Mentoring Program should be understood in a wide sense including and combining mentoring stricto sensu and capacity building activities.
Model email to send to each RALO asking volunteers to serve as Mentors
Model email to send individually to people who have been identified as potential Mentor
Model email on the Acronym Helper Wiki
New Draft Mentoring Program ATLAS II
d) Members of this WG should invite to their RALO members to participate in the Capacity Building Webinars ATLAS II (https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/display/atlarge/CAPACITY+BUILDING+WEBINARS+ATLAS+II )
e) To create a collaborative Wiki so that all ALS representatives participating in the ATLAS II At-Large Mentoring Program can collaborate during the program in London elaborate on a repository of Acronyms for At-Large, and for ICANN as a whole. This Wiki shall be constantly updated and be consulted for all ALS.
This Wiki was already created. It was filled in by taking the list of acronyms of Beginner's Guide. See the following link: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/atlarge/pages/99718581/Acronym+Helper
- Check if all attendees to the ATLAS II meeting have a username and password to access the Wiki. If they do not have them enabled, At-Large Staff will work with them to ensure they have their log-in credentials.
- It should seek cooperation from Members of this Working Group to distribute it within their RALOs. We will send an email to each of them to serve as a model for distribution.
- Name of ALAC members and people who are serving as Mentors and in which languages they will do. This program is on a voluntary basis. All ALS members are invited to participate. Please see this Wiki: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/atlarge/pages/99554945/ATLAS+II+List+of+Mentors+and+Mentees
- Once the list of available Mentors is complete, to May 9, will be assigned to each of them a group of Mentees. Each of those involved will be informed of their respective groups.
- A space for participants to publish any pending questions before and during the meeting to be answered by Mentors. Please see this Wiki for Questions and Answers: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/atlarge/pages/99719917/ATLAS+II+Mentoring+Program+Questions+and+Answers
- Another section to the attendees of the meeting can bring feedback on the general functioning of the Mentoring Program. Please see this Wiki: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/atlarge/pages/99719919/ATLAS+II+Mentoring+Program+Feedback
This Wiki will remain active after the meeting for participants to interact and share experiences of their respective RALOs and what is happening on the issues of the ICANN scope in their RALOs.
- A section in which participants of Mentoring Program should publish the requested report of the program activities in which they have participated, indicating the benefits provided by the program, and suggesting what aspects could be improved. Please see this Wiki: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/atlarge/pages/99719921/ATLAS+II+Mentoring+Program+Reports
Action items
- To create the different Wikis with all the sections mentioned above. Feedback of members of this Working Group is being requested.
- Distribute the information related to this Wiki among all RALOs. Request collaboration from members of this Working Group to report back to us with the information shared on their mailing lists which has that have not been published in the Wiki.
- Distribute the information related to these Wikis among the ATLAS II Participants mailing list.
- Check if all attendees to the ATLAS II meeting have a username and password to access the Wiki. If they do not have them enabled, At-Large Staff will work with them to ensure they have their log-in credentials.
- From Monday May 19 Chair of WG to send an email to each group of Mentors and Mentees to get in touch with the group and conduct the appropriate consultations. It is strongly recommended that from this communication Mentors maintain contact and follow up with their own group.
- Request Staff collaboration to deliver certificates to "Mentors" who participated in this mentoring prior to the meeting and in the meeting itself, and those who have met all the requirements.
- Request Staff if we can have available a room for this meeting. It was requested. We have available a room on Saturday 21st June from 13 to 15 PM. :00-15:00. - COMPLETED (The Orientation Meeting has been confirmed for Saturday, 21st June between 13:00-14:00 - as requested by Fatima)
- Consult to the Staff if it is possible to have a identifier that can be pasted into the tag with the name and the association that is delivered at the time of registration, which says “ATLAS II Mentor”, or if we can get pins with the legend “ATLAS II Mentors” to other attendees who have some doubt know that these Mentors are available to answer questions and provide guide in the meeting.- COMPLETED (Staff have purchased special stickers to identify members of the program)
- Include the outcomes of this Mentoring Program in the ATLAS II Reports to analyze what worked and what did not, and if it can be repeated in the future.
- Consult with Cheryl and Wolf the possibility to include a Mentoring Program section within the work they are doing related to the ATLAS II reports.
- Request to the Staff the management of the participation certificates in the Mentoring Program.- IN PROGRESS. Carles Reyes to follow up with Fatima.