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Meeting Number: AL.ALT/CC.0514/1


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Adobe Connect:






Olivier Crépin-Leblond, Holly Raiche, Tijani Ben Jemaa, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Sebastien Bachollet, Evan Leibovitch,

Liaisons: Maureen Hilyard (ccNSO), Alan Greenberg (GNSO), Julie Hammer (SSAC)




 Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco,  Ariel Liang, Terri Agnew, Gisella Gruber

Call management:


Gisella Gruber/Terri Agnew


Action Items: ALT 2014.05.14 Action Items

Chat:        ALT 2014.05.14 AC Chat   

Recording:     English            

Interpretation:  No interpretation for this meeting

Transcript:        ALT  2014.05.14 Transcript           




Standing Agenda Items


2. Review of Action Items of the 29 April 2014 ALAC Meeting and the 30 April 2014 ALT Meeting and  - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (20 minutes)


3. ALAC Policy Development Activities - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (30 minutes)


b. Statements or Endorsements currently being developed, reviewed or voted on by the ALAC

c. Currently Open Public Comments



 ATLAS II Update - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (


30 minutes)

See: NetMundial website

6.ATLAS II Update - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (10 minutes)

a. Meeting of London Meeting OC


a. Review of schedule and agendas of ATLAS II ALAC/ALT meetings - See: ATLAS II Schedule 9 May

b. Review of Thematic Groups

c. Approval of At-Large/ALAC Pop Up Banner - See proof hered

d.Questions for Various Meetings:

e. Update on Sponsorship




Suggestions for the ALAC Meeting of 27 May 2014  - Olivier Crepin-Leblond




See: Comments Received

See: Public Comment on the Proposal for the Use of Mandatory Policy Advisory Boards for Regulated Industry Sector and Consumer-Trust-Sensitive New gTLD Strings

8. Suggestions for the ALAC Meeting of 29 April 2014  - Olivier (5 minutes)


5 minutes)



The formation of an Ad-Hoc At-Large Curation WG to be placed under "Items for Decision" on the May 2014 ALAC Call. 

Staff to add the item of the ALS de-certification to the May 2014 ALAC meeting and set up votes before the ATLAS II in June to officially decertify the ALSes concerned.

7. Any Other Business - Olivier Crepin-Leblond (3 minutes)