The next GNSO Next-Gen RDS PDP Working Group teleconference is scheduled for Tuesday, 22 March at 16:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

For other times:


Proposed agenda for RDS PDP WG meeting on Tuesday 22 March 16:00 UTC

  1. Roll call / SOIs 
  2. Review small team's plan to develop recommendations for WG membership outreach
  3. Discuss leadership team's proposed approach to gather input to inform work plan
  4. Review latest mind map as tool for refining fundamental questions
    RDS-PDP-Phase1-FundamentalQs-SubQs-MindMap and
  5. Confirm next steps and next meeting



AC Chat


Apologies: Alex Deacon, Jennifer Gore, Rod Rasmussen, Steve Metalitz, Stefania Milan, Gregory Mounier, Wendy Seltzer, Stacie Walsh, Tapani Tarvainen, Marika Konings, Geoffrey Noakes, Alan Greenberg, Karnika Seth

On audio only: none

Notes/Action items 22 March 2016 - Next–Generation RDS PDP WG Meeting

1. Roll call/ SOI

2. Review small team's plan to develop recommendations for WG membership outreach

3. Discuss leadership team's proposed approach to gather input to inform work plan

Action Item #1: Staff to distribute call for volunteers. Initial volunteers:

Purpose: Susan Kawaguchi (coordinator), Carlton Samuels, Fabricio Vayra, Susan Prosser, Beth Allegretti, Jim Galvin, Kiran Malancharuvil, Lori Schulman, Vlad Dinculescu, Richard Leaning, Amr Elsadr, Donna Austin, Stephanie Perrin, Tjabbe Bos, Sana Ali, Ayden Ferdeline, Greg Aaron, Jody Kolker, Adrian Cheek, Kathy Kleiman

Data: Michele Neylon (coordinator), Richard Padilla, Holly Raiche, Norm Ritchie, Sara Bockey, Amr Elsadr, Vlad Dinculescu, Benny Samuelsen, Ayden Ferdeline, Janelle McAlister, Jody Kolker, Adrian Cheek, Sana Ali, Janay McWhorter, Lawrence Olawale-Roberts, David Cake

Privacy: David Cake (coordinator), Klaus Stoll, Grace Mutung'u, Stephanie Perrin, Kathy Kleiman, Greg Shatan, Ayden Ferdeline, Sana Ali, Amr Elsadr, Justin Mack, Sara Bockey, Kiran Malancharuvil, Richard Padilla, Nick Shorey

Action Item #2: All volunteers thus far to verify that their own name appears on the right team(s). Any WG member who wishes to be added or removed from a small team should notify staff.


4. Review latest mind map as tool for refining fundamental questions


Action Item #3: Staff to update mind map as suggested above


5. Confirm next steps and next meeting

Reference documents:

RDS-PDP-Phase1-DraftWorkPlan (draft, as of 29 February)

RDS-PDP-Phase1-ProposedWorkPlanChanges (ongoing, as of 16 March)

RDS-PDP-Proposed-Summary-Approach (proposal for discussion during call)

RDS-PDP-Phase1-FundamentalQs-SubQs-MindMap (updated to reflect action #3 above, as of 22 March)

RDS-PDP-Phase1-FundamentalQs-SubQs-ListFormat (draft, as of 18 March)
