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Targeted nine (9) pilot-test call effort over the course of several months concluding with a staff assessment and recommendation at the end of the test.

See approved FY16 Request Captioning Pilot Project with more details. Here




NARALOJudith HellersteinChair 
AFRALOBeran Gillen 
AFRALOSeun Ojedeji 
APRALOSiranush Vardanyan 
NARALOSunish Gupta 
APRALORafid Fatani 
NARALOGlenn McKnight NARALOAlfredo Calderon 
APRALOGunela Astbrink 
NARALOMark Urban 
NARALOMichael Burks 


Meetings and Events

Next Meeting: 19 August 2015

Last Meeting: 

Previous Calls:


 NARALO monthly February 8th 1 hour Dec 16th 2015 Submitted by Glenn McKnight

ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement

26 May 20161 hour Dec 16th 2016/ March 24 2016 Submitted by Glenn McKnight / Submitted by Renata Aquino Ribeiro
 Technology Task Force18 April1 hour Dec 16th 2015 Submitted by Glenn McKnight 
 APRALO - APAC Hub Capacity building webinar 22 March 20161 hour Dec 22nd 2015 Submitted by Siranush Vardanyan 
LACRALO18 April90 minutesMarch 24 2016Submitted by Renata Aquino Ribeiro
APRALO - GSE HUB  May Webinar on DNS Security  and Abuse17 May 20161 hour April  6, 2016Submitted by  Siranush Vardanyan
ALAC monthly Call26 April 20162 hours13 April 2016Submitted by Alan Greenberg
Capacity Building Webinar 25 May 201690 minutes05 May 2016Submitted by Tijani Ben Jemaa

Cross Community Committee on Accessibility Call

02 June 20161 hour26 May 2016Submitted by Cheryl Langdon-Orr
EVENTS CONFIRMED  Survey Sent Results of Survey
NARALO Monthly CallFeb 8th, 20161 hourAC poll Feb 9th, 2016NARALO Survey
APRALO-APAC Hub Capacity Building Webinar22 March 20161hourAC poll 22 March 2016APRALO-APAC Hub Capacity Building Webinar poll Survey
LACRALO18 April 20161.5 hourAC poll 18 April 2016LACRALO poll Survey
Technology Task Force18 April 20161 hourAC poll 18 April 2016/ Email 19 April 2016TTF poll Survey & click tools
ALAC monthly call26 April 20162 hoursAC poll 26 April/ Email 26 April 2016ALAC poll Survey & clicktools
 APRALO - GSE HUB  May Webinar on DNS Security  and Abuse17 May 20161hourAC poll 17 May 2016APRALO-APAC Hub Capacity Building Webinar poll Survey
ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement26 May 2016  1 hourAC poll 26 May 2016ALAC Subcommittee on Outreach and Engagement
Capacity Building Webinar 25 May 2016  90 minutesAC poll 25 May 2016Capacity Building Webinar - CCT RT
Cross Community Committee on Accessibility Call02 June 2016  1 hourAC poll 02 June 2016CCC on Accessibility Call
