3. Ethos Capital Accountability Initiatives to Secure .ORG's Future - Paul Diaz, Vice President of Policy, PIR and Jon Nevett, CEO of PIR (20 minutes)
PIR announces Ethos agrees to enter in a Public Interest Commitment (PIC) containing terms about price limits, the Stewardship Council, a Community Enablement Fund, and annual compliance reporting. Reference: https://www.keypointsabout.org/accountability
4. EPDP Phase II Update - Hadia Elminiawi and Alan Greenberg (15 minutes)
5. SubPro Updates - Justine Chew & Small Team (10 minutes)
See: SubPro Updates Workspace for Updates to Issues/Topics under Deliberation by the Subsequent Procedures PDP WG
Ongoing work by Small Team: Development of At-Large's Preliminary Scorecard on SubPro, inter alia for intersessional ALAC-GAC cooperation and At-Large participation in the GAC Focus Group on Subsequent Procedures
5.1 Update on Scorecards for (a) IDNs & UA (b) Geonames
While several Members of the ALAC Auction Proceeds team originally preferred Mechanism B - where ICANN worked with a non-profit organization already adept in the evaluation, selection and the allocation and distribution of grant funds - ALAC consensus was arrive at for Mechanism A. (Mechanism A allows outsourcing if viewed as advantageous, and in fact ICANN often outsources parts of its responsibilities which are not core to overseeing its Bylaw-mandated responsibilities. Thus Mechanism A could end up being comparable to Mechanism B, but provided more management flexibility in deciding how the varying aspects of the project would be carried out).
The ALAC notes that presumption of the independent panel, with no connection to or control by either ICANN Org or the ICANN Board (preferably contracted to a suitable non-profit or a set of experts in the field of grant selection and allocation) is a critical part of this decision and the ALAC would strongly object and withdraw its support if that condition changes.
An “At-Large Valentine”, regarding the Proposed Amendment 3 to the .COM Registry Agreement, written in good faith and good humor, was submitted to the ICANN Board on 13 February 2020. Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Vice Chair for Policy and CPWG Co-Chair, drafted the letter on behalf of At-Large. ALAC Members and At-Large community members reviewed and approved the letter during the CPWG meeting on Wednesday, 12 February 2020.
The ALAC welcomed the LOI between Verisign and ICANN as a commitment to expand efforts to identify and promulgate best practices by contracted parties to mitigate DNS Abuse. While there are many whose efforts exceed those of others, the At-Large Community believes that even more can be done both in terms of best practices and in terms of bringing along those whose practices are not the best.
3. Iniciativas de responsabilidad de Ethos Capital para asegurar el futuro de .ORG - Paul Diaz, Vicepresidente de Política, PIR y Jon Nevett, CEO de PIR (20 minutos)
PIR anuncia que Ethos acuerda suscribir un Compromiso de interés público (PIC) que contiene términos sobre límites de precios, el Consejo de administración, un Fondo de habilitación de la comunidad e informes anuales de cumplimiento. Referencia: https://www.keypointsabout.org/accountability
4. Actualizacion de la Fase de EPDP - Hadia Elminiawi y Alan Greenberg (15 minutos)
Ver: SubPro Updates Workspacepara actualizaciones de temas / temas bajo deliberación por los procedimientos posteriores PDP WG
Trabajo en curso de Pequeño equipo (Small Team): Desarrollo del cuadro de mando preliminar de At-Large en SubPro, entre otras cosas para la cooperación entre sesiones ALAC-GAC y la participación de At-Large en el Grupo de enfoque del GAC sobre procedimientos posteriores
While several Members of the ALAC Auction Proceeds team originally preferred Mechanism B - where ICANN worked with a non-profit organization already adept in the evaluation, selection and the allocation and distribution of grant funds - ALAC consensus was arrive at for Mechanism A. (Mechanism A allows outsourcing if viewed as advantageous, and in fact ICANN often outsources parts of its responsibilities which are not core to overseeing its Bylaw-mandated responsibilities. Thus Mechanism A could end up being comparable to Mechanism B, but provided more management flexibility in deciding how the varying aspects of the project would be carried out).
The ALAC notes that presumption of the independent panel, with no connection to or control by either ICANN Org or the ICANN Board (preferably contracted to a suitable non-profit or a set of experts in the field of grant selection and allocation) is a critical part of this decision and the ALAC would strongly object and withdraw its support if that condition changes.
An “At-Large Valentine”, regarding the Proposed Amendment 3 to the .COM Registry Agreement, written in good faith and good humor, was submitted to the ICANN Board on 13 February 2020. Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Vice Chair for Policy and CPWG Co-Chair, drafted the letter on behalf of At-Large. ALAC Members and At-Large community members reviewed and approved the letter during the CPWG meeting on Wednesday, 12 February 2020.
The ALAC welcomed the LOI between Verisign and ICANN as a commitment to expand efforts to identify and promulgate best practices by contracted parties to mitigate DNS Abuse. While there are many whose efforts exceed those of others, the At-Large Community believes that even more can be done both in terms of best practices and in terms of bringing along those whose practices are not the best.
3. Initiatives de responsabilisation d'Ethos Capital pour assurer l'avenir de .ORG - Paul Diaz, vice-président des politiques, PIR et Jon Nevett, PDG de PIR (20 minutes)
PIR annonce qu'Ethos accepte de conclure un engagement d'intérêt public (PIC) contenant des conditions sur les limites de prix, le Stewardship Council, un Community Enablement Fund et des rapports annuels de conformité. Référence: https://www.keypointsabout.org/accountability
4. Mise à jour EPDP Phase II - Hadia Elminiawi et Alan Greenberg (15 minutes)
5. Mises à jour SubPro - Justine Chew & petite équipe (10 minutes)
Travaux en cours par une petite équipe: Élaboration du tableau de bord préliminaire d'At-Large sur SubPro, notamment pour la coopération intersessions ALAC-GAC et la participation d'At-Large au groupe de réflexion du GAC sur les procédures ultérieures.
While several Members of the ALAC Auction Proceeds team originally preferred Mechanism B - where ICANN worked with a non-profit organization already adept in the evaluation, selection and the allocation and distribution of grant funds - ALAC consensus was arrive at for Mechanism A. (Mechanism A allows outsourcing if viewed as advantageous, and in fact ICANN often outsources parts of its responsibilities which are not core to overseeing its Bylaw-mandated responsibilities. Thus Mechanism A could end up being comparable to Mechanism B, but provided more management flexibility in deciding how the varying aspects of the project would be carried out).
The ALAC notes that presumption of the independent panel, with no connection to or control by either ICANN Org or the ICANN Board (preferably contracted to a suitable non-profit or a set of experts in the field of grant selection and allocation) is a critical part of this decision and the ALAC would strongly object and withdraw its support if that condition changes.
An “At-Large Valentine”, regarding the Proposed Amendment 3 to the .COM Registry Agreement, written in good faith and good humor, was submitted to the ICANN Board on 13 February 2020. Jonathan Zuck, ALAC Vice Chair for Policy and CPWG Co-Chair, drafted the letter on behalf of At-Large. ALAC Members and At-Large community members reviewed and approved the letter during the CPWG meeting on Wednesday, 12 February 2020.
The ALAC welcomed the LOI between Verisign and ICANN as a commitment to expand efforts to identify and promulgate best practices by contracted parties to mitigate DNS Abuse. While there are many whose efforts exceed those of others, the At-Large Community believes that even more can be done both in terms of best practices and in terms of bringing along those whose practices are not the best.