2025-01-08 At-Large Consolidated Policy Working Group (CPWG)
- steinar.grotterod is to reach out to those in the TPR group who share his views and see if they support the submission of a minority report.
- Justine Chew , avri.doria , and Nthabiseng Pule to report back on the Public Comment on the Third Proceeding for Proposed Language for Draft Sections of Next Round AGM during the CPWG Meeting of 15 January.
- satish.babu to report back on the At-Large Workspace: Phase 2 Final Report on the EPDP-IDNs for ICANN Board Consideration Public Comment so that the CPWG can decide whether to prepare a statement. If so, Satish to propose key points for statement.
- Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next CPWG Meeting on Wednesday, 15 January at 19:00 UTC.