Please note that all documents referenced in the agenda have been gathered on a Wiki page for convenience and easier access: https://icann-community.icannatlassian.orgnet/wiki/x/OAebCuAWfBg
This agenda was established according to the GNSO Operating Procedures v3.5, updated on 24 October 2019
2.1 - Review focus areas and provide updates on specific key themes / topics, to include review of Projects List and Action Item List.
Item 3: Consent Agenda (10 minutes)
3.1 - Action Decision Radar - Next Steps for WHOIS Conflicts Procedure Implementation Advisory Group
- ICANN org, in consultation with contracted parties, to draft a proposal for a modification to the existing Procedure based on its past experience with both the WHOIS Conflicts Procedure and the registrar data retention waiver process. In formulating the draft proposal, the GNSO Council recommends that ICANN org consider changes to data protection law that may have affected the previous implementation of this Procedure in light of the contractual requirements, e.g., the General Data Protection Regulation. For example, should the identification of a new trigger to activate the procedure be considered given potential financial penalties under GDPR?
- Following receipt of the proposal from ICANN org, the GNSO Council will consider the proposal and assess next steps, including seeking input from the community, if appropriate, given the substance of the proposal. Following the GNSO Council’s consideration, the GNSO Council may choose to adopt the proposal.
- If the GNSO Council does not deem the proposal appropriate:
- the GNSO Council will recommend a small group of Council volunteers to review the WHOIS IAG draft charter and confirm it is still fit for purpose; and
- Following confirmation of the Charter by the GNSO Council, the GNSO Council recommends launching the call for volunteers for the WHOIS IAG, taking into consideration the GNSO Council’s upcoming workload. For example, the call for volunteers may need to be postponed if no community bandwidth is available to immediately consider the issues. In the meantime, ICANN org, in conjunction with the EPDP Phase 1 IRT, will need to update relevant terminology pursuant to EPDP Phase 1, Rec. 27.
- Should the GNSO Council consider the outcome developed from the WHOIS IAG unacceptable, the GNSO Council will consider initiating an EPDP to either change or repeal the Consensus Policy.
3.2 - Action Decision Radar - Per the rationale circulated on 11 October 2020, Council agrees to launch a call for volunteers for a small team to develop both a draft charter and an EPDP scoping document for the IDN Policy Track 2.
3.5 - Appointment of the GNSO Liaison to the Governmental Advisory Committee (motion)
Item 4: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - Discuss Draft Motion to Affirm intent of EPDP Phase 1 Recommendation 7 and Initiation of the Thick WHOIS Transition Policy EPDP (25 minutes)
Item 7: COUNCIL DISCUSSION - ADR Item - Council to Consider Delay of the Request for the Policy Status Report for the Expiration Policy(ies) (10 minutes)
As indicated on the Action Decision Radar, the GNSO Council is to consider when to request a Policy Status Report to conduct a review of the two Expiration Policies, the Expired Domain Deletion Policy (EDDP) and the Expired Registration Recovery Policy (ERRP). Given the concerns about capacity, along with the circumstances that no known issues have presented themselves, Council leadership is suggesting that the request for Policy Status Reports for these two Consensus Policies can be delayed by a period of 24 months, assuming no substantive issues arise during that time. This would have the effect of deferring the request for a Policy Status Report on the EDDP and ERRP until at least November 2022, where it would then be discussed again to determine if a request is timely.
Item 8: ANY OTHER BUSINESS (20 minutes)
8.1 - Open microphone
8.2 - Farewell to outgoing Councilors (Elsa Saade, Erika Mann, James Gannon, Julf Helsingius, Keith Drazek, Michele Neylon, Rafik Dammak and Scott McCormick.) 8.2 - Open microphone