- TTF Policy Tracking Proposal and discussion on Policy Management Process System (30 mins)
- About the Action Request Registry project at ICANN - Liane Champagne-Freitag (Deactivated)
- Reference : At-Large Technology Taskforce presentaion August 8 2017 on Policy Tracking and thoughts on Policy Management Process System.pdf
Review At-Large Technology Issues Page (15 mins)
- Update on the TTF subprojects (10 mins)
Preliminary slides on conferencing solutions https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UoQbYh14gr6PlwagcThU85DTLzbhR7ZfxL1zTlhg6I0/edit?usp=sharing
Looking at redesign of the At-Large Technology Taskforce Working Group main page
How At-Large should use group chat ( https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1bY-O_QWe8S-G7braIGXndxcG03sMqtCSUoqJhhwUROU/edit?usp=sharing)
2017-09-18 At-Large Technology Task Force Call
Review At-Large Technology Issues Page -
- Update on the Preliminary slides on conferencing solutions https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1UoQbYh14gr6PlwagcThU85DTLzbhR7ZfxL1zTlhg6I0/edit?usp=sharing (10 mins)
- Looking at redesign of the At-Large Technology Taskforce Working Group main page (10 mins)
August 2017
On the 2016-12-12 At-Large Technology Taskforce Call, reviewed the At-Large Technology Issues Page and tested the exit Poll feature of Adobe Connect.
- the updates to the translation tool will be put to the http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/new-transbot-en/ and http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/new-transbot-es/ lists
- A round of testing can be announced on TTF list (and a mention on LACRALO if persons want to join) to do testing over Xmas/new year on the new transbot-en and es lists
- any bugs noted would be added to the https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/LACRALO/pages/109744694/discussion-of-LACRALO-mailing-list-issues wiki page
- by mid January on a TTF call, we can review the results of testing and note any showstopper bugs that would delay deploying into production
- if no showstopper bugs have a special purpose call for LACRALO to announce the changes, show the improvements and noting limitations and best practices for LACRALO members when posting.
On the 2016-10-10 At-Large Technology Taskforce Call, Josh Baulch from ICANN Staff was on the call to share with the TTF the changes to how ICANN uses Adobe Connect and Technology Issues related to Adobe Connect
September 2016
On the 2016-09-19 At-Large Technology Taskforce Call ,
- James Gannon from NCUC demoed the NCUC chat (powered by the open source Rocket.chat)
- The developer hired by ICANN to fix the discussion-of-LACRALO-mailing-list-issues has begun work. We will continue to follow the progress of this next month.
- We've added the challenges/issues related to the polling feature in Adobe Connect on the At-Large Technology Issues - a call will be held with ICANN Staff (Josh Baulch) to discuss this issue and the changes to Adobe Connect next month.
- We've noted the beta Adobe Flash Player 23 which is in sync with the Flash Players for Windows and Mac and TTF members will be testing this beta Flash player.
- Next month, lutz.donnerhacke will have a special TTF call on PGP
- The TTF co-chairs (Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Glenn McKnight, Judith Hellerstein) along with Ariel Liang from ICANN At-Large Staff had a call to review and streamline the TTF Consolidated Action Items
August 2016
On the 2016-08-08 At-Large Technology Taskforce Call,
On the TTF call on At-Large Technology Taskforce 2016-04-18, discussed with ICANN Staff several of the issued noted on the At-Large Technology Issues page. This call was captioned as part of the At-Large Captioning project.
On this call, feedback was given to ICANN staff regarding the issue of "the ability to export Adobe Connect recordings from Flash only recordings to formats like MP4 which can be edited and put on video sharing websites for easier resharing and more accessible
for the At-Large community"
This issue is important because Adobe Connect recordings in Flash are unplayable on mobile and tablet devices whereas MP4 files can be playable on mobile, tablet and PCs. Also, playing an Adobe Connect recording on a PC with Flash installed is cumbersome compared with
experiences on video sharing websites like YouTube.
Based on the suggestions given by the TTF on the April 18 2016 call (https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/UTmAAwMzbvBQ), ICANN has configured their Adobe Connect account to allow for ICANN staff (at no additional cost) to export Adobe Connect recordings to MP4 format.
At-Large Staff are currently testing the process to convert Adobe Connect recordings to MP4 and to upload to YouTube. Here's the recording of the At-Large Technology Taskforce conference call on April 18 2016 on YouTube
Also, Since the call for TTF volunteers to test the new translation tool for At-Large mailing lists was posted in late Feburary 2016, several persons responded and were added to the new transbot mailing lists to
do testing. These persons are listed on the https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/LACRALO/pages/109744694/discussion-of-LACRALO-mailing-list-issues page.
Since then, several bugs have been identified. These bugs are also documented at https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/LACRALO/pages/109744694/discussion-of-LACRALO-mailing-list-issues
At the TTF meeting at the ICANN55 meeting in Marrakech (https://meetings.icann.org/en/marrakech55/schedule/mon-ttf), Chris Gift from ICANN introduced Mark Segall (who was attending remotely at the time), a new person at ICANN as a
Delivery Manager, Community Services and thus would be the point person to direct enquiries regarding the issues of the LACRALO mailing list translation.
Mark Segall has been made aware of the bug reports on https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/atlarge/pages/99563594/At-Large+FY17+Budget+Development+Workspace
and has noted that this item needs to be formally classed as a services that ICANN IT supports. So ICANN is currently putting the team needed to support, including seeking an outside developer to help with fixing outstanding bugs.
This is pretty much what the TTF budget request for ICANN's FY17 was asking for, and which was approved by the FBSC and submitted to ICANN Finance. See the approved budget proposal at
March 2016
The TTF met at ICANN55 Marrakech, transcripts and recordings can be found at https://meetings.icann.org/en/marrakech55/schedule/mon-ttf and you can view the TTF presentation At-Large Technology Taskforce Monthly Reports
Also, on this call, reviewed a budget proposal for submission to the FBSC for ICANN to hire a programmer to help fix the LACRALO mailing list issues. The proposal was submitted to the FBSC and can be viewed at https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/download/attachments/5469645999563594/TTF-fixing-LACRALO-Mailing-List-FY17-Community-Request.pdf .
The Translation Tools wiki was updated to note the Skype Translator features now builtin to the latest version of Skype for Windows.
We held a face to face early morning meeting in Dublin which was well attended. A detailed report (https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/download/attachments/5614212199558753/At-Large-TTF-presentation-ICANN54-Dublin-2015.pdf) provided with Dev Anand Teelucksingh participated remotely. In attendance were two ICANN staff persons including the new staffer Paul Hoffman who is requesting our cooperation in researching online Conferencing tools instead of Adobe Connect. Possible dates January or February for Paul;s participation.
The At-Large Technology Taskforce (TTF) held its session on Monday June 22 2015 at ICANN53. Agenda page and slides can be found here: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/V5o0AwViXvBQ
The detailed presentation was a good measure of the work put in by the cochairs Glenn McKnight and Judith Hellerstein and TTF members.
Had meeting at ICANN Singapore F2F meeting. PDF of Slides and recording can be found http://singapore52.icann.org/en/schedule/thu-ttf
There will be a TTF meeting for the ICANN Singapore meeting on Thursday February 12 2015. See https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/OSjxAgAs3wBQ for the agenda
Working on a Best tools for ICANN F2F meetings page to highlight apps/software useful for visitors to the ICANN F2F meeting at Singapore
- At-Large WG -review how content is saved for At-Large WGs ; develop wiki template for At-Large WG pages
- RALOs - review how content is saved for RALOs ; develop wiki template for RALO pages
- ALAC - review how content is saved for ALAC ; develop wiki template for ALAC pages
See Ideas for improving the organisation of content on At-Large wiki page