Meeting Number: AL.AF/CC.14 BDB 0429/1
How can I participate in this meeting?
Comment participer a cette teleconference?
Conference ID: FR 1838 / EN 1638
Zoom: https://icann.zoom.us/j/490854286
Action Items: EN
Transcript: EN, FR FR
Recording: EN, FR
Chat: EN
FR: Aziz Hilali, Tijani Ben Jemaa,
EN: Sarah Kiden
Apologies: Mohammed El Bashir
Staff: Gisella Gruber, Heidi Ullrich, Sylvia Vivanco
Interpreters: Jacques and Isabelle
Call Management: Michelle DeSmyter
1. Events Planned- Aziz
wiki page open: AFRALO ICANN 65 Marrakesh Events
2. Planning Events with
students - meetings, logistics
3. Schedule for all Events (including AFRALO-AFRICANN and Hot topics )
4. Budget