- matthias.hudobnik to report on IGF 2019 Planning to be discussed at the next ALAC O/E call.
- Olivier Crépin-Leblond to split the Hot topics document in 2 sections, with Outreach and Engagement in a separate document for input to the EURALO ALS Engagement group. The EURALO Hot topics document to be sent to Joanna Kulesza and Jonathan Zuck as EURALO input for the ALAC Hot topics work.
- EURALO By-Laws Task force members to review and delete clause . Olivier Crépin-Leblond to send the final version of the EURALO By-Laws document to Silvia Vivanco, who will send it to ICANN legal for review for consistency with ICANN By-Laws
- Olivier Crépin-Leblond to send a note to EURALO's members asking them to confirm or express objections to the confirmation of all uncontested leadership positions , if no objections are received within 3 days the positions will be confirmed.
- Evin Erdogdu (Deactivated) to organize and launch the vote for the EURALO secretariat position .
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