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  1. Roll call / SOIs 
  2. Review small team's plan to develop recommendations for WG membership outreach
  3. Discuss leadership team's proposed approach to gather input to inform work plan
  4. Review latest mind map as tool for refining fundamental questions
    RDS-PDP-Phase1-FundamentalQs-SubQs-MindMap and
  5. Confirm next steps and next meeting



AC Chat


Apologies:Alex Deacon Alex Deacon, Jennifer Gore,  Rod Rod Rasmussen,  Steve Steve Metalitz,  Stefania Stefania Milan, Gregory Mounier,  Wendy Wendy Seltzer,  Stacie Stacie Walsh,  Tapani TarvainenTapani Tarvainen, Marika Konings, Geoffrey Noakes, Alan Greenberg, Karnika Seth

On audio only:  none

Notes/Action items 22 March 2016 - Next–Generation RDS PDP WG Meeting


  • Note, observers have read-only access to the mailing list and do not receive the call details. If you want to change your status, you can inform the GNSO Secretariat accordingly
  • Members are required to provide a Statement of Interest in order to participate in the Working Group
  • Updates to SOIs are requested at the start of every meeting. 

2. TBD Review small team's plan to develop recommendations for WG membership outreach

  • At this stage, small team has concluded that WG doesn't need additional expertise
  • Reserve the right to seek additional expertise at a future stage
  • WG can always identify expertise as needed moving forward, but this completes the required initial assessment of PDP WG membership to determine need (if any) for outreach

3. Discuss leadership team's proposed approach to gather input to inform work plan

  • Approach is proposed by leadership team to inform further efforts to finalize work plan
  • Propose to organize 3 small teams to examine charter questions on privacy, data, & purpose
  • Deliverable is to produce a concise summary of assigned topic - collect, consolidate, and concisely summarize input and info for presentation to the WG
  • Because of differing viewpoints raised over the past few weeks on the work plan, the leadership team thought it might be helpful to give those with expertise on each topic an opportunity to provide a concise summary to educate the rest of the WG
  • Proposal is to give each small team two weeks to develop a summary and come back and present it to the full WG
  • Not intended to be analysis and deliberation, but rather a preparatory step to help finalize sequencing and tasks in the WG’s phase 1 work plan
  • Start with inputs already identified but not restricted to those inputs; small teams are free to add inputs and pertinent information
  • Target date of 5 April may be challenging for some, but presentations may be scheduled for more than one date and of course recorded for replay by those who can't attend a WG call
  • Staff will be asked to set up email lists to enable communication among small team members during this two week period
  • Summaries are expected to include the inputs and issues raised on the list thus far that are relevant to each question
  • It is up to each small team to determine what inputs to include in their summaries, but small teams should defer any deliberation to full WG meetings
  • Questions to be addressed overlap - could Purpose and Data be combined, for example? Suggest keeping these separate for this first input consolidation/presentation step to ensure that everyone with expertise in one of these areas has a chance to help contribute, in no specific order at this point
  • This call for volunteers should be put out to the WG list to enable participation by any WG member who wishes to volunteer
  • If WG members feel they have bandwidth for more than one small team, may join 2-3, but should have expertise and bandwidth to make useful contribution to all small teams you join

Action Item #1: Staff to distribute call for volunteers. Initial volunteers:

Purpose: Susan Kawaguchi (coordinator), Carlton Samuels, Fabricio Vayra, Susan Prosser, Beth Allegretti, Jim Galvin, Kiran Malancharuvil, Lori Schulman, Vlad Dinculescu, Richard Leaning, Amr Elsadr, Donna Austin, Stephanie Perrin, Tjabbe Bos, Sana Ali, Ayden Ferdeline, Greg Aaron, Jody Kolker, Adrian Cheek, Kathy Kleiman

Data: Michele Neylon (coordinator), Richard Padilla, Holly Raiche, Norm Ritchie, Sara Bockey, Amr Elsadr, Vlad Dinculescu, Benny Samuelsen, Ayden Ferdeline, Janelle McAlister, Jody Kolker, Adrian Cheek, Sana Ali, Janay McWhorter, Lawrence Olawale-Roberts, David Cake

Privacy: David Cake (coordinator), Klaus Stoll, Grace Mutung'u, Stephanie Perrin, Kathy Kleiman, Greg Shatan, Ayden Ferdeline, Sana Ali, Amr Elsadr, Justin Mack, Sara Bockey, Kiran Malancharuvil, Richard Padilla, Nick Shorey

Action Item #2: All volunteers thus far to verify that their own name appears on the right team(s). Any WG member who wishes to be added or removed from a small team should notify staff.


4. Review latest mind map as tool for refining fundamental questions

  • Suggestion to remove numbers, note that additional sub-questions can be added
  • Suggestions to add further SAC reports – recommend that small teams consider these reports as possible inputs to each question – they can then be added to the map and wiki
  • Add introductory text indicating that this mind map is intended to serve as a starting point, drawn from the Charter and Issue Report, to be further refined by the WG
  • WG members and small teams are asked to review the mind map as a starting point to understanding the questions in the charter and how they might be refined and decomposed into sub-questions to be addressed by the WG in phase 1


Action Item #3: Staff to update mind map as suggested above


5. Confirm next steps and next meeting

  • Next meeting will be scheduled for Wednesday, 30 March at 05:00 UTC for 90 minutes

Reference documents:

RDS-PDP-Phase1-DraftWorkPlan (draft, as of 29 February)

RDS-PDP-Phase1-ProposedWorkPlanChanges (ongoing, as of 16 March)

RDS-PDP-Proposed-Summary-Approach (proposal for discussion during call)

RDS-PDP-Phase1-FundamentalQs-SubQs-MindMap (draftupdated to reflect action #3 above, as of 18 22 March)

RDS-PDP-Phase1-FundamentalQs-SubQs-ListFormat (draft, as of 18 March)
