Adobe Connect Chat Transcript: EN
Transcription: EN and ES
EN: Gordon Chillcott, Barrack Otieno, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Eduardo Diaz, Yasuichi Kitamura, Sebastien Bachollet, Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Jean-Jacques Subrenat, Alan Greenberg, Leon Sanchez, Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Beran Gillen, Avri Doria, Glenn McKnight
ES: Fatima Cambronero,
Apologies: Seun Ojedeji, Jimmy Schulz
Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Gisella Gruber, Terri Agnew
CCWG Accountability (to be updated)
5. CCWG Accountability (Alan Greenberg, León Felipe Sánchez Ambía - 35 minutes)
- Current Drafts of documents being developed
- Principles & Criteria Document (Probably Complete)
- [Archive] Work Item Sub Groups
- CWG-RFP1-2A-2B (Seun Ojedeji, Fouad Bajwa, Olivier Crépin-Leblond)
- CWG-RFP2C - Existing, Pre-Transition Arrangements, NTIA IANA Functions Contract Triage (Eduardo Diaz)
- CWG-RFP3 - Proposed Post-Transition Oversight and Accountability Arrangements (Eduardo Diaz, Fouad Bajwa, Olivier Crépin-Leblond)
- Strawman matrix
- Meeting #1 CWG-RFP3 (6 November 2014)
- Meeting #2 CWG-RFP3 (12 November 2014)
- Meeting #3 CWG-RFP3 --Special Session on RFP3 (convened at 15:30 UTC on 13 November 2014)
- (work continued in Frankfurt F2F meeting)
More References: Meetings of the CWG to Develop an IANA Stewardship Transition Proposal on Naming Related Functions
- IANA CWG Meeting #1 (6 October)
- IANA CWG Meeting #2 (13 October)
- IANA CWG Meeting #3 (22 October)
- IANA CWG Meeting #4 (30 October)
- IANA CWG Meeting #5 (4 November)
- IANA CWG Meeting #6 (13 November)
- IANA CWG Meeting #7 (19 & 20 November)
- IANA CWG Meeting #9 (27 November)
- IANA CWG Meeting #10 (11 December)
- IANA CWG Meeting #11 (11 December)
- IANA CWG Meeting #12 (23 December) (CANCELLED)
- IANA CWG Meeting #13 (8 January)
- IANA CWG Intensive Work Weekend (10 - 11 January)
- IANA CWG Meeting #18 (15 January)
- IANA CWG Meeting #19 (22 January)
- IANA CWG Meeting #20 (January 29)
- IANA CWG Meeting#21 ICANN 52 Singapore 11 February
- IANA CWG Meeting #22 (19 February)
- IANA CWG Meeting #23 (24 February)
- IANA CWG Meeting #24 (26 February)
- IANA CWG Meeting #25 (3 March)
- IANA CWG Meeting #26 (5 March)
- IANA CWG Meeting #29 (17 March)
- IANA CWG Meeting #30 (19 March)
IANA CWG Face to Face Meeting (Meeting #31 & Meeting #32) (26-27 March)
IANA CWG Meeting # 35 (17 April)
More References: Meetings of the CCWG on Enhancing ICANN Accountability
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #2 (16 December 2014)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #3 (23 December 2014)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #4 (30 December 2014)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #5 (6 January 2015)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #6 (13 January 2015)
- CCWG ACCT Face to Face Meeting (19 - 20 January 2015)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #9 (27 January 2015)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #10 (3 February 2015)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #11 (9 February)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #12 (12 February)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #13 (17 February)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #14 (24 February)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #15 (3 March)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #16 (10 March)
- CCWG ACCT Meeting #17 (17 March)
- CCWG ACCT Face to Face Meeting (23 - 24 March 2015)
At-Large Positions
- http://la51.icann.org/en/schedule/tue-atlarge-iana-stewardship
- At-Large Ad-hoc WG on the Transition of US Government Stewardship of the IANA Function 2014-10-14 Los Angeles
- Notes from IANA Issues WG brainstorming in Los Angeles DOCX / PDF
- Notes from the Flip Chart
Post transition Safeguards
Performance metrics accomplished regularly
Response strategies
Risk management matrix
How do we recognize satisfaction
Confidence in root zone
Continuity of allocation of IP addresses and fairness
No change to current IP policies
Keep processes that work - do not change them
Creation of another oversight body