- 1. Clarification of procedures for De-certification for EACH RALO: Silvia Vivanco to create a table and request inputs from each RALO. She will consolidate comments in a table and will send it to the RALO Secretariats
- Silvia Vivanco to follow up on APRALO virtual catalogue and work with comms department to place it in a virtual format. 2.
- jana.juginovic and Heidi Ullrich Heidi to work on examples of RALO information to be developed in postcard size and larger. 3.
- 5. Silvia Vivanco to resend the Survey prepared by Alberto Soto to the RALO Secretariat's list
- Heidi Ullrich will work with a small group to develop a report for the Board on ATLAS II recommendations including RALO specific recommendations 28,29,42,43 6.