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Action Items: EN                

Recordings: EN EN

AC Chat: EN    

Transcripts: EN EN


Dial-out Participants: EN: Olivier Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Jonathan Zuck, Maureen Hilyard, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Vanda Scartezini, Gordon Chillcott, Alfredo Calderon, Sébastien Bachollet, Yrjö Lansipuro, Alan Greenberg, Holly Raiche, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Alberto Soto, Matthieu Camus, Greg Shatan, Joel Thayer, Bastiaan Goslings, Satish Babu, Justine Chew, Derek Smythe, Hadia Elminiawi, Kaili Kan

Apologies: Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Cheryl Langdon-Orr

Staff: Heidi Ullrich, Evin  Evin Erdoğdu, Yeşim Nazlar

Call Management:  Yeşim Nazlar



A G E N D A:   

See: At-Large Website Policy Summary
See: At-Large Policy Advice Development Page
See: CPWG Description

  1. Welcome and Roll Call - Staff  (2 minutes)

  2. Aim of Meeting and

    Adoption of Agenda, Review of 2018-05-09 Action Items - Olivier Crépin-Leblond (3 minutes)

  3. Welcome from the Co-chairs - Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Jonathan Zuck (10 minutes)

  4. Review of 2018-05-09 Action Items 

  5. New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP update - Olivier and Jonathan (10 minutes)

    1. GNSO Page
    2. New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Home
  6. Cross-Community Working Group on new gTLD Auction Proceeds Home (Sébastien Bachollet - 10 minutes)

    1. Auction Proceeds Survey (Vanda's email to the ALAC list)
  7. CCWG Accountability Final Report - Olivier and Jonathan (50 minutes) 

    See: Public Consultation - CCWG-Accountability WS2 Final Report

    For reference: Work Stream 2 topics

    a. Human Rights - Avri, Bastiaan, Erich Schweighofer, Jean Jacques Subrenat, Leon, Seun, Tijani, Cheryl, Tatiana Tropina, John Laprise

    b. Transparency - Alan, Avri, Cheryl, Jean Jacques Subrenat

    c. Jurisdiction - Avri, Christopher Wilkinson, Erich Schweighofer, Jean Jacques Subrenat, Tijani, Cheryl, Tatiana Tropina

    d. Guidelines for Good Faith - Cheryl, Avri, Alan

    e. SO/AC Accountability - Cheryl (Co-rapporteur), Alan, Avri, Christopher W, Jean Jacques S, Sébastien, Seun, Siva

    f. Diversity - Cheryl, Sebastien, Seun, Tijani, Beran

    g. Ombudsman - Sébastien (rapporteur), Alberto Soto, Carlos Vera Quintana, Cheryl, José Arce, Siva

    h. Reviewing the Cooperative Engagement Process (CEP) - Avri, Siva, Cheryl

    i. Staff Accountability - Avri (rapporteur), Alan, Cheryl, Seun

    j. IRP "Phase 2" - (if needed)

    k. ATRT2 - Alan

  8. Discuss Policy homepage and ideal design for navigation and promotion of “hot” topics - Holly Raiche (20 minutes)

  9. Discuss process for large document comment development - Jonathan Zuck (30 minutes)

    1. Divide into sections

    2. Apply ALAC  “policy funnel” to each section to determine utility of ALAC comment (CPWG)

    3. Create comment page for funnel decision feedback by community (at-large)

    4. Create spreadsheet with sections, author, status, consensus

    5. Develop proposed response to each section (CPWG)

    6. Create discussion pages on wiki for each section

    7. Socialize proposed responses with at-large using RALOs.

    8. Recruit drafters for each section

    9. Recruit overall reader/proofer?

  10. Discuss Prep Process for WG Participants
    1. Explore staff issue paper
    2. Apply ALAC “policy funnel” to items in the issue paper/charter (CPWG)
    3. Create a short term comment page for funnel decision feedback by community (at-large)
    4. Develop “principles” for participants on agreed on issues
    5. Create comment page on “principles”
    6. Socialize principles with RALOs
    7. Schedule regular reporting by WG participants
  11. General At-large Principles (first draft)
    1. “End User” does not describe a type of person but a type of activity
    2. At-large is focused on protecting users while engaged in end user activities (all of us)
    3. At-large will focus on areas where end user activity seems unrepresented
    4. Alignment with other interests in ICANN is not relevant or dispositive
    5. Needs of the many outweight the needs of the few, especially those engaged in sophisticated behavior
  12. Principles for EPDP participants
    1. Participate in the creation of a compliant specification for storage and access
    2. Focus is on the interests of end user activities not “registrants” particular concerns

                      i.      3rd party researchers

                     ii.      Spam and malware mitigation

                       iii.      Security and stability

                       iv.      Consumer trust in the DNS

 8. Any Other Business - Olivier Crépin-Leblond (3 minutes)

 9. Next Meeting - Olivier Crépin-Leblond (2 minutes)