In preparation for the submission, please review the FY19 Community Additional Budget Requests Process page at the following link:
In preparation for the submission, please review the following documents attached with this email:
- FY19 Community Additional Budget Requests Process description and timeline FY19 Community Additional Budget Request Process
- Principles that govern ICANN’s request assessment work Principles of SO-AC Additional Budget Requests
- FY19 template request form FY19 Community Requests Template
Please e-mail any questions you may have to planning@icann.org and be sure to check the Finance Community Wiki[community.icann.org] for updates.
Request | Person or Group Submitting | Request Number | Description | FBSC Decision | Status |
Access by RALOs for Funding of Local Engagement Activities (Final) | ALAC | Given the significant success of the FY18 ABR request for RALO Discretionary Funding, for FY19, the ALAC requests that each of the five RALO’s be given access up to $4,000 each for targeted local discretionary funds to permit the local travel, luncheons, displays, graphic and promotional Facebook/Twitter graphics. As shown by the number of useful activities requested and approved to date in the implementation of the similar FY18 ABR, it is clear that opportunities exist for At-Large members to do local outreach and engagement about ICANN and ICANN policy related issues. Giving the RALOs the ability to identify local engagement activities which they can self-organize provides ICANN and the At-Large Structures with an efficient local team that is knowledgeable on ICANN policies. This results in grass-roots awareness-raising of ICANN in local communities. This project saw significant increase in the number of requests and successfully implemented local events. An additional year of ABR funding would allow this program to build on its success in allowing RALOs and At-Large Structures to reach out to and engage with local communities. Financial Support: Funding for $20,000 ($4,000 x 5 RALOs) | Submit subject to AG's comments. | Submitted to ICANN | |
ALAC Leadership Team (ALT) Strategy Sessions (Final) | ALAC | This request is for a post-ICANN meeting ICANN Meeting Review and Planning Session. It will occur at the end of each ICANN meeting held in FY19 and will include the ALAC Leadership Team (1 person per Region), the Liaisons to other AC/SOs, other advisors to the ALT (typically the recent past ALAC Chairs of not there in some other capacity) and critical At-Large support staff. This strategy meeting will include a number of components:
Our experience is that in the absence of such a meeting, people disappear immediately for 1-2 weeks to catch up on their real lives and jobs after being at the ICANN meeting (having often taken as vacation time from their real jobs to attend). We then spend considerable time scrambling to get organized again and we inevitable do not quite make it, decreasing the ALAC and leader effectiveness and significantly increasing stress (on both volunteers and staff). In contrast, the ALT Strategy Meetings held to date at the last several ICANN Meetings through previous ABRs have provided space for key discussions on ALAC policy, priorities, and leadership challenges resulting in solid actions that have considerably advanced the work of the ALAC. The ALT Members have expressed that these meetings have provided exceptionally important opportunities for strategic development and team-building. Several other AC/SOs increasingly hold inter-sessional meetings lasting several days with additional travel and accommodation to allow for strategic thinking environments. However, the ALT currently has found that these half day strategy sessions are sufficient for the time being. Note that in response to the comparable request last year (FY18-24-ALAC), the reply was: Support for an At-Large Advisory Committee Leadership Team Strategy Session is now provided through the Policy Development core budget and this activity will be administered through that team. However, we have since been told that the budget allowed for only two of the three ICANN meetings and that it may not be in the proposed FY19 budget. Timeline: The meeting will last for 3-4 hours on the morning after the ICANN meeting. Optimally this would be a breakfast meeting allowing for an early start and early completion (unless breakfast is already included in hotel room charge). Financial Support: Funding for a room (and breakfast if required). One extra day hotel may be needed for some of the 5 ALAC Leadership Team Members, 4 Liaisons and 2 invited guests. Actual numbers will depend on availability of afternoon/evening flights. Recent experience is that most attendees can leave the same day, but the situation varies based on venue. | Submit with deletion. Deletion of specified text completed. | Submitted to ICANN | |
IGF Global Engagement and Capacity Building (Final) | At-Large Outreach and Engagement Sub-Committee | The proposal is for organizing an effective and coordinated At-Large activity during the 2018 IGF, which is a premier global event targeting global stakeholders in the Internet Ecosystem. The aim is an improved coordination of At-Large and other ICANN participants to promote and heighten brand awareness and knowledge of ICANN-ALAC-At-Large with a series of workshops by all five RALOs as well as outreach materials such as banners, posters, brochures and promotional items that help to raise general awareness but which also attract attention and invite people to ask questions about ICANN-ALAC-At-Large and their global and regional activities, as well as how they may get involved. This request is based on the extremely successful At-Large 2017 IGF outreach activities partly supported by ICANN. As the number of reports show, through coordination and planning, the supported travelers met their goals in terms of raising awareness and understanding of At-Large and ICANN. The request is for TWO ALAC and TWO RALO representatives who will not only be actively involved with Outreach and Engagement among the IGF community within the Booth Compound, but will also be participants in ICANN and MAG-accepted IGF workshops/panels This request is part of a coordinated At-Large approach for the 2018 IGF, which include workshop requests from the 5 RALOs. Financial Support: Translation of Outreach Materials to different languages, including ES, FR, RU, ZH Travel support for two ALAC Members and two representatives of the Outreach & Engagement Subcommittee to cover the full IGF period including Day 0 (if scheduled). | Spell Tijani correctly; add link to reports from 2017; Revise where needed. submit with changes.(Revisions completed) | Submitted to ICANN | |
Global Indigenous Peoples Ambassador Program In support of Fellowships | ALAC/At-Large | Assign Global Indigenous Ambassadors to the ICANN Fellowship Program to increase the ability of global indigenous peoples to engage effectively within ICANN as well as to raise awareness on ICANN-related policy issues among indigenous communities worldwide. This is the third phase of this highly successful program. The FY’2018 request was proposed by ALAC. The FY’2017 inaugural request was proposed as a community special request project by Native Public Media (NPM), an ALS based in NARALO. During FY18, the Global Indigenous Ambassadors participated actively in all Fellowship sessions during the ICANN Meetings. They also were encouraged to participate in SO/AC/SG meetings. Each Ambassador and Mentor were exceptionally active during the ICANN Meetings they attended. To make the most of the opportunity via ICANN, vested global indigenous mentors are paramount in bridging the importance of ICANN’s work to that of indigenous communities around the world. Mentors bridge the work following their participation in the ICANN Fellowship engagement making the program meaningful, lasting, and relevant across Indigenous communities and raising the impact of ICANN’s work globally. The results achieved from earlier programs were above expectation and the impact generated resulted in thousands of people getting to know about the program. The ambassador from Bolivia was interviewed on TV in an indigenous language program to discuss Internet policy and how other communities can participate. One of the indigenous fellows from the USA presented the program during the IGF2017 closing ceremony, an event with over 3200 registered participants and broadcast worldwide. The community empowerment this program enabled will continue to be acknowledged for decades as ICANN participants’ immersion in the community is, in average, 3 years at least. Because of the success of the past year we were approached by RightsCon to create a session on indigenous issues. The program is also enabling an increase in the number of ALSes within theTerm: July 2018 – June 2019 Education/Training:
The Fellowships will include travel support for two ICANN Meetings in FY2019: (1) ICANN 63, October 20 – October 26, 2018, Barcelona Spain; (2) ICANN 64, March 9–14, 2019, Kobe, Japan Financial Support: Four (4) indigenous Ambassadors and two (2) Indigenous Mentors per conference @ two FY2019 ICANN Conferences (2X3=6 Fellows):
| Replace "love" with "want" (Completed) | Submitted to ICANN | |
Communications and Outreach and Engagement Material Support for At-Large (Final) | ALAC/At-Large | This request is for communications and language services support for the ALAC and the five RALOs to allow for more effective outreach and engagement. Examples of such support would include:
This set of activities would result in increased awareness of the ALAC and At-Large, raised ‘brand’ recognition of the ALAC and the RALOs, and facilitate outreach activities. This request is made to ensure that At-Large has communication materials and support in the event that the funds that have been given to the ICANN Communications Department for such purposes are removed in the FY19 budget. Given the scope of work requested, this request is likely in the amount of between $10,000-$15,000. Financial Support: Given the scope of work requested, this request likely in the amount of between $10,000-$15,000. | Add details of individual requests (completed) | Submitted to ICANN | |
(Final) | Alan Greenberg (ALAC Chair) | There will be a new ALAC Chair beginning at the closing of the 2018 AGM. For previous Chair transitions in 2010 and 2014, the outgoing Chair was still a member of the ALAC for the following year, and acted as a Vice-Chair. Although assuming the Chair position was still a significant challenge, the presence and counsel of the past Chair eased the process. The current ALAC Chair will no longer be on the ALAC at the conclusion of the 2018 AGM, so some other method needs to be found to facilitate a seamless transition. Moreover, the job of being Chair has evolved over recent years. ICANN has become far more formal and process-driven and much of that (at least in the case of the ALAC) involves the Chair. The Empowered Community and other tasks associated with being a Chair such as appointment of Specific Review Teams and the recent work associated with the SSR2-RT have also added to the job. To ensure a proper transition we are requesting a two-day meeting of the outgoing and incoming ALAC Chairs along with the two lead At-Large Staff members. It is our understanding that several other ICANN AC/SOs have a similar practice for their Chair transitions. Financial Support: Time of 2 Staff Meeting Room sufficient for 4 people. Travel support for 3-4 people. | Submit Ready to be submitted | Submitted to ICANN |