Building a culture of accessibility.
Building a culture of accessibility.
Task | SWOT | SMART | Priority/ Time Frame * / Level of Effort ** | Persons involved/date of completion | Notes |
Stocktake of what ICANN already does to address accessibility | Opportunity | Specific - Determine the compliance ( ADA)and overall effectiveness of the ICANN actions
MEASURABLE( Outcomes) - Summarize the list and bring it back to the group and provide a
'temperature gauge' of actions vis a vis other similar US based 501 C organizations
Achievable - Survey and interviews key staff responsible for the wide range of compliance from Website, HR, event planning etc
Results - Realistic depending on timeline
- Number of interventions
TIME - Measure difference (over specific time?)
| 1 / a:a / low level of effort confirm | | |
Disability awareness toolkit be developed - Creation of a general toolkit for for ICANN staff and At-Large community
- Creation of a specific toolkit for registry/registrar community
- Creation of webinar/video
| Opportunity | Specific - Research best practices for organizational toolkits/checklists
- Assess budget considerations
- Appoint key researcher and team
- Organize and delivery of webinars/short video
Measurable - Determine number of topics
- Set format ie. Ebook Wiki, PDF, Video etc
Achievable - Assuming budget support
- Collate existing training material
- Creation of the 'basket' of tools to help organization be compliant to ADA and be inclusive to the persons with disabilities
- Survey organizations on their recommendations for toolkit
Results - Creation of general disability awareness toolkit
- Creation of specific disability awareness toolkit for the registry/registry community ie web-assessment tools, W3C and WCUG compliance
- Number of downloads of kit
- Number of attendees of webinars
- Number of end user feedback
Time - Draft 6 months
- Final 12 months
| Part 1: 1 / a:b / medium effort Part 2: 2 / a:a / medium effort | | |
Stocktake of what the Domain Name Industry already does to address accessibility | Opportunity & weakness | Specific - Create a Survey Monkey to be sent to key players
Measurable - Assessment of the range of compliance in the Domain Name industry
- Determine the leaders in the industry
Achievable - Assess the results of the survey
- Provide recommendations and create action plan
Results - Number of surveys sent
- Number of survey responses
- Number of recommendations
Time | 3 / a:c / med effort | | |
Disability awareness training be provided | Weakness | Specific - Design and delivery training sessions
- Integration of training into the ICANN Academy
Measurable - Create a climate of attitudinal change towards being inclusive in the representation of the disabled in images, language, conference planning etc
Achievable - Design and delivery of disability awareness training similar to gender sensitivity training to build a culture of inclusion
- Hire appropriate consultant
Results - Number of attendees
- Post training polling/surveys
- Six month surveys of attendees to determine lasting impact
Time | 1 / b:c / medium effort Keynote speakers | | |
Keynote speakers at ICANN meetings to include representatives from disability community | Opportunity | Specific Measurable Achievable Results Time | 1 / a:a / low effort | Offer disability showcase events at ICANN meetings demonstrating various innovative ways people with disability use the Internet | Opportunity | Specific Measurable Achievable Results Time 2 - Act on short list recruitment of motivational speaker at the ICANN meetings
- Raising the awareness of persons with disabilities is similar to the efforts made by Black History Month showcasing the achievements of the community. results in tangible benefits
Measurable - Recruitment and appointment of speaker(s)
Achievable - Followup upon previous recommendations base by ALAC members for speakers which has been ignored
Results - Number of speakers
- Number of presentations
| 1 / a:a / medium low effort | “Accessibility Champions” amongst ICANN staff be identified | Weakness | Specific
- Appointment of ICANN staffer to be the champion within ICANN and the point person
- Set budget for assigned staff
- Set job duties to assigned staff
- Build awareness throughout ICANN ecosystem
Open communication of staff person to the ICANN communityAct on issuesCreation of implementation planResults
- Assigned single staff time to be responsible for this task
- Expand role to ICANN team participation to be cross ICANN implementation
1/ a:a / low effort | ICANN encourage employment of staff with disability | Strength & weakness (consider employment in developing countries) | Specific
Assess the current hiring policies and number of persons with disabilities in organizationDeliberate HR recruitment of persons with disabilities for positions at ICANNMeasurable
Number of potential positions for hiringSet goals for hiringAchievable
- Creation of concrete hiring plans and assessment of job duties for suitable hiring requirements ie. remote hiring etc
- Hiring of three persons with disabilities
2 / b:c / medium effort | Incorporate an accessibility trigger in policy development as well as ICANN processes and practices
| Opportunity | Specific
2 / b:b / medium effort |
ICANN websites meet internationally recognised W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) v2.0 Level AA. This includes captioning of videos | Opportunity | Specific - To be inclusive we should advocate that all the videos have CC on videos, NOT YouTube due to the high error factor
Measurable - Implement AMARA and other tools to ICANN educational videos
Achievable Results Time | 1 / a:c / high effort |
Development of ICANN policy on web accessibility | Strength & Opportunity | Specific
Collate standard web accessibility policiesDraft appropriate policy document
- Benchmark suitable policies
- Determine the practicality of the policies
- Rapidly create a suitable policy
- Implement timelines for implementation
- Assess results
1 / a:a / low effort | Encouragement of ccTLDs to develop a best practice guide on web accessibility | | Specific
- Presentations to ccTLD membership
- Request ccTLD assign a point person for this issue
- Solicit data from point person from ccTLD on the distribution to it's membership the toolkit
- Number of guides distributed
- Number of attendees to information webinars
- Two years for implementation stage and then ongoing
3 / a:c / medium effort | Encouragement of registries to use the best practice guide in relation to registrars - in particular to alert registrants to use WCAG v2.0 when developing websites | | Specific - Raise the awareness to the registries of the importance of compliance
- Solicit registrar champions for this issue and promote the issue within the community
- Provide tools to the registrants to be compliant
Measurable - Solicit survey data on adoption
Achievable - Create a baseline and ongoing measurement in the adoption and dissemination of information
Results - Number of presentations at ICANN meetings
- Number of downloads of toolkits
Time | 3 / b:c / medium effort |
ICANN to consider adapting/adopting other existing accessibility meeting guidelines | | | 1 / a:a / low effort |
ICANN meetings will where possible and practical be accessible for people with disability including real-time captioning and other facilities on request such as sign language interpreters and Braille materials | | | 1 / a:b / medium effort |
Communication tools such as web conferencing be as accessible as possible and practical | | | | |
Offer disability showcase events at ICANN meetings demonstrating various innovative ways people with disability use the Internet | Opportunity | Specific - Organize in ICANN village a demonstration of various tools and individuals who's lives are changed by inclusive technologies
Measurable - Build the culture of awareness by showcasing best practice and gather qualitative and quantitative information from end users
Achievable - Build a culture of awareness and acceptance requires sharing knowledge and innovation through 'show and tell'
Results - Number of technologies demonstrated
- Number of individuals volunteered
- Number of attendees
| 2 / a:a / medium effort | | |
“Accessibility Champions” amongst ICANN staff be identified | Weakness | Specific - Appointment of ICANN staffer to be the champion within ICANN and the point person
Measurable - Set budget for assigned staff
- Set job duties to assigned staff
- Build awareness throughout ICANN ecosystem
Achievable - Open communication of staff person to the ICANN community
- Act on issues
- Creation of implementation plan
Results - Assigned single staff time to be responsible for this task
- Expand role to ICANN team participation to be cross ICANN implementation
Time | 1/ a:a / low effort | | |
ICANN encourage employment of staff with disability | Strength & weakness (consider employment in developing countries) | Specific - Assess the current hiring policies and number of persons with disabilities in organization
- Deliberate HR recruitment of persons with disabilities for positions at ICANN
Measurable - Number of potential positions for hiring
- Set goals for hiring
Achievable - Creation of concrete hiring plans and assessment of job duties for suitable hiring requirements ie. remote hiring etc
Results - Hiring of three persons with disabilities
Time | 2 / b:c / medium effort | | |
Incorporate an accessibility trigger in policy development as well as ICANN processes and practices ( UNCLEAR ON MEANING OF THIS )
| Opportunity | Specific
Results Time | 2 / b:b / medium effort | | |
ICANN websites meet internationally recognised W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) v2.0 Level AA. This includes captioning of videos | Opportunity | Specific - To be inclusive we should advocate that all the videos have CC on videos, NOT YouTube due to the high error factor
Measurable - Implement AMARA and other tools to ICANN educational videos
Achievable - Adopt guidelines and rollout the changes
Results - Compliance of ICANN websites for mobile and PC
- Compliance of ICANN mobile applications
- Number of video closed captioned ( not YouTube)
Time | 1 / a:c / high effort | | |
Development of ICANN policy on web accessibility | Strength & Opportunity | Specific - Collate standard web accessibility policies
- Draft appropriate policy document
Measurable - Benchmark suitable policies
- Determine the practicality of the policies
Achievable - Rapidly create a suitable policy
- Implement timelines for implementation
- Assess results
Results - Creation and implementation of appropriate policies per department. ie. website, travel, conferences, hiring etc
Time | 1 / a:a / low effort | | |
Encouragement of ccTLDs to develop a best practice guide on web accessibility | | Specific - Presentations to ccTLD membership
- Request ccTLD assign a point person for this issue
Measurable - Solicit data from point person from ccTLD on the distribution to it's membership the toolkit
Achievable - Scope of project, build the dream and assess the results
Results - Number of guides distributed
- Number of attendees to information webinars
Time - Two years for implementation stage and then ongoing
| 3 / a:c / medium effort | | |
Encouragement of registries to use the best practice guide in relation to registrars - in particular to alert registrants to use WCAG v2.0 when developing websites | | Specific - Raise the awareness to the registries of the importance of compliance
- Solicit registrar champions for this issue and promote the issue within the community
- Provide tools to the registrants to be compliant
Measurable - Solicit survey data on adoption
Achievable - Create a baseline and ongoing measurement in the adoption and dissemination of information
Results - Number of presentations at ICANN meetings
- Number of downloads of toolkits
Time | 3 / b:c / medium effort | | |
Ensuring minimal barriers to participation and engagement with ICANN processes and practices
ICANN to consider adapting/adopting other existing accessibility meeting guidelines | | Specific - Examine the site selection criteria for ICANN meetings for compliance to ADA building guidelines
- Efforts to placement of attendees who have mobility challenges to be closest to the ICANN venue
Measurable Use accessible checklist for grading event Achievable - Set a suitable timeline for adoption of the criteria
Results - Full implementation of checklist
- Grade the meeting for compliance to checklist
Time | 1 / a:a / low effort |
ICANN meetings will where possible and practical be accessible for people with disability including real-time captioning and other facilities on request such as sign language interpreters and Braille materials | | Specific - Set goal and timeline for start of implementing inclusive measures
Measurable - Poll participant use of new resources
- Roll out captioning for Online meetings
Achievable - Set budget and timelines for implementation
Results - Provide materials that are truly accessible ie. size of font, colours etc
- Captioning of Adobe Connect meetings
- Complimentary signing at all Opening and Closing ceremonies
Time - 2015 for captioning Adobe Connect meetings
- 2016 signing
| 1 / a:b / medium effort |
Communication tools such as web conferencing be as accessible as possible and practical | | Specific - Deliberate actions using appropriate web accessible tools, some web conference tools are not compliant
- Assess web conference tools ie. Adobe Connect for accessibility compliance
- Use of Captioning during meeting
Achievable Results - Post meeting polling on Adobe on use o captioning
- Number of meetings using captioning
Time Immediate
| 1 / a:c / medium effort |
All ICANN information material is produced with good colour contrast and with sans serif fonts in an adequate size. | | Specific - Adoption of print/web quality standard
Measurable - Use suitable tools to assess all materials for compliance to standard
Achievable - Provide standard to communication and reminder for compliance
Results Time | 2 / b:c / medium effort |
Priority 1 - Highest, 2 - Secondary, 3 - Tertiary; N/A = Not (reasonably) Achievable
Level Of Effort marked using a Star Rating * (1) Low Effort, ** (2) Moderate/Medium, or *** (3) Higher / but still Reasonable Effort Required, N/A = Not (reasonably) Achievable
Time Frame for Start/Completion of Project** a. less than 6 months; b. 6-18; c. 18 months or longer
ALSO need to add Mind mapping and other 'visualisations' and ICANN based reference, papers policies etc., link to other frames.