| Objective
Background Documents
- WHOIS1 Implementation Briefings on Recommendations 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 15, 16: PPT, PDF
- Answers to RDS-WHOIS2 Questions on Implementation Briefings
- WHOIS Review Team (WHOIS1) Final Report (2012) and Action Plan
- WHOIS Review Team (WHOIS1) Implementation Reports, including
- Documents cited in briefing on Recommendation 2 include
- SAC055 WHOIS: Blind Men And An Elephant
- Additional links specific to Recommendation 2 may be added here
Further background documents may be found on the Review Team's overall Background Materials page.
Leader/Rapporteur: Carlton Samuels Members: Carlton Samuels, Cathrin Bauer-Bulst, Thomas Walden http://mm.icann.org/pipermail/rds-whois2-whoispolicy/ Mailing-list archives: Conference calls: seesee here Review Team Templates: |
Subgroup Documents
ICANN org Briefings/Answers
Open Actions/Requests
*To be provided once reasonable date is determined by appropriate subject-matter expert
Item # | Source of Request | Date of Request | Action Item Request | Action Owner | Anticipated Completion Date* | Progress Notes |
Completed Actions/Requests
*To be provided once reasonable date is determined by appropriate subject-matter expert
Item # | Source of Request | Date of Request | Action Item Request | Action Owner | Anticipated Completion Date* | Progress Notes | Completed Response | Completion Date |
6 | #35 |
| Rec. #2 Single WHOIS Policy - Carlton to update Update the subgroup report to turn current recommendation text into conclusion, followed by any further recommended action (if any). | Carlton | ||||
5 | #33 |
| Schedule subgroup call to update draft and recommendation to reflect recent events | Subgroup |
Completed Actions/Requests
*To be provided once reasonable date is determined by appropriate subject-matter expert
Item # | Source of Request | Date of Request | Action Item Request | Action Owner | Anticipated Completion Date* | Progress Notes | Completed Response | Completion DateICANN org | ||||
3 | #1 |
| Interview RT1 members to understand intended benefits of rec 2 and consider providing those as input to the RDS PDP | Subgroup | CLOSED |
| ||||||
4 | #25 |
| Subgroup report pending subgroup review, if no replies by COB today (Friday 6 April), Carlton to send to RT. | Carlton |
| Subgroup report shared via email with review team |
| |||||
1 | #1 |
| Carlton to write up these findings and the proposed subgroup conclusion | Carlton | Subgroup report shared via email with review team |
| ||||||
2 |
| ICANN org to identify members of WHOIS1 Review Team (still active at ICANN) that worked on recommendation 2 | ICANN org |
Decisions Reached
Source | Date | Decision |
FtoF #3 |
| No objection to conclusions reached by this subgroup, with no recommendation made. |
#1 |
| Not useful to assess whether it would have been useful to develop a single WHOIS policy, since that was infeasible. Instead, assess what was done to create a consolidated policy document |
#1 |
| Look to GNSO RDS PDP for a future single WHOIS (RDS) policy |