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OVERALL THEME " Bridging Digital Divides, connecting culture for Africa's Digital empowerment" 

AFRALO Roundtable 1 - Title: Enhancing Internet Infrastructure in Africa for  an inclusive Internet 

Time: Morning session 75 min - Monday 10th June. (9:00-10:15 am) 

Moderators:Hadia Elminiawi, AFRALO Chair, and Bukola Oronti.

Speaker Status Questionnaire 
  1. Dr. Nii Quaynor 


  1. What are the most pressing cybersecurity threats currently facing Africa’s DNS infrastructure and how can they be effectively mitigated?  (4 min)
  2. What are the current and upcoming investment opportunities in the DNS infrastructure in Africa? ( 4 min)
  3. What can ICANN org and ICANN stakeholders do to help in the development of the DNS infrastructure in Africa? (recommendations provided will feed into the AFRALO-AfriCANN statement) closing remarks (4 min)
2. Alan Barrett. ICANN org Board member CONFIRMED  


  1.    What are the most pressing cybersecurity threats currently facing Africa’s DNS infrastructure and how can they be effectively mitigated? (3 min)
  2.   What can ICANN stakeholders do to help in the development of the DNS infrastructure in Africa? (recommendations provided will feed into the AFRALO-AfriCANN statement - (3 min)
3. Dr. Catherine Adeya, ICANN org Board member CONFIRMED


  1.   How significant are the lack of - local content and language barriers in hindering digital inclusion across Africa? What strategies are being implemented to overcome these challenges? (3 min)
  2.   What can ICANN org and ICANN stakeholders do to help in the development of the DNS infrastructure in Africa? (recommendations provided will feed into the AFRALO-AfriCANN statement) & closing remarks (3 min)

4. Mr. Audace Niyonkuru -  CEO, Digital Umuganda (Rwanda) Mag member, UN IGF.CONFIRMED 


  1. What are the most pressing cybersecurity threats currently facing Africa’s DNS infrastructure and how can they be effectively mitigated? closing remarks ( 3min)
  2. What role have local governments, international organizations, and private sector entities played in supporting DNS infrastructure development? (3 min)

What can ICANN org and ICANN stakeholders do to help in the development of the DNS infrastructure in Africa? (recommendations provided will feed into the AFRALO-AfriCANN statement) (Questions for all panelists) 

6. Pierre Dandijinou- VP GSE Africa CONFIRMED 


  1. How has the Coalition for Digital Africa made a difference since its inception in improving the DNS infrastructure in Africa? (3 min)
  2.   Can you provide us with details about the grant program? (3 min)
  3.   Can you provide us with details about the new gTLD next round? (3 min)
7. Dr. Jabhera Matogoro - representing AFRALO ALS CONFIRMEDWill prepare ALS contributions based on the AFRALO survey results 

8. Mr. ALhagie Mbow, Member of Parliament APNIC the Gambia


INVITED - has not replied yet

declined due to conflict 

APNIG Secretariat has put forward this name again. 

9. Hon Neema Lugangira, Member of Parliament, APNIC- United Republic of TanzaniaCANCELLED DUE TO PARLIAMENTARY EMERGENCY


What role have local governments, international organizations, and private sector entities played in supporting DNS infrastructure development? (4min)

Mr. Gabriel Karsan, member of APNIG  (Tanzania)


What role have local governments, international organizations, and private sector entities played in supporting DNS infrastructure development? (4min)

Hon. Lydia Akavbagura, member of APNIG  (Ghana) 


What role have local governments, international organizations, and private sector entities played in supporting DNS infrastructure development? (4min)

AFRALO Roundtable 2 - Title : Building a Multilingual Internet: Opportunities and Challenges

Monday 10th of June - 10:45- 12:15 CAT-  90 min session

Moderators: Anil Kumar Jain (remotely), AFRALO member from UASG, Aziz Hilali, ALAC Member from AFRALO, and Houda Chihi (AFRALO individual member).

Speaker Status Questionnaire 
  1. Sarmad Hussain (remote)


(8 min)

  1. What are some successful examples of domain names and email addresses being used in local languages within Africa? (4 min)
  2. What are the next steps for stakeholders in supporting a multilingual landscape in Africa? & Closing Remarks (4 min)

2. Amina Ramallan - UA Ambassador Nigeria CONFIRMED 

SENT Amina Ramallan - UA Ambassador Nigeria (8 min allocated for intervention)

  1. Could you share a success story or a particular challenge you faced while promoting UA adoption? ( 4min)
  2. What are the next steps for stakeholders in supporting a multilingual landscape in Africa? & Closing Remarks ( 4 min)
3. Nabil Benamar- Vice Chair  of UASGCONFIRMED REMOTE 


8 min

  1. Could you share a success story or a particular challenge you faced while promoting UA adoption? ( 4min)
  2.  Could you highlight the roadmap for the successful implementation of Universal Acceptance in Africa, emphasizing the impact of these initiatives? How might we replicate these initiatives ( 4min)
4. Dr. Catherine Adeya - ICANN Board member from Africa CONFIRMED 


 (8 min)

  1. How crucial is multilingualism to achieving global inclusivity and what steps can be taken to better represent the African population online? (4min)
  2. How important are collaborations and partnerships in advancing multilingual capabilities on the Internet? Could you provide an example of a successful partnership? (4min)

5. Nodumo Dhlamini - Association of African Universities CONFIRMED 


1. What strategies are in place to include UA adoption in universities? ( 4min)

2. How important are collaborations and partnerships in advancing multilingual capabilities on the Internet? Could you provide an example of a successful partnership? (4min)

6. Yaovi Atohoun - GSE Stakeholder engagement CONFIRMED 


  1. Could you highlight the roadmap for the successful implementation of Universal Acceptance in Africa, emphasizing the impact of these initiatives? How might we replicate these initiatives (4min)
  2. What are the next steps for stakeholders in supporting a multilingual landscape in Africa? & Closing Remarks (4min)

7. Mr. ALhagie Mbow, Member of Parliament APNIC the Gambia INVITED - has not replied yet/ DECLINED due to conflict declined due to conflict 
8. Hon Neema Lugangira, Member of Parliament, APNIC- United Republic of TanzaniaCANCELLED DUE TO A PARLIAMENTARY EMERGENCY 


(8 min)

  1. How crucial is multilingualism to achieving global inclusivity and what steps can be taken to better represent the African population online? (4min)
  2. How important are collaborations and partnerships in advancing multilingual capabilities on the Internet? Could you provide an example of a successful partnership? (4min)
Mr. Karsan Gabriel,  member of APNIG  (Tanzania)


  1. How crucial is multilingualism to achieving global inclusivity and what steps can be taken to better represent the African population online? (4min)
  2. How important are collaborations and partnerships in advancing multilingual capabilities on the Internet? Could you provide an example of a successful partnership? (4min)
Hon. Lydia Akavbagura, member of APNIG  (Ghana) 


  1. How crucial is multilingualism to achieving global inclusivity and what steps can be taken to better represent the African population online? (4min)
  2. How important are collaborations and partnerships in advancing multilingual capabilities on the Internet? Could you provide an example of a successful partnership? (4min)


Wednesday ,12 june 2024 - 13:45- 15:00- CAT time 

Speakers Status 
Sally Costerton - Interim President and CEO ICANN orgCONFIRMED
Alan Barrett - Board Director, ICANN org CONFIRMED
Dr. Catherine Adeyat- Board Director, ICANN orgCONFIRMED 
Leon Felipe Sanchez Ambia, Board Director, At-Large Community representative CONFIRMED  
Pierre Dandijinou, Vice President for Africa, ICANN CONFIRMED  
 Jonathan Zuck- ALAC Chair CONFIRMED 
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