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Proposed Agenda:

  1. Welcome & SOIs
  2. Pilot Holistic Review (PHR) Selection Process – see wiki at:https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/GSSC/pages/97585151/Pilot+Holistic+Review+-+2024

     3.GAC Liaison Selection Process – see wiki at: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/GSSC/pages/97585143/GAC+Liaison+-+2024

     4.Next Meetings: 01 and 15 July – 1900 UTC?






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Audio Recording

Zoom Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar



Notes/ Action Items

[Action Items]

  1. GNSO Secretariat to send a doodle poll for the SSC meeting time on 1 July and 15 July to make sure everyone can participate (after, a calendar invite to be sent for 1 July Meeting and 15 July Meeting)
  2. GNSO Support Staff to send Survey Monkey as a tool for the candidate poll by 25 June
  3. GNSO Support staff to send a reminder related to the GAC liaison selection process


  1. Welcome & SOIs
  2. Pilot Holistic Review (PHR) Selection Process – see wiki at:https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/GSSC/pages/97585151/Pilot+Holistic+Review+-+2024

- From the Bylaw Section 4.6: Each Supporting Organization and Advisory Committee participating in the applicable review may nominate up to seven prospective members for the review team.

- Currently there are 19 candidates and now the Committee needs to select 7

- Just observationally, the members were impressed to see highest participation from Africa and lowest from North America - this is ‘upside down’ from typical

- PHR Review is not run by the GNSO Support Team, whereas the GAC liaison selection process is.

- 1 July: SSC will make its determination of nominees – 3 day consensus call (~3 July)

- Upon Full Consensus, by 8 July, the SSC will submit its recommendation to the GNSO Council in the form of a motion.

- However, SSC can have another meeting on 8 July if additional time is needed: the names of candidates can be submitted by 18 July.


     a.Google sheet of candidates: []

- 19 candidates listed (same as wiki): submitting application as individuals, not endorsed by a SG/C

- The SSC’s evaluation should NOT be based on a particular SG/C but as individuals and based on qualifications alone.


     b.Evaluation Poll (Survey Monkey and/or google spreadsheet)

- The poll (via Survey Monkey) is where the SSC members can assess each candidate

- 25 June: the staff will send out the poll vis survey monkey

- A spreadsheet/tool for candidate assessment to be discussed in the future between the leadership and the Support Staff

- Jothan Frakes has volunteered to create a spreadsheet of the candidates to make the assessment easier for the members.

- Top 7 candidates will be reviewed in the 1 July call.

  • Questions during meeting:
  1. Request for a google spreadsheet with the criteria of candidates, if not already? Jothan has volunteered to create one for the Team if possible.
  2. Karen Day shared with the members a criteria used to assess each candidate:

1 - Performance assessment and audits of organizational effectiveness and governance

2 - Development of methodologies and guidelines for process improvement and measurement

3 - Data analysis informing fact-based findings and recommendations

4 - Familiarity with ICANN Reviews and ICANN structures

5 - Knowledge of recognized frameworks for organizational excellence

6 - Principles of accountability applicable to organizations broadly similar to ICANN

3.How do we consider the geopolitical/diversity issue? The primary goal is qualifications, rather than the diversity factor. The qualification should be looked into first but currently, no specific guidelines as to the diversity factor. Moreover, if we look into some of the capabilities within each applicant’s pdf, there is a bit more information that can enrich the considerations on qualifications and diversity, in which ever order each of us would make choices.

3. GAC Liaison Selection Process – see wiki at: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/displayspaces/GSSC/pages/97585143/GAC+Liaison+-+2024

- The applications are not as individuals, but as part of a SG/C (this is the notable difference between the PHR selection process and GAC selection process)

- GNSO Support Staff to send out a reminder

- Timeline:

  • 9 July: EOIs received by SSC and poll opened for SSC to rank the candidates
  • 15 July: Meeting for a 48 hour consensus call – Full Consensus (by 18 July) - Preliminary decision
  • 29 July: Submit motion by 29 July for 8 August Council’s consideration
  • 9 August: Confirm candidate to GAC Leadership
  • 14 November: GAC Liaison to resume activities during AGM

- A spreadsheet of the candidates can be generated for the SSC for this process (including candidate details, as this is organized by GNSO Support Staff)

[Action Item] GNSO Support staff to send out reminder. After, GNSO Secretariat to send a meeting invite for 15 July.

4. Next Meetings:

- PHR: 1 July (and 8 July if need be)

- GAC: 15 July

- A Doodle poll for time of meeting to be sent out to maximize participation

- A calendar invite will be sent out once time is set.

[Action Item] GNSO Secretariat to send a doodle poll for the SSC meeting time selection on 1 July and 15 July to make sure everyone can participate.

5. AOB

