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2024-11 - F2F at ICANN81 in Istanbul

No action items recorded. Brainstorming format.

2024-10-07 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

2024-09-03 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

  •  RALO Leaders will work on the ICANN 81 Agenda - to have it ready by the October call.
  •  RALO leadership will include the topic " How to frame the conversation on the CIP item for ICANN 81" in the google doc  RALO Agenda items for ICANN 81.   . Some ideas shared in the call included to create a framework/template for the RALO chairs to share and compare progress, focusing on similarities and differences. 

     RALO leaders decided the following topics for the upcoming call with the interim CEO 

    1.-  Follow-up on last CEO Brainstorming Session with the RALO Chairs- The new GTLD program and role of the RALOs and promoting and communicating the program before it happens.

    2-.- Financial situation of ICANN and consequences on RALOS and At-Large( related to How we work and how we meet discussion and the link to the At-Large summit).


    Michelle DeSmyter will schedule the next call for Tuesday, 08 October 2024 at 14:00 UTC.


  •  Specific processes and best practices how to be efficient, coordination.
  •  Hadia suggested : Overall theme “Operational Improvements and enhancing Self- Awareness”
  •  Michelle DeSmyter  to schedule the next calls at 14 UTC:
    September – Tuesday, 3 September
    October – Tuesday, 8 October – Amrita not available on first Tuesday (1 October)
    November – F2F ICANN81, Istanbul Meeting

2024-05-22 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

  •  Adam Peake to bring priorities for the GSE team for the FY25.

     Silvia Vivanco to create a Google doc “Enhancing Coordination Communication between RALOs and ALAC” including a title relationship with GSE/what worked well and what can be improved  for all RALO leaders to include their inputs in preparation for the Kigali meeting.

2024-05-07 At-Large Regional Leadership Call

  •  All RALO leaders to think of one short ALs interest survey which will include common questions (2-3) and identify trends for all 5 RALOs.
  •   All RALO leaders to think if the Topics they wish to include in the Agenda for the ICANN 80 meeting.

    Each RALO to prepare 1 slide with what worked/what did not work in their respective O/E plans


    Michelle DeSmyter to send a doodle for a RALO call during the week of May 13.


  •  Michelle DeSmyter to schedule the next call for the first week of September.
  •  Filina Natalia to start coordination on the Online Welcome Package
  •  Filina Natalia to come up with ideas to coordinate the At-Large IGF sessions in Japan, with the ALAC Outreach and Engagement subcommittee.

May 25 call 2023 

  •  Heidi Ullrich  to set up a  workspace on the ARPEP to post all the Googles docs from the RALOs on the NomCom Rebalancing issue.
  •  it was agreed that the RALOs will work on a Cross RALO Response to the correspondence from the ICANN Board Chair. Silvia Vivanco will create a Nomcom Rebalancing Cross RALO Google Doc to incorporate and reflect the feedback from all RALOs.
  •  The Cross RALO RoundTable Draft proposal 18 September 2023 was agreed by all. All RALO leaders will work jointly on the Cross RALO Roundtable to be held at ICANN 78
  •   Silvia Vivanco will open a WIKI page on At-Large Anniversary events.
  •  Silvia Vivanco to invite Sally Casterton to the Regional coordination meeting to be held at ICANN 77. 
  •  Silvia Vivanco to open a Skype chat for the ICANN 25 Anniversary RALO Roundtable organization 

April call2023

All RALO leaders discussed the topics for a DRAFT Agenda at ICANN 77 to be confirmed by RALOs.


  •  Silvia Vivanco to send an email to all RALO chairs requesting  any Cross-RALO topics or RALO specific topics. The RALOs agreed to have a coordinated view of what they wish to ask
  •  sebastien.bachollet to send a first draft of the celebration for the 18th September  ICANN 25th Anniversary
  •  Silvia Vivancostaff to create a workspace to start developing the cross RALO ICANN77 section
  •  Yesim Saglam to schedule the next call for May 25th at 13 :00 UTC

January 25 call , 2023

  •  Heidi Ullrich and Silvia Vivanco to create a tool to facilitate Regional leadership transition, with items, leads, etc. 
  •  Michelle DeSmyter to set up a doodle to set the next call, to be set for February Feb 22. 
  •   Leaders proposed the Agenda as follows :


      1. - Outreach and Engagement in RALOs

      2. Policy

      3.  RALO experiences re Onboarding  with feedback from the ALSes (What their onboarding and journey experience has been

      4. Discussion on definition of ALAC roles  and responsibilities and RALO roles and responsibilities 


December 14 call , 2022

  •  Yesim Saglam to schedule a  monthly call on a rotation schedule, to be chaired by LACRALO.  The first call to be held the last week of January. 
  •  claire.craig in coordination with LACRALO leaders. to chair the next At-Large Regional Leadership call.  the idea of "grandfather" ( including the leaders of the previous meeting location chair, the current meeting location chair and the next meeting location chair) as well as selection of a topic every month will be discussed in the first meeting in 2023.