1.1 Roll Call
1.2 Statement of interest updates
1.3 Review/amend agenda
1.4. Note the status of minutes for the previous Council meeting per the GNSO Operating Procedures:
Minutes of the GNSO Council meeting 10 October 2013 will be were posted as approved on 23 October 2013
Item 2: Opening Remarks / Review of Projects & Action List (10 mins)
Include review of Projects List and Action List.
Comments or questions arising.
Item 3: Consent agenda (5 mins)
On 13 June 2013 the GNSO Council initiated a Policy Development Process (PDP) on the Translation and Transliteration of Contact Information and decided to create a PDP Working Group for the purposes of fulfilling the requirements of the PDP. Following a call for volunteers, a Drafting Team was formed and its members have developed a charter for consideration by the GNSO Council. The drafting team has submitted the charter and so the GNSO Council, having reviewed the charter, will vote on whether to approve it as submitted by the Drafting Team.
4.1 - Review motion 1
4.2 - Discussion
4.3 - Next steps
Voting threshold > Threshold: > ⅓ Both (3 CPH, 5 NCPH) or > ⅔ One (Approve PDP Team Charter for PDP within Scope).5 CPH, 9 NCPH)
Item 5: MOTION – Adoption of the Thick Whois Policy Development Process Final Report and Recommendations (10 mins)
The Final Report on Thick Whois has been prepared as required by the GNSO PDP in the ICANN Bylaws. The Final Report is based on the Initial Report of 21 June 2013 and has been updated to reflect the review and analysis of the Public Comments received by the Thick Whois Working Group, in addition to further deliberations. The report is submitted to the GNSO Council for its consideration. The conclusions and recommendations for next steps on the issues included in this PDP are outlined in Section 7 of the report.
5.1 - Review motion 2
5.2 - Discussion
5.3 – Next steps
Voting Threshold: >= ⅔ Both (5 CPH, 9 NCPH) OR >= ¾ One (4 CPH, 10 NCPH) AND > ½ One (4 CPH, 7 NCPH)
Item 6: MOTION – To approve a charter for the Standing Committee on GNSO Improvements Implementation (SCI) (10 mins)
The GNSO Council approved the original charter for the Standing Committee on GNSO Improvements Implementation (SCI) in 2011. Recently, the SCI determined that the Charter no longer reflected its current role as a standing committee, and furthermore did not contain procedures for selecting its Chair and Vice-Chair. The SCI requested guidance from the GNSO Council as to how to proceed with revisions to the Charter and at its meeting on 05 September 2013 the GNSO Council endorsed the SCI as a standing committee and further requested that the SCI proceed to revise the Charter as it may deem necessary, with the exception of the section on Decision Making. The SCI has since revised the Charter to reflect its role as a standing committee and to include procedures to select the Chair and Vice Chair.
6.1 - Review motion 3
6.2 - Discussion
6.3 - Next steps
Voting Threshold: >50% Both (CPH 4, NCPH 7)
Item 7: MOTION – A charter for the Privacy & Proxy Services Accreditation PDP WG (10 mins)
ICANN staff prepared a paper to summarise the outcomes of the 2013 Registrar Accreditation Agreement (RAA) negotiations in order to set the scene for subsequent associated policy development work to be managed by the Council. This is an ICANN Board initiated PDP. The staff paper contained a draft charter for the PDP WG and the Council has discussed this. Refinements to the charter have been proposed as has a title for the PDP WG. Here the Council needs to decide to move ahead with the revised draft charter prepared by staff or to institute a drafting team to revise and / or develop the PDP WG charter.
7.1 Motion 4
7.2 Discussion
7.2 Next stepsNext steps
Voting Threshold: > ⅓ Both (3 CPH, 5 NCPH) or > ⅔ (5 CPH, 9 NCPH) One
Item 8: INPUT & DISCUSSION – Prospective improvements to the Policy Development Process (10 mins)
8.1 – Review of table of prospective PDP Improvements(Marika Konings)
8.2 – Discussion
8.3 – Next steps
11.1 – Update (Wolf-Ulrich Knoben)
11.2 – Discussion
11.3 – Next steps