APRALO Beijing Events Organizing Committee Wednesday 12 December 2012 Teleconference
Time: 05:00-06:00 UTC (for the time in various timezones click here)
Adobe Connect Room:http://icann.adobeconnect.com/apralo
Attendees: Maureen Hilyard, Pavan Budhrani, Cheryl Langdon-Orr,
Holly Raiche, Jack Qiu, Emani Niue
Apologies: Hong Xue,
Rinalia Abdul Rahim, YJ Park
, Edmon Chung
Heidi Ullrich, Silvia Vivanco,
Gisella Gruber
Summary Minutes: APRALO Beijing Events OC 2012-12-12
Action Items: APRALO Beijing Events OC Action Items 2012-12-12
Audio recording: ENIGF - Regional - July 2012 Report_back.pdf
Chat: APRALO Beijing Events OC Adobe Connect Chat 2012-12-12
Transcript: APRALO Beijing Events OC Transcript 2012-12-12
2. Discussion on FY13 budget allocation, requests and deliverables
See: APRALO Budget Request FY13 Outreach-APrIGF Version 1.doc
3. Discussion on APRALO Beijing Event Activities
a. APRALO Showcase Event
b. APRALO Multistakeholder Policy Discussion/Roundtable
c. APRALO General Assembly
d. Capacity Building for ALSes
i. Fellowship program
ii. Newcomers Track (?)
iii. Other activities (?)
e. APRALO Networking Reception
4. Establishing the APRALO Beijing Meeting Schedule
5. Discussion on Regional Inreach/Outreach Strategy
6. Discussion on Sponsorships
7. Discussion on Promotional Items
8. Logistics
a. Identification of ALS representatives
b. Travel and visa facilitation
c. Budget
d. Implementation Schedule with roles, responsibility and timelines
9. Any Other Business