1. Roll call – 2 min.
2. Review of AIs from 11 Nov 2010 meeting -- Dev, 5 min
a) Dev to begin considering informal presentation he’d like to make regarding WT D’s work and needs to Barbara Clay of ICANN Communication Dept. during Sunday morning session in Cartagena (see related discussions in WT Minutes, 11 Nov 2010, agenda items 4 and 5).
- Status: In progress.
b) Seth to create a collaborative WT D Confluence page on which WT can begin outlining/storyboarding a consolidated consumer-outreach document(s).
- Status: Done. See WT D outline of consolidated consumer document(s).
c) WT D members to begin outlining/storyboarding a consolidated consumer-outreach document(s) on collaborative WT D Confluence page.
- See WT D outline of consolidated consumer document(s); will be reviewed in WT D's 26 Nov meeting (agenda item #4).
- Status: Not done.
d) Dev to incorporate suggestions from WT D 11 Nov 2010 meeting into New ALAC/At-Large PAD Flowchart (see WT D Minutes: 11 Nov 2010, agenda item #5).
- Status: Done (Dev to distribute new version of Flowchart); will be reviewed in WT D's 26 Nov meeting (agenda item #3);
e) Dev to begin considering WT D’s reporting during the ALAC and Regional Wrap-Up on Thursday in Cartagena (see related discussion in WT Minutes, 11 Nov 2010, agenda items 6).
- Status: In progress.
- See the following Confluence pages:
- Also, links to versions of same documents in Dev’s Dropbox can be found in the WT D Chat: 26 November 2010.
Before policy is published (chart seg)_ver 2 (also known as "Ongoing review of policy issues from At-Large & ALAC_ver 2")
Cheryl: This will be enormously useful. I’d like to see more flowcharts developed, as opposed to long text documents, to clarify what steps and interactions within ICANN groups, structures, and constituencies are needed.
Before policy is available for comment (chart seg)_ver 2
Dev: Here the main change made was simply that the colors, again, were changed.
New ALAC/At-Large PAD flowchart (Oct 2010)_ver 5
Dev: And, yet again, the colors were changed, as well as any changes made in the segmented parts of the flowchart were, of course, duplicated here.
Rec 8_ALAC may request extension_ver 1
Dev: I wanted to put this segment into a separate document before integrating it into the main flowchart. This segment represents the part of the process in which the ALAC asks for a 15-day extension to the public comment period, which ICANN either accepts or rejects. It shows what happens next.
4. Review of WT work outlining/storyboarding consolidated consumer document(s) – Dev, 5 min.
Dev: I went ahead and started putting some information up on our new collaborative Confluence page where we’ll be outlining the new consolidated consumer document(s) we want to create. No other WT member had commented on it yet, the last time I looked. In short, I think what our new consumer document(s) must explain – and my entry on the Confluence page reflects this – is the following:
- See WT D At-Large Simplified Improvements Outline
- Reference: Preliminary discussions in 28 Oct (agenda item 6) and 11 Nov (agenda item 6) meetings.
- Status: Completed
Evidence: Before policy is published (chart seg)_ver 2 flowchart (also known as "Ongoing review of policy issues from At-Large & ALAC), which shows policy publication schedule and translation policy.
Evidence: GNSO PDP Guidelines version 5. Furthermore, can state that the ALAC Chair was part of the design team that wrote the guidelines; Cheryl, Alan, and Vanda were involved in all three levels of the GNSO policy review process.
- Note: Marika did not know what the “version 5” refers to.
- The current draft report containing the GNSO PDP proposal can be found on the PDP Team page https://st.icann.org/icann-ppsc/index.cgi?pdp_team, and the document itself can be found at PDP-WT - Draft Final Report - Updated 28 October 2010.doc.
>> AI: Seth to contact Margie and Marika to find out if there is an additional report that can be used to as evidence of the completion of task 13.4 (ensure the GNSO PDP incorporates measures that guarantee input from ALAC is requested, included, and considered integral to the process).
- Note: Next regular meeting would be Thu, 9 Dec 2010, at 19:00 UTC – during Cartagena. Keep, move, or cancel?
- Reference: At-Large Cartagena schedule.
It was decided that the regular WT D meeting on Thu, 9 Dec 2010, would be canceled, since it falls during ICANN’s Cartagena meeting, where WT D will be participating in various meetings related to and reporting on its work.