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March 2014


 December 2014

Monthly activities in December were focused on a number of follow-ups.

One of the main items was the preparation for ICANN of the budget proposal for the 2016 fiscal year for the GA in autumn 2015, to be organised during the ICANN 54 meeting.

The IANA Stewardship transition and the proposal made by ALAC remained a key focus at the end of the year.

The CROPP program and applications from EURALO were also an important focus, and were debated during the monthly call, as well as the candidature of JJ Subrenat for the Netmundial Coordination Council, which was accepted.

The EuroDIG planning process and the December 31deadline for the call for topic proposals remained high on the agenda. The EuroDIG Secretariat reminded all RALO members about the mailing list and reported on the creation of a newspaper that will round up news on Internet governance activities all over Europe on a monthly basis. Another item of EuroDIG news was the South-Eastern European Roundtable, to be organised during EuroDIG 2015.

The new application for EURALO membership from Russia and the due diligence procedure to be prepared by staff was discussed by RALO members. Other applicants may submit their applications soon as well. The importance of individual membership was also a feature of discussion this month.


 November 2014

Monthly activities in November were focused on a number of follow-ups and the preparation of the EuroDIG planning process, with the open call for proposals. The topic proposals for Sofia 2015 remained an important issue for discussion and promotion among RALO members.

The IANA Stewardship transition and the accountability issues at ICANN remained hot topics of discussion for RALOs in line with these issues, EURALO members participated in a meeting in Frankfurt focused on IANA Stewardship transition.

Another event was the Geneva Internet Conference, which featured the participation of several EURALO members.

During November, EURALO ALSes also discussed the EURALO GA that could be organised during the Dublin meeting in autumn 2015 and the request for the budget for the GA to be submitted to ICANN for the 2016 fiscal year. 

October 2014

Monthly activities in October were focused on a number of follow-ups and mainly on the ICANN 51 meeting, which took place in Los Angeles on October 11-17, 2014. The important topics discussed during the ICANN 51 were the IANA Stewardship transition and the follow-up to the ATLAS II recommendation. During the meeting of the Regional Leadership, the question of the engagement and participation of RALOs inside the EURALO was raised and debated. 

One of the important points of the feedback from participants to ICANN 51 in Los Angeles was the success of the Leadership Training program. It was underlined that the program was a useful look at capacity and management training that gave participants the opportunity to meet people from different constituencies.

The EuroDIG preparation process for Sofia 2015 and the upcoming call for proposals remained another focus of activities in October. The RALOs were informed that the compilation of proposals will be completed by the end of January 2015, with the final program of EuroDIG to be decided in April 2015.


September 2014

Monthly activities in September were focused on a number of follow-ups and the preparation of the next ICANN meeting, which will take place in October of this year in Los Angeles. The participation in the ICANN Academy at ICANN 51 was underlined. 

The follow-up of the implementation of the ATLAS II recommendations and closer cooperation between At-Large and the Board on the issue has entered its active phase. 

The interesting feedback from ICANN Studienkreis meeting was noted. Discussions took place concerning the intervention of Mr Fadi Chéhadé during the second day of the above-mentioned event and also covered the NetMundial Initiative meeting in Geneva.

September was also the month of the follow-up on the outcomes of the IGF and the participation of At-Large members in a number of workshops and side events.

It is important to underline that the first preparatory meeting of EuroDIG 2015, which will take place in Sofia, was organized.

The new ALAC Leadership, Alan Greenberg, was introduced to the community and EURALO offers to Alan its warm congratulations for this nomination.

The Action Plan for EURALO 2015 is now open for comments and will be presented during the month of November - December of this year. 

July - August 2014

Monthly activities in July and August were limited due to the summer break. At the same time, the events organized during this period were rich. The main concern was the follow-up to the ICANN 50 meeting and the ATLAS II Declaration implementation process. 

The importance of such events like the European Summer School on Internet Governance (EuroSSIG) which will soon celebrate its 10th anniversary and which is the hub for new Internet Governance leaders- and the ICANN Studienkreis meeting, which was also organised in Sofia, Bulgaria, during July-August needs to be underlined.

The month of July was concentrated on the results from EuroDIG event, which took place in June in Berlin. The end of August was dedicated to the preparation of IGF meeting, which will take place in September in Istanbul, and the participation of EURALO ALSes in it.

June 2014

Monthly activities in June were focused on a number of important events in Europe in the field of Internet Governance.

One of them was the European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG), organised in Berlin. Due to the success of the CROPP applications, five candidates represented EURALO in Berlin and engaged with potential future members of EURALO and other stakeholders around ICANN and EURALO roles and activities. They assumed outreach activities on behalf of EURALO.

ICANN 50 and EURALO GA were another important events. 80% of EURALO members attended the GA held during the ICANN 50 and participated in ICANN debates, as well as the ATLAS II Summit at ICANN 50.

During the EURALO GA a number of issues were discussed and presented to the members, including the targets achieved since the Lisbon GA in 2013, successful EURALO representation at different levels (ICANN Board, NomCom, At-Large Multistakeholder Award for Avri Doria) and the success with the main projects (EuroDIG and the ICANN Academy). The issue of better engagement of the EURALO ALSes was underlined and the need for a strategy on better outreach was discussed. The new Vice-President for Europe, Jean-Jacques Sahel, was presented to the stakeholders and stressed the need to reinforce the European Engagement Strategy. 

During the ATLAS II Summit at ICANN 50 there were many EURALO representatives. The ATLAS II Statement to the Multistakeholder Community was one of the successes of the Summit. 

May 2014

Monthly activities in May were focused on active preparation of the ATLAS II Summit, which will take place during the ICANN 50 in June of this year in London.

The main concern was the participation of EURALO ALSes in the Sub-Committee working groups and the preparation of the summit agenda. EURALO activities were focused on the preparation of the General Assembly, which will be organised during the ATLAS II Summit and the agenda points to be proposed as a part of the GA.  Agenda points have to be proposed by EURALO ALS and will be integrated in the agenda, to be discussed with ALSes representatives together with the Board Report and the EURALO strategy for 2014-2015.

The participation of the new ICANN Vice-President for Europe, Mr Jean-Jacques Sahel, in the EURALO GA was acknowledged and we would like to welcome Jean-Jacques.

The month of May also saw work devoted to ALAC Social Media Strategy and implementing its action points for ATLAS II.

Among other issues were the follow-up to CROPP procedure for Europe region, the upcoming EuroDIG event in June in Berlin and the participation of EURALO members in it, as well as the participation in the ICANN Working Group on Accountability and the preparation of the MoU to be proposed for signature between RIPE NCC and EURALO. 

April 2014

During the month of April, EURALO activities were actively focused on the follow-up to the post-ICANN Singapore achievements and the results of the selection of the candidate for Board 15.

Another point of discussion was the upcoming NetMundial event and the participation of EURALO members in it, together with EURALO concerns and priorities to be delivered and discussed during the aforementioned meeting. The follow-up to the NetMundial recommendation dominated EURALO activity at the end of the month.

The follow-up to the CROPP selection procedure and related logistical questions remained an important issue for the region.

The preparation of the ATLAS II Summit, which will take place in June in London, was another key focus of EURALO activities in April. The need for greater involvement by ALSes representatives in different Working Groups that were created to support the preparation of the Summit was highlighted.  

Other key focuses were the preparation of the final agenda and the participation of EURALO ALSes in EuroDIG for June of this year, as well as involvement in events, such as the EU MAPPING project meeting to take place in May 2014 in Rome. 

March 2014

Monthly activities in March were focused on the ICANN 49 meeting priorities and the new changes that were announced during this meeting, principally, the IANA transition and the transfer of key Internet technical functions decided by the US Government. The abovementioned priorities and the positions of EURALO members concerning these priorities were among the main discussion points in Singapore. 

Among other key issues was the selection process of candidates for Board Seat 15, the regional consultation among member ALSes (with a high level of participation again), and the announcement of results with the appointment of Ms Rinalia Abdul Rahim as the next ICANN Board Director from At-Large, as selected by the At-Large Community. EURALO would like to offer Rinalia its warm congratulations!


Also of note was the approval of the CROPP submission candidates proposed by EURALO in February 2014, namely the two Armenian counterparts who were accepted as part of EURALO’s CROPP program. 

Preparation for the ATLAS II Summit and the participation in EuroDIG in June this year remained important items on the agenda. Other actual EURALO challenges are: the outreach activities for ATLAS II which have to be designed and the preparation of EURALO’s next General Assembly which is planned to take place during ICANN 50 in London. 


EURALO members in Lisbon discussed and defined some thematic priorities for our regional activities. Another key topic on the agenda was how to improve in-reach and involvement in ALAC consultation procedures and policy. Besides this, the Chair and Secretariat were re-elected (the latter Yuliya Morenets in a run-off voting round following the GA). Furthermore, the EURALO Board was re-elected with some incoming new members. For more details see https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/EURALO/EURALO+Elections%2C+Selections+and+Appointments+2013

EURALO with its ALAC members participated at the last ICANN meeting in July in Durban/South Africa. And as in previous years, various members participated in the European Summer School on Internet Governance (EuroSSIG) in Meissen/Germany in August and at the last ICANN-Studienkreis meeting in Pisa/Italy in September – see and


The thematic focus of the assembly was on “how to improve participation and members involvement in regular EURALO work and regional advice to ALAC – ICANN?” There was a vivid discussion incl. definition of five thematic priorities for EURALO. For more details see the Lisbon GA meeting minutes:


The GA was followed by an ICANN-EURALO Outreach reception for EuroDIG participants and the local community to attract new members from the host country. The following two days EURALO members attended the 2013 EuroDIG with a packed program – see:


- follow-up for preparations of Lisbon GA https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/EURALO/EURALO+2013+General+Assembly+Workspace\\

- next steps on ICANN Academy (F2F meeting in Beijing, survey, presentation of new ICANN on-line Educational platform -

ICANN Online Education Platform and the role of the ICANN Academy WG - Open Discussion with Matthew Shears );

- national events (Finnish Internet Forum - , Russian Internet Governance Forum - )


PostWCIT12 issues at webinar: 


and Wolfgang Kleinwächter’s related article:
