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Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Matthias Langenegger, Gisella Gruber-White, Seth Greene


Action Items: EN, FR, ES

Adopted Motions: EN, FR, ES

Transcription: EN, FR, ES

Recording: EN, FR, ES

Documents (EN):


Proposed Framework for the Fiscal Year 2011 Operating Plan and Budget (ends 1 Apr 10); Click here for the regional input into the FY Operating Plan and Budget


Board Resolution 20 adopted on 12 March 2010 requested stakeholders to work through their SOs and ACs, and form a Working Group to develop a sustainable approach to providing support to applicants requiring assistance in applying for and operating new gTLDs.

Communication between the Chairs of the ALAC and the GNSO

Who does the ALAC wish to formally propose as the AC representative to this WG?


8. At-Large Improvements (10 mins) Seth
a. Confirmation of WG Chairs, Vice Chairs and Members - click here for At-Large WGs wiki
b. Suggested allocation of At-Large Improvements Recommendations and Tasks to specific WGs (see: Simplified At-Large Improvements Outline)
c. Single Issue Call with WG Chairs, Vice Chairs and Focal points to confirm alloction of Recommendations and Tasks by end of March

9. At-Large Director Selection Process - (10 mins)
a. Next Steps: ABSdt and BCEC

For Information: click here for At-Large Director selection workspace

10. Update on At-Large Global Outreach Program - (5 mins) Sylvia

Nairobi Presentations:

Presentation Sylvia Nairobi
Presentation Siva Nairobi

Additional Background Material:

background reference1 rough collaborative notes on alac_draft_outreach_proposal_to_icann_.pdf
background reference2 Agency_brief_on_icann_global_outreach_program.pdf

11. Any Other Business