply to each task).

About your explanations of why tasks no longer require implementation recommendations:

  • Include enough relevant information (details, links, etc.) in your explanations to make them clear to the ALAC.  These explanations – like the WT’s recommendations themselves – were discussed during the WT meetings.

About the tables themselves:

  • Tables can be difficult to use/edit in Confluence.  (If you have problems, please let Seth know.)
  • Please confirm that links you’d like to embed in the tables’ text are actually active (actually work). 
  • The column widths should adjust as you type in them.
  • Remember to click “Save” after you’ve edited the tables. 

Main sources of information for use in filling out these tables:

  • The WT meeting minutes (primary source; see link above); and
  • The notes, action items, etc. listed on the WT’s Simplified Improvements Outline.

Note re WT A:

  • Although WT A’s primary recommendation to the ALAC (to amend the ICANN Bylaws) has already been implemented, please fill out the tables as if it is still a recommendation to the ALAC.  Also make sure at least one recommendation or explanation is included for each task. 


REC 1: ALAC has a continuing purpose in the ICANN structure with four key elements:

   - Providing advice on policy;

   - Providing input into ICANN operations and structure;

   - As part of ICANN’s accountability mechanisms; and

   - As an organizing mechanism for some of ICANN’s outreach.

The section of the ICANN Bylaws that deals with ALAC should be changed to reflect this purpose.

Task #


WT A recommends that the ALAC…

This task no longer requires a recommendation from WT A because...


Amend Bylaws Article XI,s2(4)(a) to clarify purposes, as proposed


Create draft redline edits of relevant Bylaw section


ALAC to review draft created in 1.1.1


Following ALAC review (and possible revision), draft and ALAC's recommendation to be sent to SIC for Board's ratification, subject to public comments and revisions


Review proposed IIC/post-JPA accountability mechanisms to ensure congruence with recommendation


Review relevant public comments


Define further steps required


ALAC Engagement in ICANN Structural Improvements Programs


Determine if additional processes within ALAC required beyond those in place


Determine if additional processes external to At-Large are required


After 1.3.1 & 1.3.2, report results to ALAC


Extend ALAC Chair term to two years

REC 10: "ALAC as the representative body for At Large is the primary organizational home for the voice and concerns of the individual Internet user in ICANN processes (though ICANN's multi stakeholder model provides opportunity for individual users to choose to participate in many other ways in the ICANN process)."

REC 11: There needs to be a clear statement from the Board that recognizes the place of At-Large as the primary organizational home for individual Internet users and that clarifies the relationship between ALAC and the User Home currently being developed within the GNSO.                

Task #


WT A recommends that the ALAC…

This task no longer requires a recommendation from WT A because...


ALAC is the primary ICANN home for the voice and concerns of the individual Internet user


Statement from Board that clearly recognizes At-Large as primary ICANN home of individual Internet users and clarifies relationship between ALAC and GNSO's User Home


Staff to create draft redline edits of relevant sections of the Bylaws


Draft created in 11.1 to be reviewed by ALAC


ALAC-reviewed edit to be transmitted with ALAC's recommendation to the Board for ratification of changes, subject to public comment processes for Bylaw amendments and subsequent revisions, if any

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