¿Cómo se puede participar en la teleconferencia? Spanish Conference ID = 1738
Comment participer a cette teleconference? French Conference ID = 1838
Adopted Motions: EN
Decisions: EN
Transcript: EN, ES ES, FR, RU RU
AC Chat: EN
A G E N D A:
Standing Agenda Items
3. Review of outstanding Action Items from ICANN 59 requiring ALAC involvement - Alan Greenberg (3 minutes)
Statements approved by the ALAC
Statements in process: being drafted, in comment or in vote
Statements that seem to be stalled:
Public Comment requests to which the ALAC decided not to submit Statements
New Public Comment requests to which the ALAC needs to make decisions
Draft Framework for the Registry Operator to Respond to Security Threats (closes )
- RSEP for .vlaanderen and .brussels TLDs
- Total number of ALSes: 228 (in 101 countries)
- Recently certified ALSes: #266 Internet Society Capítulo Paraguay - LACRALO
- Recently decertified ALSes: None
- Applications currently being voted on: #262 Armenian Internet Traffic Exchange Foundation (ARMIX) - APRALO (re-confirmed to proceed to vote on 31 July)
- Applications pending: See At-Large Structure Applications and Certification Process
- Regional Advice awaited for: None
- Staff processing Due Diligence for: #267 Surabhi Softwares - APRALO, #268 - Fantsuam Foundation - AFRALO, #269 Habaka - AFRALO, #270 BSDCcongo - AFRALO
- Applications on hold: #210 ISOC Gambia - AFRALO (210) ISOC Gambia [PDF, 495 KB] Application suspended as per AFRALO Leadership, and advice from Internet Society to wait until further notice from ISOC, #112 Arab Regional ISPs & DSPs Association (ARISPA) - APRALO
- Recently certified Individual Members: Mahdi Taghizadeh - APRALO, Indrajit De - APRALO
- RALO ALS and Individual Orientation Calls: APRALO 19 June 2017; NARALO - TBD September 2017
6. Reports – Alan Greenberg (10 minutes)
See: At-Large Reports from WGs,
See: RALOs and Liaisons wiki page (now including CSC Liaison Report page)
See: ALAC Monthly Reports wiki page
Note: Usually, little discussion of these reports is scheduled for this meeting. Short comments calling attention to important issues are welcome. Any WG or RALO Chair/Liaison seeking to discuss his/her report in more detail is advised to inform the Chair in advance or if minimal time is required, add the item to AOB before adoption of the agenda.
8. At-Large Review - Completing the Feasibility Assessment and Implementation Plan - Holly Raiche, Cheryl Langdon-Orr and Alan Greenberg (20 minutes)
See: At-Large Workspace: At-Large Review Recommendations Feasibility Assessment & Implementation Plan
- Comments deadline for this pass: Sunday, 06 August 2017
11. ICANN 60 - Initial Planning - Alan Greenberg, Leon Sanchez and Gisella Gruber (10 minutes)
See: ICANN 60 - Abu Dhabi Meeting - October 2017
a. Initial themes and topics