Work Team C's calls are scheduled for every other Tuesday at 20:00 UTC. (The first call was during the week of 30th August.)
Next Meeting: 02 March 2011
Previous Meetings:
16 February 2011
02 February 2011
19 January 2011
04 January 2011
6 December 2010
23 November 2010
26 October 2010
12 October 2010
GNSO Working Group Guidelines_ver 5 Feb 2010.pdf
ALAC Review
Final Report of the ALAC Review WG on ALAC Improvements
At-Large Improvements
Status of ALAC Improvements Implementation_rev 6.pdf
Recommendation task 5.3.1 (ALAC and staff should develop an annual support agreement):
Input from Staff (Samantha Eisner and Olof Nordling)
WT C status reports
WT C Cartagena Presentation plus Flowcharts
WT C San Francisco Presentation (March 2011)
WT C table of recommendations to the ALAC (July 2011)
WT C process diagrams
WT C's Google Docs folder, containing all process diagrams
Current Budget Planning (as of FY12) v1
WT C SWOT analyses
Strategic plan for WT C (SWOT description; Crepin-Leblond_26 Sep 2010)
WT C's SWOT Analysis_ver 1 (raw data) (for input from WT C members)
WT C's SWOT Analysis_ver 2 (consolidated & reorganized)
WT C's SWOT Analysis_ver 3 (input from both WT C & RALOs; consolidated & reorganized)
RALOs' ALS input into SWOT analyses (actually housed on RALO Workspaces)
AFRALO's ALS input into SWOT analyses
APRALO's ALS input into SWOT analyses
EURALO's ALS input into SWOT analyses
LACRALO's ALS input into SWOT analyses
NARALO's ALS input into SWOT analyses
Budget process
FY12 Operating Plan & Budget
FY12 Summary of SO-AC-SG requests - 17 May 2011
At-Large FY12 Budget Development Workspace - 2011
ALAC Statement on Proposed Framework for FY12 Operating Plan & Budget (final; April 2011)
Transmittal e-mail for ALAC Statement on Proposed Framework for FY12 Operating Plan & Budget
Opening of vote on ALAC Statement on Proposed Framework for FY12 Operating Plan & Budget
Workspace on ALAC Statement on Proposed Framework for FY12 Operating Plan & Budget
Related meetings/calls
FY12 Budget call (re additional At-Large requests): 05 May 2011
ICANN Strategic Planning Review with ALAC (9 Nov 2010)
FY12 Operating Plan and Budget Kickoff - ALAC (23 Nov 2010)
ALAC & Regional Leadership FY12 Budget Development Meeting (8 Dec 2010, Cartagena)