DATE: Tuesday, 11 March 2025TIME: 15:00 - 16:00 PTROOM: 501ICANN82 Session Link |
Welcome from Wisdom
Introduction of the participating members
Updates from the NCUC Executive Committee: ( 15 minutes)
EC Africa (AF) - Sara Ali
EC Asia Pacific (APAC) - Mili Semlani
EC Europe (EU) - Amin Hacha
EC Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) - Pedro de Perdigão Lana
EC North America (NA) - Namra Naseer
CROP recipient presentation (Usually we also have the funded CROP attendee present their engagement and learnings)
Policy update
Membership Engagement and Outreach (15-20 minutes).
where we can discuss with the participants the following points:
Strategies to increase participation in NCUC, including outreach to civil society and academia, etc.
Ideas for improving member engagement and expanding the NCUC network.
A review of recent efforts.
Open discussion
Listening to the community (members are free to suggest, raise questions or concerns on any non policy matters NCUC)
and Introduction (4 minutes)
Call to Order: Chairs welcome and opening remarks
Introductions: Brief introductions by new and existing members
Approval of Agenda: Any proposed changes or additions to the agenda
ICANN 82 Overview (4 minutes)
ICANN 82 Key Updates: Highlights from recent discussions-Akinremi Peter Taiwo
NCUC Reports and Updates (20 minutes)
NCUC Report: Highlights of recent NCUC activities and priorities-Namra Naseer
CROP recipient Report-Namra Naseer
Treasurer’s Report: Financial updates and NCUC budget overview-Mueller, Milton
Policy Updates: Key ongoing policy issues of concern for NCUC members-Pedro de Perdigão Lana
Membership and Outreach Updates: Report on NCUC member growth and engagement efforts-Pedro de Perdigão Lana
Media and communication working team-Amin Hacha and Sara AliStrategic and Policy Discussions, Engagement and Open Discussion (25 minutes)
Internet Governance and Public Interest Issues: NCUC's role in global Internet governance discussions-Bruna Martins dos Santos
Community Engagement Strategies: Enhancing NCUC's visibility and influence within ICANN and the world at large (Regional webinars)-Mili Semlani
Public Comments and Policy Development Process (PDP): How NCUC members can engage in and influence public comments and ICANN policy-making.-Farzaneh Badii
Proposals for any New Initiatives: Open floor for members to suggest new projects or ideas, collaborations, or initiatives
Membership Engagement: Ideas for increasing NCUC membership and activity
Open discussionsAOB and Adjournment of meeting (8 minutes)