Content submission is divided in two sections. Contributions are invited on Internet Governance Principles and The Roadmap for the Further Evolution of the Internet Governance Ecosystem.
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When: Deadline for the content submission is March 1st
Character/word limitslimit: -Abstract: up to 500 characters -Keywords: up to 5 words -Content contribution: up to 10,000 characters with spaces Questions to consider: - Issues' statement (what are the issues?)
- Is there a forum or Internet Governance body that develops policy or technical outcomes involved in these issues?
- If there is, how and why are these issues not being adequately dealt with by that forum or organization?
- What are the possible responses to the challenges posed by these issues?
- How will the possible responses proposed ensure the stability, resilience and efficiency and also comply with principles of equitable multistakeholder participation, accountability, transparency and predictability?
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