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Next Step

  • Product Team & IT to work on the technical built-up for the site 
  • At-Large staff & community to develop content strategy and curate written content 
  • We may reuse some of the existing content, but will need to rewrite and create other content 
  • At-Large community need to take ownership of the site & get more community members involved 
  • The Website Revamp Taskforce will lay the foundation for the content development phase: 
    • Involve core communications staff
    • Develop two types of outlines 
      • Broader outline that covers topics of each page
      • Detailed outline that describes each individual topic 
    • Develop guidelines and templates for each individual topic 
    • Create example pages 
    • Critique existing content 
  • Form focused and selected editorial working group consisted of community members under the guidance of ICANN Comms Dept
  • Finished product to be edited and polished by ICANN Comms Dept 
  • Launch beta site during ICANN 52 and give ample time to receive community feedback 

Potential Workload

This table illustrates the potential workload for developing written content for the revamped At-Large website. The pages highlighted in yellow have most of the written work to do. 

Topic Background / What We DoPolicy Advice 
Page TitleType of ContentApproximate Length

Hero Text1 - 2 sentences that reiterate the mission statement of At-Large in a catchy manner 
"Get Started" Buttons1 short phrase that point newcomers to each must-read page 
Section Introduction1 short phrase that introduces each section/row on the page; the sections include Policy Advice, Regional Activities, Outreach Activities, Capacity Building, Calendar, and Social Media
TopicsPage Introduction1 paragraph (3-4 sentences) that introduces visitors to the policy topics matter to end-users and important to At-Large 
Section Introduction

1-2 sentences that gives a helicopter view of each policy topic and prompts visitors to 'read more'

Topic Details

(need to develop 10-15 such pages)

SummarySeveral paragraphs that explains the policy topic in a beginner friendly manner,(may need to develop 10-15 topic details pages)
Concrete Example1-2 paragraphs, preferably info-graphic with pictures or illustrations, that gives newcomers a concrete understanding about this policy topic
 Topic HistorySeveral paragraphs that delineates the evolvement of this policy topic over time and highlights key milestones related to this topic 
End-User InterestsSeveral paragraphs that describes why end-users should care about this policy topic
Our WorkPage Introduction1 paragraph (3-4 sentences) that reiterate the mission statement of At-Large and summarize link to a summary of our areas of work 
Section Introduction1 sentence that introduces each section/row on the page and prompt visitors to "Read More"; the sections include Policy Advice, Regional Activities, Outreach Activities, and Capacity Building

Our Work Details

(need to develop 4 such pages)

Summary1 paragraph that give visitors an overview on certain area of work
Work BreakdownSeveral paragraphs, preferably with pictures, illustrations and/or videos, that provide more details to each component of this area of work
Impact StorySeveral paragraphs that tell a story about how At-Large has made a difference and advocating for end-user interests by doing this area of work
Get InvolvedPage Introduction1 -2 paragraphs that help visitors understand what this page is all about and how they can conduct facet search to find ALAC Statements
 Taxonomy ListSeveral taxonomy lists that are organized in logical and comprehensive manner to help visitors conduct research on ALAC Statements effectively
Policy Advice Detail  
AboutICANN Structures & At-Large250-500 words
 Our Mission250-500 words
 At-Large History 250-500 words
paragraph that serves the "call to action" purposes and urges visitors to get involved in At-Large
Section Introduction1 short phrase and/or 1 sentence that introduce each section/row on the page; the sections include Policy Advice, Regional Activities, Outreach, Capacity Building, Membership, Communications, ICANN Meeting Participation, and Vote & Election.

Get Involved Details

(need to develop about 30 such pages)

Summary1 paragraph that gives visitors an overview on how they can get involved in a specific component of At-Large work/activity (the components under each "section")
"How To" BreakdownSeveral paragraphs, with illustrations, pictures and/or videos, that explain each step for people to get involved in that component of work/acitivites

ICANN & At-LargeSeveral paragraphs that explains what is At-Large and At-Large's relations to ICANN
Our Mission1-2 paragraphs that explains the mission statement of At-Large
At-Large HistorySeveral paragraphs, with pictures, illustrations and/or videos, that delineate how At-Large has evolved overtime and highlight the key milestones of the community